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Geschrieben von Thorgrim am 23.08.2009 um 22:37:


Sowas kommt ja in England generell öfters vor großes Grinsen

Geschrieben von Punktepuker am 23.08.2009 um 23:06:


@ Dose: Das ist doch gar nicht wahr. Das sind nur Ausnahmen.
Wie dieser, dieserund dieser Vorfall beweisen!!! Und wehe du sagst jetzt was anderes Augenzwinkern

Geschrieben von the_shining am 24.08.2009 um 02:14:


Mann, wann werden endlich diese "Backups" erfunden? ugly

Geschrieben von obaobaboss am 25.08.2009 um 11:51:


Scheints ist jetzt das Höllenrad (oder wie das heisst) nun bestätigt.

Zitat GW-Homepage:
"Die Klanratten der Skaven sind mit gekerbten Klingen und gestohlenen Speeren bewaffnet und werden von riesigen Kriegsmaschinen von unglaublicher Macht unterstützt - diese reichen von den arkanen Technologien des Todesrades und der Warpblitzkanone bis zu der infernalischen Magie der Höllenglocke. Mit diesen maroden Kriegswaffen in ihrer Mitte sind die Skaven fürwahr ein beängstigender und tödlicher Feind."

Cool, fand das immer schon recht passend für die Nager großes Grinsen

Geschrieben von Yersinia pestis am 25.08.2009 um 12:27:



dann werde ich meines mal bald zusammenbauen!!

Geschrieben von Vlad am 25.08.2009 um 12:37:


Ich hab so ein Gefühl, dass die volle dreckig werden. ^^

Geschrieben von JimmyGrill am 25.08.2009 um 12:39:


ich auch traurig

die dämonen von 2009

Geschrieben von Yersinia pestis am 25.08.2009 um 12:47:


bei mir geht der Link von dir net Obr

Geschrieben von Brazork am 25.08.2009 um 12:57:


und danach kommen lame Khemris... rotes Gesicht

hab ich gehört rotes Gesicht

gell Vladdy? naughty

Geschrieben von Stormgarde am 25.08.2009 um 13:17:


Warpblitz mit nur mehr S4 fröhlich fröhlich fröhlich fröhlich

Geschrieben von obaobaboss am 25.08.2009 um 14:00:


@ Yersl:
Da steht auch nur das, was ich zitiert habe

Geschrieben von Yersinia pestis am 26.08.2009 um 18:54:



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Hatten wir das schon?

“There are four new boxes, plus some metal models and probably some repackaged old stuff.

Clanrats / Slaves
- plastic box of 20
- concept sketches by Jes Goodwin and Brian Nelson
- wear tattered robes and armour somewhat similar to LotR moria goblins
- the box may or may not contain parts to make weapon teams

- presumably a plastic box of 10

- plastic or metal box of 1
- smaller than the old version

Screaming Bell / unknown new war machine thingy
- plastic box, makes one or the other
- the bell variant comes with part of the church still attached
- it is unknown what the new war machine is, but given the structure of the screaming bell model, it would be logical to assume some sort of catapult. It is NOT a Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes

Deathmaster Snitch
- metal blister of 1
- jumping off a piece of scenery with a dagger in each hand (we will all be disappointed if he does not also have one in the tail)

“General info

Written by Jeremy Vetock, released November 2009. Major overhaul rulewise and modelwise. All the original fluff is there, the rules seem balanced and in no way over the top. Things that needed fixing were fixed, several new units have been added, interesting rules overall without any proliferation of special abilities for units.

One list flexible enough to make different flavours like Skryre, Eshin, Moulder, Pestilence and mixes thereof/other clans. A lot of new option, but not all accompanied by new models. New army wide rules, mainstay perhaps gone but maybe an additional +1CR for outnumbering (for a total of +2).

General model design close to original concepts and Warhammer Online concept art.

Skaven Magic is getting a big update, 13 spells in total and the highest casting cost of a single spell so far (even greater than Lord Kroak's spell). Might include a new big spell, perhaps the costy and complex summoning of a Vermin Lord or another transformation spell of a whole unit. All gray seers will know the skitterleap spell as standard. Grey Seer now knows all spells w unlimited Warpstones. Warplightning is S5 or S4 but it's only 1D6.



More than 5, probably less than 13 but not much, with army altering rules. From the known clans, including Queek from clan Mors. No Vermin Lord as character (but summoned with a spell??). Deathmaster Snikch gets new model. Other new character models as well.

