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Daggi Daggi ist männlich
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Dabei seit: 08.09.2008
Beiträge: 13.628
Herkunft: Rinn
Armeen: Papier, Stein und Schere

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rotes Gesicht

Der Dachs ist ein weiser und treuer Gefährte des Fuchses. Er war es, der den Eid der Tiere aussprach und den Fuchs als Anführer wählte, obwohl diesen Part eigentlich die Eule übernehmen wollte. Während der Abwesenheit des Fuchses, übernahm der Dachs die Aufgabe des Anführers. Er ist besonnen, friedfertig, wird von fast allen mit viel Respekt behandelt und ruft die Tiere bei Streitereien oft zu Raison und Zusammenhalt auf.

25.07.2022 14:13 Daggi ist offline E-Mail an Daggi senden Beiträge von Daggi suchen Nehmen Sie Daggi in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Brazork Brazork ist männlich


Dabei seit: 18.05.2005
Beiträge: 21.634
Herkunft: Innsbruck
Armeen: Chaos, Khemri, Grünhäute, Oger, Imperium

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Daniel Schaefer - Ogre Khans
560 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour, Lance, Hunting Spear, Rock Aurochs, General, Wildheart
460 - Mammoth Hunter, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Paired Weapons, Hunting Spear, Talisman of
Shielding, Cult Leader, Leader of the Pack
445 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour (Wrestler's Belt), Iron Fist, Hunting Spear, Trolleater, Leader of the Pack
335 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons, Hunting Spear, Leader of the Pack
166 - 21 Scraplings, Bow, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
166 - 21 Scraplings, Bow, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
166 - 21 Scraplings, Bow, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
166 - 21 Scraplings, Bow, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
253 - 8 Sabretooth Tigers
180 - 2 Yetis, Champion
180 - 2 Yetis, Champion
180 - 2 Yetis, Champion
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
490 - Rock Aurochs, Lance
310 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon
270 - Slave Giant, Iron Fist

Frederick - Dread Elves
705 - Beastmaster, Imperious Dragon, Great Weapon, Beastmaster's Whistle
545 - Silexian Officer, General, Manticore (Extraordinary Specimen), Shield, Death Cheater, Lance (Transcendence)
510 - Silexian Officer, Manticore (Extraordinary Specimen), Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Alchemist's Alloy, Lance, Talisman of
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
190 - 5 Shadow Riders, Champion
190 - 5 Shadow Riders, Champion
190 - 5 Shadow Riders, Champion
440 - 3 Gorgons, Halberd
300 - 5 Dread Knights, Lance
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
290 - 3 Thunder Pack

Glen Weston - Infernal Dwarves
720 - Overlord, General, Great Bull of Shamut, Great Weapon (Cleansing Light), Paired Weapons (Supernatural Dexterity), Crown
of the Wizard King, Lightning Vambraces
510 - Prophet, Prophet of Shamut, Bull of Shamut, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Essence of Mithril, Paired Weapons (Hero's Heart)
505 - Taurukh Commissioner, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Willow's Ward), Death Cheater, Infernal Weapon (Shield Breaker)
602 - 24 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician, Champion
592 - 24 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
607 - 5 Taurukh Anointed, Infernal Weapon, Shield, Musician, Champion
490 - 10 Taurukh Enforcers, Infernal Weapon, Shield, Blunderbuss, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
470 - Infernal Engine, Rock Crusher

Kumbum - Empire of Sonnstahl
695 - Marshal, General, Dragon, Obsidian Rock, Imperial Prince
300 - Marshal, Pegasus, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Dusk Forged), Lance, Basalt Infusion
380 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Alchemy
225 - Wizard, Great Griffon, Wizard Apprentice, Cosmology, Dragon Staff
200 - Wizard, Great Griffon, Wizard Apprentice, Divination
361 - 37 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
200 - 5 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Lance, Musician, Champion
200 - 5 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Lance, Musician, Champion
200 - 5 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Lance, Musician, Champion
130 - 10 State Militia, Irregulars
130 - 10 State Militia, Irregulars
577 - 6 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
155 - 5 Reiters, Pistol
240 - Artillery, Cannon
500 - Steam Tank

Marius Maertens - Warriors of the Dark Gods
710 - Chosen Lord, General, Black Steed, Trophy Rack, Shield, Hellforged Armour (Death Cheater), Paired Weapons (Touch of
Greatness), Immortal Gauntlets, Wrath, Idol of Spite
460 - Chosen Lord, Shield (Willow's Ward), Hellforged Armour (Basalt Infusion), Hand Weapon (Symbol of Slaughter), Lust,
Daemonic Wings
295 - Barbarian Chief, Shadow Chaser, Heavy Armour (Thrice-Forged), Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker)
290 - Barbarian Chief, Shadow Chaser, Shield (Dusk Forged), Heavy Armour (Ghostly Guard), Light Lance
484 - 14 Warriors, Lust, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
300 - 10 Barbarian Horsemen, Great Weapon, Shield, Standard Bearer (Wasteland Torch), Musician, Champion
119 - 8 Warhounds
380 - 3 Feldraks, Halberd, Musician
355 - Battleshrine, Icon of the Infinite
355 - Battleshrine, Icon of the Infinite
300 - 5 Warrior Knights, Lance, Musician
295 - 5 Chosen, Halberd, Lust
155 - 5 Flayers

Sam Weston - Vermin Swarm
555 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate,
Caelysian Pantheon
255 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Orator's Toga, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
325 - Bloodfur Legate, Praetorian Brute, Essence of Mithril, Paired Weapons (Hero's Heart), Crown of Autocracy
310 - Bloodfur Legate, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
265 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Crown of the Wizard King, Cowl of the Apostate
554 - 43 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
554 - 43 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
335 - 40 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Flaming Standard)
485 - 10 Fetthis Brutes, Champion
485 - 10 Fetthis Brutes, Champion
375 - 4 Murmillo Brutes, Halberd and Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard

Toughnutt - Kingdom of Equitaine
695 - Equitan Lord, General, Pegasus Charger, Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Percival's Panoply, Black Knight's Tabard,
Dragonfire Gem, Sainted, Valour
575 - Equitan Lord, Hippogriff, Shield, Lance (Divine Judgement), Basalt Infusion, Paladin, Honour
530 - Equitan Lord, Hippogriff, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Lance (Cleansing Light), Ghostly Guard, Rod of Battle, Faith
585 - 12 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Banner of Roland)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Relic Shroud)
550 - 12 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)
625 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Druidism)
355 - Fey Knight, Warden of the Hooded Man

foodmonster1 - Vampire Covenant
935 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (Eternal Duellist), Spectral Steed, Wizard
Adept, Occultism, Shield, Plate Armour (Death Cheater), Paired Weapons, Halberd, Great Weapon, Lance, Eternity Gem
845 - Vampire Count, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (Eternal Duellist), Spectral Steed, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Shield,
Plate Armour (Legend of the Black King), Hand Weapon (True Thirst), Dragonfire Gem, Lucky Charm
575 - 40 Ghouls, Champion
142 - 23 Zombies, Musician
138 - 22 Zombies, Musician
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
105 - 3 Great Bats
105 - 3 Great Bats
80 - 5 Dire Wolves
706 - 6 Vampire Knights, Blood Ties, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
599 - 5 Vampire Knights, Blood Ties, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion

Berti - Dwarven Holds
680 - King, General, War Throne, Rune of Iron, Rune of the Forge, Hand Weapon (Rune of Destruction, Rune of Might, Rune of
Craftsmanship), Rune of Readiness, Rune of Mining
390 - Thane, Shield Bearers, Battle Standard Bearer, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Iron, Hand Weapon (Rune of Craftsmanship, 2x
Rune of Lightning)
190 - Anvil of Power
545 - 20 Greybeards, Shield, Vanguard, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Wisdom), Musician, Champion
307 - 12 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
286 - 11 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
475 - 20 King's Guard, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Wisdom), Musician, Champion
420 - 20 Deep Watch, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Wisdom), Musician, Champion
250 - 10 Miners, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Musician
237 - 13 Forge Wardens, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
215 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs
215 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs
145 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon (Rune Crafted)
145 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon (Rune Crafted)

Cleaner - Empire of Sonnstahl
550 - Prelate, Altar of Battle, Great Weapon, Plate Armour (Ghostly Guard), Lucky Charm
420 - Wizard, Arcane Engine (Arcane Shield), Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy)
265 - Wizard, Wizard Adept, Divination, Binding Scroll
330 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield, Cavalry Pick (Titanic Might), Winter Cloak
195 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Blacksteel
475 - 10 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders (Cavalry Pick), Standard Bearer (Household Standard), Musician, Champion
270 - 30 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
230 - 15 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Standard Bearer, Champion
150 - 10 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
515 - 30 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
180 - 5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols
180 - 5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols
240 - Artillery, Cannon
500 - Steam Tank

