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Thema: KF #740: It was summertime when the weather was high at the KF (07.07.2022)

Antworten: 25
Hits: 2.644
07.07.2022 12:56 Forum: Killing Fields

I will come today just to see how it looks smile next time will try to write faster to find someone for a game. Will be without miniatures as I saw that only two of you are playing 9th age today. See you smile
Thema: KF #740: It was summertime when the weather was high at the KF (07.07.2022)

Antworten: 25
Hits: 2.644
05.07.2022 15:53 Forum: Killing Fields

Oh you uare right, of course I mean thursday großes Grinsen
Thema: KF #740: It was summertime when the weather was high at the KF (07.07.2022)

Antworten: 25
Hits: 2.644
05.07.2022 15:30 Forum: Killing Fields

Hi anyone for t9a tomorrow 4500pts? Sorry for late post smile
Thema: Hey Leute!

Antworten: 31
Hits: 7.548
18.05.2022 12:00 Forum: Für neue User und Gäste

Mainly DE,DL Augenzwinkern Good to know that someone is here, for now i only bring part of my DL army but i think i can get 4500pts, do you have whats up or fb group or smthing?

I speak very bad german by now, but want to learn.
Thema: Hey Leute!

Antworten: 31
Hits: 7.548
18.05.2022 10:55 Forum: Für neue User und Gäste

Spielt jemand im 9th age in Tirol bei Innsbruck?
I have moved to Tyrol last week and looking for players smile
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