Doomwheel as possible mount. Doomwheel get new plastic (more rumours) or metal model, smaller than the old one, perhaps just one wheel. Rat Ogre mount for Skaven Warlord.

Screaming bell mount for Grey Seer, gets new fantastic plastic kit (can also be made into a Warpfire launcher).

Master Moulder grants regeneration to any Moulder unit he joins.

Plague Priest may now be upgraded to Lv 2 and any pestilence unit he joins can never loses frenzy.

Sniper champion can pick out models to shoot.

Assassins as unit upgrades. Cheaper and weaker than DE assassins but with nice magic gear.


Clan rats
New plastic box. 20 rats for £20. Box also includes Slave models. Single rat maybe cheaper pointwise.

Can be made from new clan rat box. Lose slings.

Storm Vermin
New plastic box with 20 rats (limited?) for £30 , also 10 box?. Models quite big. Same points. No 0-1 restriction with a warlord. May move to special. Hand weapon, Halberd, shield and heavy armour as standard. May be upgraded with ratling gun, warpfire thrower and/or assassin like in DE army book. Storm banner gone.

Gutter Runners
No new models. Cheapers by perhaps 2 points.

Weapon Teams
A total of 5 different weapon teams (maybe including new ‘lightning gun’ weapon team, as warp lightning but in the shooting phase). Can hide in clan rat, stormvermin and nightrunner units, are forced out if an enemy unit gets in 10" reach or the hiding unit flees (-2 save). Ratling gun is D6 shots, S4 or S5 and shots 2D6 when panicked. Move and shoot unit. Modelwise either repackaging in boxes or included in clan rat box.

Plague Monks
Core at least under special circumstances. Have frenzy, hatred and poisoned attacks

Censer Bearers
14 points and upgrade to monk units instead of independent rare unit. Makes Plague Monks special unit then (if I understood the text correctly).

Giant rats
mixed unit with Rat Ogres, one Ogre per 12 rats. Without packmaster roll d6 every round: 1-3 stupid, 4-6 frenzied.
Rat Ogres cheaper, other stats and with weapon/ability upgrades. (I am not certain from the text whether Rat Ogres can also be taken without rats).

Poison Wind Globadiers
Now have d6 hits per ‘hit’. No new models.


0-1 unit, no skirmishers, but cheaper. No new models. S5AP not S6

Warp Lightning cannon
No new model. Follows normal war machine rules

Warpfire launcher
New plastic model included in Screaming bell kit.

giant, plague censer contraption
Big Clan Pestilence war machine, as seen on the cover

New big burrowing rat monster ("Hellpit abomination")
New metal model on chariot base. Can be configured cc or shooty. US5, regeneration, stubborn, causes terror, may tunnel and charge in any direction on turn it appears. Other units may follow tunnel, but may get eaten ”

Die Riesenratte wird es wirklich geben! mUAHHHHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!

großes Grinsen großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

Geschrieben von obaobaboss am 26.08.2009 um 19:02:


nicht zu früh freuen, Ratterich.

Glaub nicht, dass jetzt auf ein Stoß plötzlich das alles durchgesickert ist

Geschrieben von obaobaboss am 28.08.2009 um 10:34:


keine Ahnung wie glaubwürdig, aber für mich klingen die doch recht solide

Ich habe da schon ein paar mal drauf hingewiesen... nun hat es sich mal gelohnt...

Auf underempire konnte man folgendes erbeuten:

"hi, i just registered here. i have some 100 percent info on new thigs so let me clarify:

5 weapon teams ( one hand to hand combat machine, thing powered by warp engine with lots of blades on it- impact hits plus more from blades. v. good armour save as well for the team due to machine being big)

poisoned wind mortar- move and fore weapon, just like posioned wind globes but higher range obviously (24 inches if remember correctly)

ratling cannon (slightly changed rules)

warpfire thrower

some sort of warp drill , add to clan eshin units if you want them to do tunelling (gutter runers and night runners)

vermin lord is back, as a lord choice

few new characters plus all the old ones still on

(most as lord choices)

doomwheels is back but you already know that

new monster (proper bad ass as wel! clan moulder mutated stuff)

plague catapult (low strenght hits but no armour saves from them)

plague furnace (on base of screaming bell, basically giant censer pushed by plague monks with impact hits as well and poisoned fumes etc.)

night runners dont have skirmish anymore, but can get team to dig tunels for them and can also march before begining of the battle

massive rat or special ratogre mount for warlord

new spells (13 all together, some only for clan pestilence)

jezzails S5 but no 0-1 restriction as somebody was mentioning.

warplock pistols and muskets as an option for every character

thats it so far. ask me if you got questions."

cheers. "

Einige Sachen sind mir zumindest neu, z.b. der Drill, andere werden irgendwie immer wieder wiederholt, wie z. B. die gr. Seuchenschleuder welche sogar ge-Harryt worden ist^^...