DaRaphi - Infernal Dwarves
555 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Lugar, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Shield, Hand Weapon (Hero's Heart), Rod of Battle
370 - Prophet, Prophet of Lugar, Kadim Chariot, Wizard Apprentice, Occultism, Shield, Great Weapon, Breath of the Brass Bull
315 - Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Blaze of Protection, Great Weapon, Golden Idol of Shamut
566 - 24 Citadel Guard, Pistol and Spear, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
566 - 24 Citadel Guard, Pistol and Spear, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
558 - 23 Immortals, Infernal Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
310 - 7 Taurukh Enforcers, Infernal Weapon, Shield, Musician, Standard Bearer
290 - Infernal Artillery, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

Kathal - Beast Herds
550 - Beast Lord, General, Razortusk Chariot, Shield, Heavy Armour (Death Cheater), Beast Axe (Fatal Folly)
535 - Beast Lord, Razortusk Chariot, Light Armour (Aaghor's Affliction), Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions)
405 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Evocation
300 - Beast Chieftain, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Great Weapon
315 - 3 Raiding Chariots
245 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons and Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician,
245 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons and Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician,
95 - 11 Mongrel Raiders
568 - 29 Longhorn Herd, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide
165 - 10 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Halberd, Musician
165 - 10 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Halberd, Musician
540 - 14 Centaurs, Lance, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Champion (Totem Bearer (Black Wing
105 - Raiding Chariots
105 - Raiding Chariots
80 - 5 Feral Hounds
80 - 5 Feral Hounds

Zwei - Saurian Ancients
935 - Cuatl Lord, General, Divination, Battle Standard Bearer (Rending Banner, Banner of Speed), Magical Heirloom, Sceptre of
Power, Symbiosis, Grasp of the Immortal
730 - Skink Priest, Taurosaur (Engine of the Ancients), Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Starfall Shard
564 - 24 Saurian Warriors, Spear, Crocodile, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
516 - 24 Saurian Warriors, Crocodile, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
706 - 26 Temple Guard, Standard Bearer (Totem of Mixoatl), Musician, Champion
255 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback
160 - Weapon Beasts, Salamander
160 - Weapon Beasts, Salamander
470 - Taurosaur, Great Bow

gonzo - Sylvan Elves
525 - Forest Prince, Elven Horse with Light Troops, Shield, Light Armour (Curse of the Black Stag), Elven Cloak, Lance (Blessed
Inscriptions), Talisman of Shielding, Wild Hunter
385 - Druid, General, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Sylvan Longbow
215 - Druid, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Sylvan Longbow
310 - Thicket Shepherd, Battle Standard Bearer, Oaken Crown
445 - 20 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
445 - 20 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
236 - 17 Forest Guard, Elven Cloak and Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
468 - 5 Thicket Beasts, Champion
449 - 24 Forest Rangers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
430 - 9 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Lance, Champion
280 - 5 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Lance
155 - 5 Sylvan Sentinels, Sylvan Blades
155 - 5 Sylvan Sentinels, Sylvan Blades

nighti - Highborn Elves
510 - Mage, Wizard Master, Cosmology, 2x Binding Scroll
480 - Mage, General, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Talisman of the Void, Obsidian Rock
485 - Commander, Longbow, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Becalming, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Master of Canreig Tower
340 - 20 Citizen Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
230 - 15 Citizen Archers, Musician
185 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow
185 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow
185 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow
410 - 7 Knights of Ryma, Musician, Champion
410 - 7 Knights of Ryma, Musician, Champion
360 - 15 Flame Wardens, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
360 - 15 Flame Wardens, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
360 - 15 Flame Wardens, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion

stifado - Orcs and Goblins
470 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Cave Goblin and 2 × Power 'Shroom, Wizard Master and +1 Health Point, Thaumaturgy, Magical
Heirloom, Potion of Strength
330 - Goblin King, Common Goblin, Wolf, Shield (Dusk Forged), Heavy Armour (Ghostly Guard), Hand Weapon (Hero's Heart),
Dragonfire Gem
205 - Goblin King, General (+1 Discipline), Common Goblin, Light Armour, Binding Scroll, Crown of Autocracy
225 - Goblin Chief, Common Goblin, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Crown of the Cavern King
300 - 30 Goblins, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Shield, Bow, 3x Shady Gits, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless
Company), Musician, Champion
260 - 30 Goblins, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Shield, Bow, 3x Shady Gits, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
260 - 30 Goblins, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Shield, Bow, 3x Shady Gits, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
170 - 20 Goblins, Forest Goblin, Shield, Creepers, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Champion
145 - 8 Goblin Raiders, Forest Goblin
487 - 7 Trolls, Cave Troll
445 - 7 Trolls, Bridge Troll
130 - 5 Gnasher Dashers
130 - Gnasher Wrecking Team
130 - Gnasher Wrecking Team
150 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer
150 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer
255 - Giant, Wrecking Ball
255 - Giant, Wrecking Ball

Artur - Kingdom of Equitaine
685 - Equitan Lord, General, Pegasus Charger, Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Percival's Panoply, Black Knight's Tabard,
Lucky Charm, Sainted, Valour
490 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Master, Divination, Binding Scroll
340 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Heavy Armour, Crown of the Wizard King,
Cleric, Bannerman
570 - 14 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Relic Shroud)
300 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
260 - 8 Ordo Sergeants, Light Lance, Champion (Ordo Minister)
685 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
535 - 5 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer
365 - 3 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons

IHDarklord - Infernal Dwarves
555 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Nezibkesh, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Flintlock Axe, Tablet of Vezodinezh, Obsidian Rock
185 - Prophet, Prophet of Shamut, Taurukh Ritual, Wizard Apprentice, Occultism, Shield, Infernal Weapon
440 - Vizier, Bull of Shamut, Shield (Kadim Binding), Basalt Infusion, Flintlock Axe (Eye of the Bull), Lugar's Dice
320 - Vizier, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Alchemist's Alloy, Hand Weapon (Flame
of the East), Mask of Ages
215 - Vassal Conjurer, Vassal Steed, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy
520 - 20 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
475 - 23 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion
130 - 20 Shackled Slaves, Shield, Musician
532 - 12 Taurukh Enforcers, Infernal Weapon, Shield, Blunderbuss, Champion, Musician
330 - Infernal Bastion
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
200 - 5 Vassal Cavalry

SmithF - Beast Herds
540 - Beast Lord, Razortusk Chariot, Shield, Heavy Armour (Basalt Infusion), Beast Axe (Fatal Folly), Talisman of Shielding
380 - Beast Lord, General (Hunting Call), Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Crown of Horns
540 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Druidism, Dark Rain, Binding Scroll
335 - Centaur Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Paired Weapons (Cleansing
385 - 40 Wildhorn Herd, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide
315 - 3 Raiding Chariots
104 - 8 Feral Hounds
100 - 10 Mongrel Raiders, Champion
432 - 11 Centaurs, Lance, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Champion (Totem Bearer (Black Wing Totem))
406 - 13 Centaurs, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Blooded Horn Totem))
259 - 3 Minotaurs, Great Weapon, Champion
259 - 3 Minotaurs, Great Weapon, Champion
155 - 10 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Halberd
155 - 10 Longhorn Herd, Ambush, Halberd
135 - 5 Gargoyles

Strauss13 - Ogre Khans
560 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Iron Fist, Binding Scroll, Magical Heirloom
495 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Khagadai's Legacy), Brace of Ogre Pistols, Rottenjaw
355 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse), Cult Leader
589 - 11 Tribesmen, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
160 - 3 Tribesmen, Musician
220 - 3 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
160 - 3 Tribesmen, Musician
618 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Gyengget), Musician, Champion
561 - 5 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Plate Armour, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician,
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
315 - Thunder Cannon
380 - Frost Mammoth, Hunting Spear, Hunting Spear

Talandria - Sylvan Elves
600 - Forest Prince, Great Elk, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Obsidian Rock, Wild Hunter
430 - Druid, General, Wizard Master, Druidism, Magical Heirloom
330 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Spear (Hunter's Honour), Blade Dancer
445 - 20 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
235 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
235 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
210 - 5 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters, Champion
466 - 13 Blade Dancers, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Champion
440 - 8 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Lance, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Champion
375 - 20 Forest Rangers, Musician, Champion
190 - 5 Briar Maidens
190 - 5 Briar Maidens
175 - 5 Pathfinders
175 - 5 Pathfinders

Valmir53 - Vermin Swarm
535 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Obsidian Rock, Dragon Staff, Holy Triumvirate,
Caelysian Pantheon
295 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
315 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
275 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Binding Scroll, Cowl of the Apostate
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
450 - 55 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
415 - 50 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Bell of the Deep
380 - 50 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
290 - 25 Blackfur Veterans, Bloodfur Praetorians, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Banner of
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
210 - Vermin Artillery, Rakachit Mauss Rifle
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Deepfire Thrower
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Canister Launcher

Yilmi - Empire of Sonnstahl
430 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Magical Heirloom
375 - Prelate, Horse, Paired Weapons (King Slayer), Plate Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Locket of Sunna
375 - Inquisitor, Horse and Light Troops, Shield (Dusk Forged), Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches), Blessed Steel
300 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield, Lance, 2x Binding Scroll
280 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Blacksteel, Lucky Charm, Great Tactician
480 - 10 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders (Cavalry Pick), Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
248 - 17 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
234 - 16 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
170 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Musician
417 - 23 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
269 - 8 Reiters, Repeater Gun
90 - 5 Imperial Rangers
90 - 5 Imperial Rangers
240 - Artillery, Cannon
500 - Steam Tank

tcho - Daemon Legions
1000 - Miser of Sugulag, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Evocation, Mirrored Scales, Unnatural Roots
755 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Iron Husk, Chitinous Scales
306 - 11 Succubi, Chilling Yawn, Musician, Champion
303 - 12 Succubi, Mesmerising Plumage, Musician, Champion
270 - 11 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
255 - 10 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
360 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher, Divining Snout
360 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher, Divining Snout
320 - Blazing Glory
205 - 5 Sirens
366 - 3 Bloat Flies, Unhinging Jaw, Champion

Alex Harrison - Infernal Dwarves
575 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Lugar, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Great Weapon, Tablet of Vezodinezh, Ring of Desiccation
470 - Prophet, Prophet of Lugar, Kadim Chariot, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Shield (Kadim Binding), Great Weapon, Binding Scroll,
Potion of Strength
345 - Vizier, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer (Icon of Ashuruk), Blunderbuss, Infernal Weapon, Golden Idol of
Shamut, Dragon Staff
475 - 20 Citadel Guard, Pistol and Spear, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
270 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Vassal Chieftain
240 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)
140 - 20 Shackled Slaves, Paired Weapons
590 - 6 Kadim Incarnates, Champion
454 - 17 Disciples of Lugar, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake
410 - Infernal Engine, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry

Douglas Lamb - Beast Herds
545 - Beast Lord, General, Razortusk Chariot, Light Armour (Trickster's Cunning), Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Talisman
of Shielding
405 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Druidism
340 - Beast Chieftain, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great
315 - 3 Raiding Chariots
205 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons and Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Musician
104 - 8 Feral Hounds
104 - 8 Feral Hounds
90 - 10 Mongrel Raiders
90 - 10 Mongrel Raiders
618 - 34 Longhorn Herd, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
465 - 15 Centaurs, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Champion
259 - 3 Minotaurs, Great Weapon, Champion
480 - Gortach
480 - Gortach

James Wroot - Dread Elves
515 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Witchcraft, 2x Binding Scroll
425 - Temple Exarch, General, Divination, War Smith, Great Weapon, Ring of the Obsidian Thrones, Obsidian Rock
438 - 24 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
438 - 24 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
180 - 10 Raiding Party, Corsair
710 - 30 Judicators, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Caedhren's Pennon)
440 - 3 Gorgons, Halberd
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
190 - Raptor Chariot, Lance
190 - Raptor Chariot, Lance
190 - Raptor Chariot, Lance

Lawrence Mathes - Dwarven Holds
410 - Dragon Seeker, Paired Weapons (Rune of Smashing, 2x Rune of Quickening), Monster Seeker
370 - Dragon Seeker, Paired Weapons (Rune of Quickening, Rune of Penetration, Rune of Fire), Monster Seeker
285 - Engineer, General (Ancestral Memory), Shield, Wyrm-Slayer Rocket, Rune of Denial
313 - 13 Greybeards, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Musician, Champion
235 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun
225 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Crossbow and Great Weapon
185 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Crossbow
175 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Vanguard, Musician
508 - 21 Seekers, Vanguard, Musician, Champion
365 - 14 Seekers, Brothers of Vengeance, Vanguard, Champion
298 - 12 Miners, Shield, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Musician
125 - Vengeance Seeker
215 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs
180 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
315 - Field Artillery, Organ Gun (Rune Crafted)
295 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Catapult (Rune Crafted)

Matt Lau - Sylvan Elves
645 - Avatar of Nature, Entangling Vines
440 - Druid, General, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sylvan Longbow, Binding Scroll
115 - Druid, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism
300 - Chieftain, Elven Horse with Light Troops, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Shield, Light Armour, Elven
Cloak, Sylvan Longbow, Lance, Dragonfire Gem
280 - Dryad Ancient, Wizard Adept, Divination, Toxic Spores
411 - 18 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
235 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
352 - 20 Dryads, Scoring, Champion
175 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Musician
440 - 8 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Lance, Standard Bearer (Banner of Silent Mist), Champion
440 - 8 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Lance, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Champion
316 - 6 Briar Maidens, Champion
175 - 5 Pathfinders
175 - 5 Pathfinders

Mike Bondy - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald, General
770 - Feldrak Ancestor, Paired Weapons (Supernatural Dexterity)
350 - Sorcerer, Dark Chariot, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Plate Armour, Obsidian Rock
690 - 20 Warriors, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Zealots' Banner), Musician, Champion
230 - 10 Barbarian Horsemen, Musician
760 - 5 Chosen Knights, Sloth, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
360 - Chosen Chariot, Lust
305 - Marauding Giant, Monstrous Familiar
175 - 5 Flayers, Skinning Lash

Mike Mikus - Kingdom of Equitaine
740 - Equitan Lord, General, Hippogriff, Shield, Bastard Sword (Tristan's Resolve), Prayer-Etched, Black Knight's Tabard, Sainted,
425 - Equitan Lord, Destrier, Battle Standard Bearer, Halberd (Mortal Reminder), Percival's Panoply, Justice
485 - Damsel, Fey Steed, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Binding Scroll
570 - 15 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
685 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
585 - 5 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed)
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Druidism)

Ryan Freiburger - Daemon Legions
965 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Divination, Iron Husk, Chitinous Scales
815 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Living Shield
585 - 22 Myrmidons, Piercing Spike, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
285 - 12 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
255 - 10 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
415 - Hope Harvester, Engine of Damnation
360 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher, Divining Snout
320 - Blazing Glory
290 - 3 Hoarders, Standard Bearer, Musician
205 - 5 Sirens

Alessandro Vivaldi - Daemon Legions
945 - Miser of Sugulag, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Living Shield
815 - Sentinel of Nukuja, Dark Pulpit, Divination, Guiding Mirrored Scales, Living Shield
655 - 25 Lemures, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
472 - 19 Myrmidons, Unhinging Jaw, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
789 - 6 Hoarders, Chitinous Scales, Mirrored Scales, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
650 - 5 Hoarders, Chitinous Scales, Mirrored Scales, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
170 - 5 Furies

CazaLet - Sylvan Elves
490 - Druid, General, Eagle King, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Sylvan Longbow, Binding Scroll
490 - Druid, Eagle King, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sylvan Longbow, Binding Scroll
335 - Chieftain, Elven Horse with Light Troops, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Elven Cloak,
Sylvan Longbow, Lance, Horn of the Wild Hunt, Potion of Strength
333 - 14 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
333 - 14 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
303 - 14 Sylvan Archers, Musician
175 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Musician
515 - 10 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Champion
500 - 10 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Champion
466 - 9 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Champion
278 - 8 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer
278 - 8 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer

Fer piloto - Kingdom of Equitaine
795 - Equitan Lord, Hippogriff, Shield (Fortress of Faith), Bastard Sword (Tristan's Resolve), Basalt Infusion, Black Knight's
Tabard, Potion of Swiftness, Paladin, Sainted, Excellence
300 - Equitan Lord, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Legion Standard), Halberd (Supernatural Dexterity), Essence of
Mithril, Lucky Charm, Generosity
435 - Damsel, General, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Binding Scroll
230 - Damsel, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Sacred Chalice
430 - 40 Lowborn Levies, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
375 - 30 Lowborn Archers, Longbow and Expert Bowmen, Prepared Position, Champion, Musician
330 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Relic Shroud)
655 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion (Knight Banneret), Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
635 - 9 Knights Penitent, Champion (Ordo Minister and Orison), Musician, Standard Bearer
175 - Sacred Reliquary
140 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons, Shield

Filip Najman - Vermin Swarm
490 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Obsidian Rock, Caelysian Pantheon
485 - Ruinous Dictator, General, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Pontifex Maximus, Avatar of Acratos
315 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
195 - Bloodfur Legate, Essence of Mithril, Halberd (Swarm Master)
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
502 - 39 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
327 - 37 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Stalker's Standard)
226 - 26 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
170 - 40 Vermin Slaves, Tunnelling Tools, Musician
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
80 - Legionary Drill Team
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
210 - Vermin Artillery, Rakachit Mauss Rifle
185 - Vermin Artillery, Skorchit Ordnance
185 - Vermin Artillery, Skorchit Ordnance
290 - Stygian Earthbreaker