Es erwarten uns spannende Wochen....

(Auf der Site ist noch weitaus mehr, nur hab ich einfach keinen Bock daraus eine riesige Zusammenfassung zu erstellen^^....druffgucken!)

Geschrieben von Yersinia pestis am 28.08.2009 um 10:44:


großes Grinsen die werden soooooooo Lame!!!!

Geschrieben von Punktepuker am 28.08.2009 um 15:09:


Hmmm das sieht tatsächlich lame aus. großes Grinsen

Geschrieben von Brazork am 28.08.2009 um 15:21:


Kommt nicht an Khemri ran. DIE sind lame. rotes Gesicht

Geschrieben von Kurl Veranek am 29.08.2009 um 09:54:


OMG ich glaub langsam kanns nicht mehr Lamer werden:

"NR still LD 6, that makes them 9 with 3 ranks, yes -yes

still movement 6 and will be able to charge after leaving a tunnel. there is still some possibility of distaster, but dont know exactly how its gona work.

magic items: not that much info but storm banner is still on plus some new banners (no details yet).
stormvermin will be able to get baners for 50 pts, but dont know about fear banner if its still there or not.

there are going to be some scriolls, but some of them will be restricted to certain clans

skalm 30 pts

RO do not suffer from stupidity anymore.
40 pts per model plus 8 per packmaster , they have frenzy and champion( plus 15 pts) has WS4 and 4 attacks. master moulder coutns as champion in the unit, not a s a hero choice. RO are frenzied troops now.

WLC will be as RARE choice and 90pts.

SV they have WS4, Str 3 and halberd included, only shields are optional, but they can have magic banner and their leader an have cheap skaven equipment as an option as well (up to 15 points worth i think) 7pts base.

Magic- untill i find out more, i can tell you tha there is gona be 13 spells- divided into two groups (6 for warlocks/grey seers and 6 for plague priests etc) plus mighty 13th spell (proper kick ass!). Magic users are warlocks, grey seers and plague priests.

as for lords:
ikit claw, lord scrolk, thanquol and boneripper, throt the unclean plus new ( i think) powerful warlord( good against dwarfs etc)-Queek.

heroes: snikch, some other commando type of character (leads skaven raiders in bacground stories)

nightrunners without skirmish defo, but can make one normal movement before the battle starts plus can have tunneling weapon team added (so can be a tuneling team)

Gutterrunners have +6 ward save

Strength in numbers stay, still plus 1 when fleeing, characters can refuse a challenge but the unti they are in can still use their LD, life is cheap rule applies only to slaves as far as i know,

Clanrat basic cost 4 points

Plague monks are special choice, unless you got lord scrolk, then they can be core units.
nightrunners will not have a skirmish option either, unless they will change something in the last moment. so far it looks like they will cost 7 points, with two weapons and throwing stars included.

Warplighting cannon will shoot balls of warp energy like cannon, including bouncing etc. you place small template and everything that it passes and where it ends is hit. strenght still random, no armour saves and D6 wound from each unsaved hit.

As for magic warp lightning does only D6 hits now and if you roll 1, then caster suffers a hit instead. there is definitely couple of new spells as well including one that stops fliers from flying and gives minus 1 BS to all enemy shooting units.

Jezzails will be S6, sorry for earlier confusion."

Geschrieben von Stormgarde am 29.08.2009 um 10:01:


Naja Lame...

Weniger Plänkler, schwächere Warpblitze, nur das NR tnneln dürfen mit nem Team und der tunnelnde Varghulf sind heftig

Geschrieben von Kaisavokina am 29.08.2009 um 10:56:


heftig, heftig..

Ich sehs so- das Infanteriekonzeptohne ohne viel Beschuss ist auch jetzt relativ gut, mit den neuen AB bekommt man sogar noch rasende Rattenoger ohne Blödheit für 40 (!) und die Schattenläufer vmit ihrer Extrabewegung sind auch solide UmlenkerDann noch das komische Werkl das impact hits macht- kann ungut werden in einem Block Sturmratten..

Dann noch die Tunnler- speziell gegen armeen die keine Angst verursachen ziemlich übel..- Imperium wird da nix zum lachen haben, Elfenvölker auch net..

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