Giladis - Highborn Elves
680 - High Prince, General, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Spear (Sliver of the Blazing Dawn), Obsidian Rock, Master of
Canreig Tower (High Prince must gain 3 additional Learned Spells)
300 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Heavy Armour (Protection of Dorac), Great Weapon (Supernatural
Dexterity), Royal Huntsman
450 - 12 Highborn Lancers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
450 - 12 Highborn Lancers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
244 - 16 Citizen Archers, Musician
535 - 24 Sword Masters, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
535 - 24 Sword Masters, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
535 - 24 Sword Masters, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
100 - Giant Eagles
100 - Giant Eagles
190 - Sea Guard Reaper
190 - Sea Guard Reaper
190 - Sea Guard Reaper

Kaj "Chosen of Sigmar" Geenen - Vampire Covenant
755 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Lamia Bloodline (Commandment), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Light Armour
(Destiny's Call), Halberd (King Slayer), Night's Crown, Dragonfire Gem
515 - Necromancer, Wizard Master, Evocation, Necromantic Staff, Binding Scroll
190 - Necromancer, Wizard Apprentice, Alchemy, Magical Heirloom, Crown of Autocracy
145 - Banshee
145 - Banshee
470 - 50 Skeletons, Halberd, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
255 - 30 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
134 - 21 Zombies, Musician
380 - Court of the Damned, Aegis
325 - Varkolak
325 - Varkolak
325 - Varkolak
265 - 3 Vampire Knights, Musician, Champion

Kibus1 - Saurian Ancients
645 - Cuatl Lord, General, Alchemy, Battle Standard Bearer, Trained from Birth, Symbiosis
540 - Skink Priest, Taurosaur (Great Bow), Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism, Spirit of the Stampede
310 - Skink Priest, Skink Palanquin, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Sun Tablet
270 - Saurian Veteran, Shield (Willow's Ward), Light Armour, Spear (Glory of the Dawn Age)
750 - 30 Saurian Warriors, Spear, Serpent, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
155 - 16 Skink Braves, Shield, Musician, Champion
580 - 8 Caimans, Halberd, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
388 - 5 Rhamphodon Riders, Shield, Champion
388 - 5 Rhamphodon Riders, Shield, Champion
470 - Taurosaur, Great Bow

Mr.Gobbo - Orcs and Goblins
545 - Orc Warlord, General, Iron Orc, War Boar, Shield (Dusk Forged), Plate Armour, Hand Weapon (Omen of the Apocalypse),
Dragonfire Gem
500 - Orc Shaman, Feral Orc, War Boar, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Paired Weapons, Magical Heirloom
140 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Goblin Wolf Chariot, Wizard Apprentice, Pyromancy
140 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Goblin Wolf Chariot, Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft
455 - 40 Orcs, Common Orc, Bow, Shield, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
455 - 40 Orcs, Common Orc, Bow, Shield, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
241 - 8 Orc Boar Riders, Common Orc, Shield, Musician, Champion
559 - 8 Trolls, Cave Troll
140 - Orc Boar Chariot
118 - 5 Grotlings
80 - Scrap Wagon
80 - Scrap Wagon
80 - Scrap Wagon
170 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer, Orc Overseer
170 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer, Orc Overseer
170 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer, Orc Overseer
455 - Great Green Idol, Battle Standard Bearer

Czech Republic
Anthrax - Saurian Ancients
825 - Cuatl Lord, General, Alchemy, Pyromancy, Battle Standard Bearer, Sun Tablet, Essence of a Free Mind, Symbiosis, Grasp of
the Immortal
300 - Caiman Ancient, Light Armour (Death Cheater), Great Weapon
300 - Caiman Ancient, Light Armour (Basalt Infusion), Great Weapon, Talisman of Shielding, Lucky Charm
195 - Skink Priest, Wizard Adept, Druidism
100 - Skink Priest, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism
409 - 19 Saurian Warriors, Spear, Crocodile, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
170 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician
170 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician
170 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician
175 - 3 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin
175 - 3 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin
570 - Taurosaur, Engine of the Ancients
470 - Taurosaur, Great Bow
470 - Taurosaur, Great Bow

GENERÁL - Ogre Khans
545 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light Armour, Iron Fist, Magical Heirloom, Rod of Battle
490 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Khagadai's Legacy), Spinesplitter
375 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Great Weapon, Dragonfire Gem, Cult Leader
574 - 11 Tribesmen, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
574 - 11 Tribesmen, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
533 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion
533 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion
533 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion
170 - 2 Yetis
170 - 2 Yetis

Marek Bernard - Dread Elves
435 - Temple Exarch, General, Divination, War Smith, Essence of Mithril, Halberd, Obsidian Rock, Lucky Charm
405 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Cosmology
265 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer, Binding Scroll
565 - 30 Temple Militants, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
190 - 5 Shadow Riders, Champion
190 - 5 Shadow Riders, Champion
180 - 10 Raiding Party, Beast Breaker
630 - 30 Judicators, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
570 - 10 Dread Knights, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
570 - 10 Dread Knights, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
320 - 9 Black Cloaks
180 - 5 Black Cloaks

Matj Malý - Empire of Sonnstahl
480 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball
395 - Inquisitor, Horse and Light Troops, Shield (Dusk Forged), Repeater Pistol, Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches), Silver
325 - Marshal, Shield, Hand Weapon (Death Warrant), Blacksteel, Winter Cloak
230 - Marshal, Horse, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Shield, Lance
190 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield, Lance
160 - Prelate, Shield, Heavy Armour
480 - 10 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders (Cavalry Pick), Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
300 - 20 Light Infantry, Handgun, Standard Bearer (Marksman's Pennant), Musician, Champion
220 - 15 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
170 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
505 - 30 Imperial Guard, Shield, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
155 - 5 Reiters, Pistol
240 - Artillery, Cannon
150 - Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer
500 - Steam Tank

Michal Bouša - Dwarven Holds
355 - Runic Smith, General (Ancestral Memory), Shield, Rune of Devouring, 3x Battle Rune
230 - Thane, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Rune of the Courage, Rune of Mining
190 - Anvil of Power
720 - 30 Greybeards, Great Weapon, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician,
405 - 20 Clan Marksmen, Crossbow and Great Weapon, Musician, Champion
580 - 6 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
580 - 6 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
305 - Grudge Buster
283 - 17 Forge Wardens, Musician, Champion
180 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
180 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon

Michal Bures - Kingdom of Equitaine
670 - Equitan Lord, General, Pegasus Charger, Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Percival's Panoply, Black Knight's Tabard,
Lucky Charm, Sainted, Excellence
400 - Damsel, Heraldic Steed, Wizard Master, Divination
170 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism
335 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Crown of the Wizard King, Cleric,
450 - 11 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
340 - 8 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
335 - 29 Lowborn Archers, Longbow and Expert Bowmen, Musician
685 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
555 - 5 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
140 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons, Shield
140 - Siege Weapon, Scorpion
140 - Siege Weapon, Scorpion
140 - 5 Naiads

Nazghul77 - Sylvan Elves
595 - Forest Prince, General, Great Elk, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Sylvan Blades (Titanic Might), Obsidian Rock, Wild Hunter
380 - Druid, Wizard Master, Shamanism
210 - Druid, Wizard Adept, Cosmology
165 - Druid, Eagle King, Wizard Apprentice, Druidism
310 - Thicket Shepherd, Battle Standard Bearer, Oaken Crown
405 - 20 Sylvan Archers, Musician
360 - 10 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
360 - 10 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
490 - 11 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Lance
468 - 5 Thicket Beasts, Champion
378 - 4 Kestrel Knights, Shield
378 - 4 Kestrel Knights, Shield

grindel - Warriors of the Dark Gods
650 - Feldrak Ancestor, Great Weapon
650 - Feldrak Ancestor, Great Weapon
600 - Sorcerer, General, Veil Walker, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Plate Armour, Magical Heirloom, Talisman of the Void
521 - 21 Warriors, Pride, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
145 - 15 Barbarians, Musician
119 - 8 Warhounds
119 - 8 Warhounds
609 - 4 Chosen Knights, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician,
609 - 4 Chosen Knights, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician,
475 - Feldrak Elder, Great Weapon

Basballe - Highborn Elves
600 - High Prince, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon, Ring of the Pearl Throne, Master of Canreig Tower (High
Prince must gain 3 additional Learned Spells)
580 - Commander, Sky Sloop, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Dragonforged Armour (Daemon's Bane), Lance, Diadem of
Protection, Fleet Officer
305 - Commander, Reaver Chariot, Shield, Longbow (Elu's Heartwood), Dragonforged Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Great Weapon,
Lucky Charm
315 - Mage, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Shield, Light Armour (Gleaming Robe), Order of the Fiery Heart
505 - 35 Citizen Spears, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
425 - 10 Highborn Lancers, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
210 - 6 Elein Reavers, Bow, Standard Bearer
664 - 22 Lion Guard, Standard Bearer (Banner of Becalming), Musician, Champion
350 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix
160 - 3 Giant Eagles
190 - Sea Guard Reaper
190 - Sea Guard Reaper

Errebo - Dwarven Holds
730 - King, General, War Throne, Rune of Iron, Rune of the Forge, Great Weapon, Hand Weapon (Rune of Might, Rune of Fury,
Rune of Craftsmanship), 3x Rune of Shielding, Holdstone
405 - Runic Smith, Shield, Rune of Iron, Rune of Denial, Rune of Harnessing, Rune of Mastery, 3x Battle Rune
390 - Thane, Shield Bearers, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Flaming Standard), Rune of the Forge, Hand Weapon
(2x Rune of Lightning), Rune of Readiness, Rune of Mining
190 - Anvil of Power
632 - 29 Greybeards, Shield, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Swiftness), Musician, Champion
493 - 34 Clan Warriors, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
250 - 10 Miners, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Musician
250 - 10 Miners, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Musician
125 - Vengeance Seeker
325 - 2 Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
325 - 2 Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
215 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs
85 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Ballista
85 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Ballista

Joliver - Dread Elves
790 - Beastmaster, General, Imperious Dragon, Paired Weapons (Lacerating Touch), Obsidian Rock, Beastmaster's Whistle
510 - Silexian Officer, Manticore, Battle Standard Bearer, Destiny's Call, Halberd (Pride of Gar Daecos)
480 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Crystal Ball, Lightning Vambraces
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
210 - 15 Silexian Spears, Musician
190 - 5 Shadow Riders, Champion
190 - 10 Raiding Party, Corsair, Champion
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
285 - 8 Shadow Riders, Repeater Crossbow, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
415 - Hydra

Therasmus2409 - Empire of Sonnstahl
420 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sceptre of Power
310 - Wizard, Arcane Engine (Arcane Shield), Wizard Apprentice, Alchemy, Light Armour
405 - Prelate, Horse, Paired Weapons (King Slayer), Plate Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Locket of Sunna, Obsidian Rock
365 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield (Witchfire Guard), Hand Weapon (The Light of Sonnstahl)
300 - Marshal, Horse, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Great Weapon, Basalt Infusion, Karadon's Courser,
Lucky Charm
552 - 12 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders, Lance, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
262 - 18 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
190 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
130 - 10 State Militia
577 - 6 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
155 - 5 Reiters, Pistol
90 - 5 Imperial Rangers
240 - Artillery, Cannon
500 - Steam Tank

Troels Hugo Cederholm - Vampire Covenant
880 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (Crimson Rage), Skeletal Steed, Wizard
Adept, Occultism, Plate Armour (Legend of the Black King), Halberd (Blessed Inscriptions), Dragonfire Gem
340 - Barrow King, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Destiny's Call, Great Weapon, Binding Scroll
290 - Necromancer, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Necromantic Staff
285 - Necromancer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Magical Heirloom, Crown of Autocracy
500 - 35 Ghouls, Champion
276 - 33 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
257 - 10 Bat Swarms
140 - 20 Zombies, Standard Bearer, Musician
687 - 9 Ghasts, Champion
497 - 13 Barrow Knights, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
250 - Cadaver Wagon
95 - 2 Great Bats

groefte - Kingdom of Equitaine
555 - Equitan Lord, Pegasus Charger, Shield, Lance (Divine Judgement), Basalt Infusion, Talisman of Shielding, Paladin, Valour
305 - Equitan Lord, Destrier, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Lance, Generosity
440 - Damsel, Heraldic Steed, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Sceptre of Power
395 - Folk Hero, General, Fey Steed, Shield, Heavy Armour (Percival's Panoply), Bastard Sword (Tristan's Resolve), Dragonfire
Gem, Sainted, Castellan, Forbearance
435 - 10 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)
350 - 40 Lowborn Levies, Halberd and Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
340 - 40 Lowborn Levies, Halberd and Shield, Champion, Standard Bearer
565 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician
525 - 5 Pegasus Knights, Champion
140 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow, Shield
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Druidism)

mdueholm - Vermin Swarm
545 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Magical Heirloom, Rod of Battle, Caelysian
330 - Bloodfur Legate, Greater Eagle Standard (Legion Standard), Shield (Willow's Ward), Alchemist's Alloy, Pistol (Rodentium
Bullets), Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball
295 - Bloodfur Legate, Greater Eagle Standard (Legion Standard), Essence of Mithril, Pistol, Halberd (Swarm Master), Tome of
the Ratking
255 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Pistol (Rodentium Bullets), Orator's Toga, Map of the Deeps
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
465 - 60 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Stalker's Standard)
355 - 40 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Bell of the Deep
320 - 40 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
630 - 50 Blackfur Veterans, Bloodfur Praetorians, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Flaming Standard)
190 - 15 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
80 - Legionary Drill Team
80 - Legionary Drill Team
290 - Stygian Earthbreaker
290 - Stygian Earthbreaker
4500 - Infernal Dwarves
585 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Ashuruk, Seat of Authority, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Talisman of the Void
495 - Taurukh Commissioner, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Willow's Ward), Infernal Weapon (Onyx Core), Talisman of
200 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft
385 - 15 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
385 - 15 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
208 - 21 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician
200 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician
562 - 5 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
290 - Infernal Artillery, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
220 - 7 Vassal Cavalry
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

Adam Jones - Dread Elves
515 - Warlock Outcast, General, Wizard Master, Evocation, 2x Binding Scroll
335 - Temple Exarch, Alchemy, Battle Standard Bearer, Essence of Mithril, Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker)
570 - 40 Silexian Spears, Musician, Champion
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
470 - 20 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician
470 - 20 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician
410 - 3 Gorgons, Paired Weapons
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
190 - Raptor Chariot, Lance
190 - Raptor Chariot, Lance
190 - Raptor Chariot, Lance

Chris Bond - Kingdom of Equitaine
450 - Folk Hero, General, Pegasus Charger, Shield, Longbow and Shots 3, Heavy Armour (Prayer-Etched), Bastard Sword
(Tristan's Resolve), Sainted, Castellan, Minstrel, Excellence
450 - Equitan Lord, Destrier, Shield, Lance (Divine Judgement), Basalt Infusion, Paladin, Honour
370 - Equitan Lord, Destrier, Battle Standard Bearer, Halberd (Mortal Reminder), Percival's Panoply
435 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Master, Divination
525 - 12 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon)
300 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
300 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
660 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Castellan's Crest)
560 - 5 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer (Castellan's Crest)
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Druidism)

Hugh Scarlin - Daemon Legions
965 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Witchcraft, Iron Husk, Chitinous Scales
815 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Living Shield
579 - 24 Succubi, Chilling Yawn, Musician, Champion
291 - 12 Succubi, Dark Hide, Musician, Champion
255 - 10 Succubi, Dark Hide, Musician, Champion
465 - 4 Brazen Beasts, Musician, Champion
320 - Blazing Glory
320 - Blazing Glory
315 - 5 Eidolons, Scout, Champion
175 - 5 Furies, Dark Hide

Jake Corteen - Infernal Dwarves
385 - Vizier, Shield (Dusk Forged), Battle Standard Bearer, Ghostly Guard, Infernal Weapon (Flame of the East), Taurukh Ritual
290 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Lugar, Wizard Adept, Alchemy
170 - Prophet, Prophet of Shamut, Taurukh Ritual, Wizard Apprentice, Occultism
255 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Binding Scroll
135 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft, Ranger's Boots
895 - 37 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Ziggurat Regulars, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
230 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician, Vassal Chieftain
590 - 6 Kadim Incarnates, Champion
520 - 10 Taurukh Enforcers, Infernal Weapon, Shield, Blunderbuss, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Icon of Ashuruk)
300 - 15 Immortals, Spear, Musician
200 - 5 Vassal Cavalry
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

Josh Burns - Sylvan Elves
495 - Druid, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Sylvan Longbow, 2x Binding Scroll
215 - Druid, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Sylvan Longbow
330 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Spear (Hunter's Honour), Blade Dancer
230 - Dryad Ancient, General, Wizard Adept, Divination, Oaken Crown
388 - 19 Sylvan Archers, Musician
235 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
352 - 20 Dryads, Scoring, Champion
175 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Musician
471 - 9 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
471 - 9 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
420 - 12 Blade Dancers, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Champion
355 - 9 Pathfinders
355 - 9 Pathfinders

Luke Tranter - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald, General
315 - Sorcerer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Light Armour, Binding Scroll, Lord of the Damned
332 - 12 Warriors, Pride, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
332 - 12 Warriors, Pride, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
151 - 16 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, Musician
119 - 8 Warhounds
695 - 5 Chosen Knights, Wrath, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician
695 - 5 Chosen Knights, Wrath, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician
500 - 6 Wretched Ones
500 - 6 Wretched Ones

Marcus Lake - Vermin Swarm
305 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Obsidian Rock, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
295 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
280 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Pistol (Rodentium Bullets), Crown of the Wizard King, Cowl of the Apostate
155 - House Prefect, Pistol (Rodentium Bullets), Map of the Deeps, Stygian Overseer
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
528 - 41 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
240 - 25 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Banner of Discipline)
236 - 62 Vermin Slaves, Tunnelling Tools, Musician
233 - 61 Vermin Slaves, Tunnelling Tools, Musician
513 - 41 Blackfur Veterans, Bloodfur Praetorians, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Stalker's Standard)
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Deepfire Thrower
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Deepfire Thrower
181 - 11 Ignifier Grenadiers
181 - 11 Ignifier Grenadiers
157 - 9 Ignifier Grenadiers

Mark Greensill - Highborn Elves
965 - High Prince, General, Ancient Dragon, Longbow (Elu's Heartwood), Light Armour, Great Weapon, Obsidian Rock
435 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour, Binding Scroll, Master of Canreig Tower
400 - Mage, Wizard Master, Cosmology
530 - 35 Citizen Spears, Standard Bearer (War Banner of Ryma), Musician, Champion
380 - 25 Citizen Archers, Standard Bearer, Musician
220 - 5 Highborn Lancers, Musician
505 - 23 Sword Masters, Musician, Champion
685 - 20 Queen's Guard, Spear, Standard Bearer (Banner of Becalming), Musician
190 - Sea Guard Reaper
190 - Sea Guard Reaper

Antti Häkli - Daemon Legions
915 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Kaleidoscopic Flesh, Living Shield, Dark Hide, Chitinous Scales
855 - Sentinel of Nukuja, General (Greater Dominion), Dark Pulpit, Thaumaturgy, Guiding Mirrored Scales, Living Shield
517 - 19 Lemures, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
327 - 12 Succubi, Chilling Yawn, Musician, Champion
281 - 12 Succubi, Dark Hide, Musician
495 - 4 Brazen Beasts, Chitinous Scales, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
320 - 5 Eidolons, Scout, Incendiary Ichor, Champion
215 - 5 Sirens, Champion
575 - 5 Bloat Flies, Dextrous Tentacles, Standard Bearer, Champion

Henry Hyttinen - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald, General
260 - Sorcerer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Light Armour, Rod of Battle
290 - 10 Warriors, Pride, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
290 - 10 Warriors, Pride, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
205 - 9 Fallen
119 - 8 Warhounds
763 - 6 Feldraks, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
763 - 6 Feldraks, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
475 - Feldrak Elder, Great Weapon
475 - Feldrak Elder, Great Weapon

Jere Jukka - Dread Elves
500 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Ceinran's Scales
305 - Silexian Officer, General, Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker), Binding Scroll, Ring of the Obsidian Thrones
180 - Silent Assassin
180 - Silent Assassin
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
250 - 15 Silexian Spears, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
210 - 10 Raiding Party, Corsair and Repeater Handbow, Champion
200 - 10 Raiding Party, Corsair and Repeater Handbow
195 - 11 Raiding Party, Corsair
404 - 14 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
404 - 14 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
325 - 5 Warlock Acolytes, Champion
215 - Divine Altar, Effigy of Dread
215 - 6 Black Cloaks
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
245 - Mist Leviathan

Juha Tuominen - Kingdom of Equitaine
675 - Equitan Lord, General, Fey Steed, Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Percival's Panoply, Black Knight's Tabard, Sainted,
355 - Equitan Lord, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Legion Standard), Great Weapon, Essence of Mithril, Justice
380 - Damsel, Wizard Master, Druidism
285 - Damsel, Fey Steed, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Dragon Staff
500 - 47 Lowborn Levies, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
328 - 10 Ordo Sergeants, Great Weapon, Champion (Ordo Minister), Standard Bearer
297 - 9 Ordo Sergeants, Great Weapon, Champion (Ordo Minister)
615 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
615 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
175 - Sacred Reliquary
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow
140 - 5 Naiads

Olli Katila - Empire of Sonnstahl
535 - Prelate, Altar of Battle, Paired Weapons, Plate Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Dragon Staff
380 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Alchemy
375 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield (Witchfire Guard), Hand Weapon (The Light of Sonnstahl), Lucky Charm
205 - Knight Commander, Horse, Shield, Halberd (Supernatural Dexterity)
305 - Marshal, Horse, Battle Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard, Aether Icon), Shield, Lance, Obsidian Rock, Mantle of Ullor
547 - 12 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders, Lance, Standard Bearer (Household Standard), Musician, Champion
214 - 24 State Militia
190 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
178 - 12 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
293 - 8 Reiters, Repeater Gun, Heavy Armour
134 - 9 Imperial Rangers
134 - 9 Imperial Rangers
90 - 5 Imperial Rangers
500 - Steam Tank
420 - 30 Flagellants

Olli Mikkanen - Sylvan Elves
440 - Druid, General, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sylvan Longbow, Binding Scroll
175 - Druid, Eagle King, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism, Potion of Strength
330 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Spear (Hunter's Honour), Blade Dancer
384 - 17 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
371 - 18 Sylvan Archers, Musician
185 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Musician, Champion
185 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Musician, Champion
499 - 24 Forest Rangers, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
484 - 24 Forest Rangers, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
433 - 4 Kestrel Knights, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Silent Mist), Champion
406 - 13 Blade Dancers, Champion
182 - 4 Forest Eagles
424 - 9 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Champion

Ossi Heinonen - Vampire Covenant
995 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Independant (Arcane Knowledge), Skeletal Steed, Wizard Master, Occultism,
Shield, Heavy Armour (Death Cheater), Great Weapon, Eternity Gem
420 - Barrow King, Skeletal Steed, Battle Standard Bearer, Dusk Forged, Basalt Infusion, Hand Weapon (Hero's Heart)
255 - Necromancer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Magical Heirloom
255 - 30 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
245 - 30 Skeletons, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
134 - 21 Zombies, Musician
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
455 - Dark Coach
455 - Dark Coach
180 - 5 Barrow Knights, Musician, Champion
510 - Shrieking Horror
325 - Varkolak

Pyry Peitso - Highborn Elves
710 - High Prince, General, Griffon, Shield, Dragonforged Armour (Daemon's Bane), Lance (Nova Flare), Diadem of Protection
400 - Mage, Wizard Master, Cosmology
400 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Master of Canreig Tower
600 - 25 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
290 - 20 Citizen Spears, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
240 - 5 Highborn Lancers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
556 - 18 Lion Guard, Standard Bearer (Banner of Becalming), Musician, Champion
350 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix
369 - 13 Queen's Guard, Musician
205 - 8 Grey Watchers, Scout
190 - Sea Guard Reaper
190 - Sea Guard Reaper

Benji - Ogre Khans
625 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light Armour (Yeti Furs), Iron Fist, Lygur's Tongue, Magical Heirloom
515 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (Touch of Greatness), Brace of Ogre Pistols, Binding
Scroll, Obsidian Rock, Rottenjaw
335 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse)
772 - 10 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
180 - 3 Tribesmen, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
180 - 3 Tribesmen, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
674 - 6 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Plate Armour, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician,
175 - Kin-Eater
175 - Kin-Eater
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
315 - Thunder Cannon
380 - Frost Mammoth, Hunting Spear, Hunting Spear

Ezekiel - Undying Dynasties
440 - Pharaoh, General, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Paired Weapons (Cleansing Light), Crown of the Pharaohs, Sandstorm
380 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Master, Evocation
300 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Binding Scroll, Scroll of Desiccation, Hierophant
557 - 6 Skeleton Chariots, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Champion
307 - 29 Skeletons, Spear, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
307 - 29 Skeletons, Spear, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
195 - 16 Skeleton Archers, Musician, Champion
360 - 3 Tomb Cataphracts, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
208 - 4 Scarab Swarms
208 - 4 Scarab Swarms
301 - 4 Sand Stalkers, Champion
301 - 4 Sand Stalkers, Champion
210 - 3 Shabti Archers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
210 - 3 Shabti Archers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
210 - 3 Shabti Archers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

Juggernaut - Kingdom of Equitaine
715 - Equitan Lord, General, Fey Steed, Shield, Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Percival's Panoply, Black Knight's Tabard,
Dragonfire Gem, Sainted, Valour
490 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Master, Divination, Binding Scroll
375 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard, Castellan's Crest), Heavy Armour (Alchemist's Alloy),
Dragon Staff, Cleric, Bannerman
535 - 11 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Relic Shroud)
300 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
290 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon)
685 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
375 - 3 Pegasus Knights, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
140 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons, Shield
140 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons, Shield
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Druidism)

Pti Vincent - Empire of Sonnstahl
595 - Prelate, Altar of Battle, Shield, Plate Armour (Ghostly Guard), Binding Scroll
420 - Wizard, Arcane Engine (Arcane Shield), Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy)
290 - Wizard, Arcane Engine (Foresight), Wizard Apprentice, Divination, Light Armour
240 - Marshal, General, Binding Scroll, Crown of the Wizard King
235 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline, Household Standard), Obsidian Rock
202 - 22 State Militia
202 - 22 State Militia
202 - 22 State Militia
148 - 13 State Militia
200 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion
190 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
230 - 15 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
230 - 15 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
230 - 15 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
145 - 10 Imperial Rangers
240 - Artillery, Cannon
500 - Steam Tank

Shizuu - Daemon Legions
1000 - Miser of Sugulag, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Evocation, Mirrored Scales, Unnatural Roots
615 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft, Kaleidoscopic Flesh, Chitinous Scales
585 - 22 Myrmidons, Piercing Spike, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
270 - 11 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
270 - 11 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
415 - Hope Harvester, Engine of Damnation
335 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher
290 - 3 Hoarders, Standard Bearer, Musician
175 - 2 Mageblight Gremlins
375 - 3 Veil Serpents, Champion
170 - 5 Furies

Solkiss - Vermin Swarm
315 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
310 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Tome of the Ratking, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
295 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
265 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Crown of the Wizard King, Cowl of the Apostate
515 - 40 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
515 - 40 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
240 - 25 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Banner of Discipline)
465 - 40 Plague Disciples, Great Weapon, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Last Storm)
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
240 - 4 Experimental Weapon Teams, Canister Launcher
240 - 4 Experimental Weapon Teams, Canister Launcher
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
145 - 8 Ignifier Grenadiers

Tomtom - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald, General
770 - Feldrak Ancestor, Paired Weapons (Supernatural Dexterity)
365 - Sorcerer, Black Steed, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Light Armour, Binding Scroll, Lord of the Damned
230 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
230 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
220 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Shield, Musician, Champion
119 - 8 Warhounds
119 - 8 Warhounds
585 - 4 Chosen Knights, Gluttony, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
500 - 6 Wretched Ones
500 - 6 Wretched Ones

Vargo Hoat - Dwarven Holds
225 - Engineer, General, Shield, Rune of Denial, Rune of Mining
270 - 10 Greybeards, Shield, Vanguard, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer, Musician
250 - 10 Greybeards, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer, Musician
250 - 10 Greybeards, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer, Musician
225 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Musician
135 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons
305 - Grudge Buster
305 - Grudge Buster
270 - 3 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer, Musician
260 - 3 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer
250 - 10 Miners, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Musician
250 - 10 Miners, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Musician
125 - Vengeance Seeker
125 - Vengeance Seeker
215 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs
215 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Bombs
180 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
315 - Field Artillery, Organ Gun (Rune Crafted)
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
85 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Ballista

Borcha - Ogre Khans
510 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Khagadai's Legacy), Rampager's Chain, Rottenjaw
510 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light Armour, Iron Fist, Magical Heirloom
400 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Paired Weapons, Hunting Spear, Talisman of Shielding, Spinesplitter,
Leader of the Pack
350 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer, Iron Fist, Binding Scroll, Cult Leader
593 - 9 Tribesmen, Iron Fist, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
160 - 3 Tribesmen, Standard Bearer
190 - 3 Bruisers, Standard Bearer
182 - 22 Scraplings, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
608 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Gyengget), Musician
251 - 3 Mercenary Veterans, Paired Weapons, Vanguard, Plate Armour, Musician
175 - Kin-Eater
175 - Kin-Eater
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
310 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon

Borgio - Infernal Dwarves
515 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Lugar, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Tablet of Vezodinezh
180 - Prophet, Prophet of Shamut, Taurukh Ritual, Wizard Apprentice, Occultism, Shield
315 - Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Blaze of Protection, Great Weapon (Flame of the East)
245 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Crystal Ball
475 - 23 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
250 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)
220 - 20 Vassal Levies, Spear and Shield, Bow, Musician
198 - 37 Shackled Slaves, Shield, Musician
552 - 23 Disciples of Lugar, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
490 - 10 Taurukh Enforcers, Infernal Weapon, Shield, Blunderbuss, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
330 - Infernal Bastion
290 - Infernal Artillery, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry

Firepaul - Daemon Legions
1005 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Kaleidoscopic Flesh, Living Shield, Chitinous Scales, Dextrous Tentacles
795 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Adept, Divination, Iron Husk, Chitinous Scales
503 - 18 Myrmidons, Bronze Backbone, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
370 - 15 Succubi, Mesmerising Plumage, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
255 - 10 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
397 - 3 Brazen Beasts, Centipede Legs, Musician, Champion
345 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher, Standard Bearer
320 - Blazing Glory
295 - 5 Eidolons, Incendiary Ichor, Champion
215 - 5 Sirens, Champion

Henrik - Dread Elves
760 - Beastmaster, General, Imperious Dragon, Paired Weapons (Lacerating Touch), Obsidian Rock
545 - Silexian Officer, Manticore (Extraordinary Specimen), Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Basalt Infusion, Lance, Talisman of
Shielding, Lucky Charm
450 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Crystal Ball
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
210 - 15 Silexian Spears, Musician
190 - 5 Shadow Riders, Champion
190 - 5 Shadow Riders, Champion
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
415 - Hydra

Raist - Saurian Ancients
865 - Saurian Warlord, General, Alpha Carnosaur, Light Armour, Paired Weapons (Supernatural Dexterity), Starfall Shard,
Obsidian Rock
820 - Cuatl Lord, Alchemy, Pyromancy, Battle Standard Bearer, Sun Tablet, Essence of a Free Mind, Trained from Birth, Grasp of
the Immortal
105 - Skink Priest, Wizard Apprentice, Druidism, Light Armour
596 - 26 Saurian Warriors, Spear, Crocodile, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
170 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician
140 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield, Musician
501 - 7 Caimans, Halberd, Musician, Champion
318 - 4 Rhamphodon Riders, Shield
175 - 3 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin
135 - 5 Skink Hunters, Blowpipe, Vanguard
105 - 5 Skink Hunters, Shield and Poisoned Javelin
570 - Taurosaur, Engine of the Ancients

Stefan - Vermin Swarm
535 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian
295 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
315 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
265 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Crown of the Wizard King, Cowl of the Apostate
567 - 44 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
422 - 34 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Flaming Standard)
230 - 25 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Banner of Discipline)
465 - 40 Plague Disciples, Great Weapon, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Last Storm)
265 - 6 Fetthis Brutes, Champion
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Deepfire Thrower

Zwergnase - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald
720 - Chosen Lord, General, Black Steed, Trophy Rack, Shield, Hellforged Armour (Death Cheater), Paired Weapons (Touch of
Greatness), Immortal Gauntlets, Lucky Charm, Wrath, Idol of Spite
445 - Sorcerer, Dark Chariot, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Plate Armour (Basalt Infusion), Paired Weapons, Binding Scroll, Dragon
330 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Musician, Champion
320 - 10 Barbarian Horsemen, Light Lance, Shield, Standard Bearer (Wasteland Torch), Musician, Champion
155 - 15 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, Musician, Champion
119 - 8 Warhounds
515 - Feldrak Elder, Paired Weapons
475 - Feldrak Elder, Great Weapon
404 - 3 Feldraks, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
155 - 5 Flayers

scrub - Kingdom of Equitaine
680 - Equitan Lord, General, Pegasus Charger, Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Percival's Panoply, Black Knight's Tabard,
Dragonfire Gem, Sainted, Excellence
490 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Master, Divination, Binding Scroll
345 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Castellan's Crest), Heavy Armour (Alchemist's Alloy),
Sacred Chalice, Cleric, Bannerman
515 - 10 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Relic Shroud)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)
338 - 10 Ordo Sergeants, Great Weapon, Champion (Ordo Minister), Musician, Standard Bearer
278 - 31 Lowborn Levies, Spear and Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
685 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
365 - 3 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer
210 - 3 Sky Heralds, Light Lance
140 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons, Shield
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Druidism)

Ciarán Dunne - Vermin Swarm
555 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate,
Caelysian Pantheon
265 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Crystal Ball, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
225 - Vermin Senator, General, Pistol (Rodentium Bullets), Crown of the Wizard King, Cowl of the Apostate
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
446 - 56 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
446 - 56 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
335 - 40 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Bell of the Deep Roads)
306 - 41 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
130 - 30 Vermin Slaves, Tunnelling Tools
280 - 25 Blackfur Veterans, Bloodfur Praetorians, Champion, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Banner of Discipline)
80 - Legionary Drill Team
229 - 15 Ignifier Grenadiers
229 - 15 Ignifier Grenadiers
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Deepfire Thrower
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Deepfire Thrower
229 - 15 Ignifier Grenadiers

Colin Power - Saurian Ancients
750 - Cuatl Lord, General, Alchemy, Pyromancy, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Sun Tablet, Essence of a Free Mind,
Trained from Birth, Breaker of Spells
575 - Skink Priest, Taurosaur (Great Bow), Wizard Apprentice, Druidism, Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball
330 - Saurian Veteran, Raptor, Shield (Dusk Forged), Light Armour, Dragonfire Gem
245 - 15 Saurian Warriors, Musician
170 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician
170 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician
170 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician
170 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician
175 - 3 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin
175 - 3 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin
135 - 5 Skink Hunters, Blowpipe, Vanguard
135 - 5 Skink Hunters, Blowpipe, Vanguard
130 - 5 Chameleons
130 - 5 Chameleons
570 - Taurosaur, Engine of the Ancients
470 - Taurosaur, Great Bow

Craig Brady - Ogre Khans
550 - Shaman, General, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Binding Scroll, Magical Heirloom
305 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Light Armour, Cult Leader
772 - 10 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
359 - 6 Tribesmen, Iron Fist, Standard Bearer, Musician
543 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
392 - 6 Bombardiers, Musician
392 - 6 Bombardiers, Musician
392 - 6 Bombardiers, Musician
310 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon
310 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon

David Bowes - Kingdom of Equitaine
630 - Equitan Lord, General, Pegasus Charger, Shield, Bastard Sword (Tristan's Resolve), Prayer-Etched, Potion of Swiftness,
Sainted, Excellence
435 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Master, Divination
170 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism
275 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour, Cleric, Bannerman
545 - 14 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Castellan's Crest)
290 - 6 Feudal Knights, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
290 - 6 Feudal Knights, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
680 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
600 - 5 Pegasus Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Witchcraft)

Henry P Miller - Dread Elves
490 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Evocation, Crystal Ball, Sceptre of Power
420 - Temple Exarch, General, Alchemy, War Smith, Seal of the Republic, Great Weapon, Obsidian Rock
235 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Halberd
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
251 - 13 Raiding Party, Corsair and Repeater Handbow
234 - 12 Raiding Party, Corsair and Repeater Handbow
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
490 - 19 Judicators, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Caedhren's Pennon)
440 - 3 Gorgons, Halberd
260 - 10 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician
260 - 10 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
190 - Raptor Chariot, Halberd
190 - Raptor Chariot, Halberd

James McDonnell - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald
225 - Sorcerer, General, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Light Armour
330 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Musician, Champion
330 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Musician, Champion
250 - 9 Barbarian Horsemen, Great Weapon, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
515 - Feldrak Elder, Paired Weapons
515 - Feldrak Elder, Paired Weapons
500 - 6 Wretched Ones
500 - 6 Wretched Ones
310 - 5 Warrior Knights, Lance, Standard Bearer, Musician
165 - 5 Flayers, Shield

Kaare Siesing - Vampire Covenant
830 - Vampire Count, Lamia Bloodline, Wizard Master, Evocation, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (King Slayer),
Magical Heirloom, Dragonfire Gem
480 - Necromancer, General (The Dead Arise), Wizard Master, Alchemy, Necromantic Staff
325 - Barrow King, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Legion Standard), Essence of Mithril, Paired Weapons (Hero's
145 - Fell Wraith, Skeletal Steed, Great Weapon
545 - 38 Ghouls, Champion
308 - 34 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
143 - 4 Bat Swarms
143 - 4 Bat Swarms
600 - 8 Ghasts, Champion
380 - Court of the Damned, Aegis
360 - 10 Barrow Knights, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
241 - 7 Spectral Hunters

Stephen Coleman - Daemon Legions
1020 - Miser of Sugulag, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Evocation, Brimstone Secretions, Unnatural Roots, Dark
Hide, Divining Snout
775 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, Wizard Adept, Divination, Brimstone Secretions, Dark Hide, Chitinous Scales, Charged Tendrils,
Roaming Hands, Hot Blood
510 - 19 Myrmidons, Piercing Spike, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
370 - 15 Succubi, Mesmerising Plumage, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
255 - 10 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
683 - 6 Hoarders, Chitinous Scales, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer, Musician
660 - 6 Clawed Fiends, Broodmother, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
220 - 5 Sirens, Hot Blood, Standard Bearer

Albertoalter - Sylvan Elves
755 - Forest Prince, Dragon, Sylvan Blades (Titanic Might), Obsidian Rock
750 - Treefather Ancient, General, Wizard Master, Druidism
285 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball
398 - 19 Sylvan Archers, Musician, Champion
200 - 5 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
180 - 15 Forest Guard, Elven Cloak and Sylvan Blades, Musician, Champion
180 - 15 Forest Guard, Elven Cloak and Sylvan Blades, Musician, Champion
170 - 15 Forest Guard, Spear and Shield, Musician
445 - Treefather
400 - 10 Pathfinders
400 - 10 Pathfinders
335 - 10 Sylvan Sentinels

BloodDragon85 - Saurian Ancients
915 - Cuatl Lord, General, Alchemy, Pyromancy, Battle Standard Bearer (Rending Banner, Banner of the Relentless Company),
Sun Tablet, Essence of a Free Mind, Symbiosis, Grasp of the Immortal
330 - Skink Priest, Skink Palanquin, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Light Armour, Jade Staff
100 - Skink Priest, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism
409 - 21 Saurian Warriors, Crocodile, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
375 - 20 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, 2x Caiman, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
355 - 20 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, 2x Caiman, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
732 - 27 Temple Guard, Standard Bearer (Totem of Mixoatl), Musician, Champion
295 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Salamander
295 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Salamander
215 - 5 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin
215 - 5 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin
260 - Thyroscutus, Sun Engine

Doomsday - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald
605 - Doomlord, General, Trophy Rack (Aether Icon), Shield (Dusk Forged), Hell-forged Armour (Basalt Infusion), Halberd (King
Slayer), Immortal Gauntlets
445 - Sorcerer, Black Steed, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Light Armour
501 - 17 Warriors, Paired Weapons, Envy, Standard Bearer (Wasteland Torch), Musician, Champion
194 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Paired Weapons, Musician
119 - 8 Warhounds
119 - 8 Warhounds
609 - 4 Chosen Knights, Lust, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
537 - 4 Feldraks, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
510 - 6 Forsworn, Spiked Shield, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion

Lord_Ulric - Kingdom of Equitaine
585 - Equitan Lord, General, Pegasus Charger, Shield, Lance (Divine Judgement), Basalt Infusion, Sainted, Honour
500 - Equitan Lord, Destrier, Great Weapon (Mortal Reminder), Percival's Panoply, Talisman of Shielding, Paladin, Justice
490 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Master, Druidism, Binding Scroll
220 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Bannerman
630 - 14 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Relic Shroud)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Elan)
270 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician
270 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician
760 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion (Knight Banneret (Banner of Roland)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Oriflamme)
635 - 9 Knights Penitent, Champion (Ordo Minister and Orison), Musician, Standard Bearer
140 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow, Shield

Manfro - Infernal Dwarves
520 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Nezibkesh, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Tablet of Vezodinezh
500 - Prophet, Prophet of Shamut, Bull of Shamut, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Shield, Alchemist's Alloy, Infernal Weapon (Flame
of the East), Lucky Charm
440 - Vizier, Bull of Shamut, Shield (Kadim Binding), Basalt Infusion, Flintlock Axe (Eye of the Bull), Lugar's Dice
265 - Vizier, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Binding Scroll
475 - 23 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
418 - 16 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician, Champion
265 - 15 Citadel Guard, Pistol, Musician
330 - Infernal Bastion
315 - 3 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Musician
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
155 - Gunnery Team, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

Sbennets - Daemon Legions
475 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, General, Burning Wheel, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Withering Vapour, Cloven Hooves, Dark Hide,
Chitinous Scales
475 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Burning Wheel, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Withering Vapour, Cloven Hooves, Dark Hide,
Chitinous Scales
450 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Battle Standard Bearer, Burning Wheel, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Cloven Hooves, Dark Hide
400 - 15 Succubi, Chilling Yawn, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
370 - 15 Succubi, Mesmerising Plumage, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
357 - 14 Myrmidons, Unhinging Jaw, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
660 - 6 Clawed Fiends, Unhinging Jaw, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
550 - 5 Clawed Fiends, Unhinging Jaw, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
373 - 3 Brazen Beasts, Incendiary Ichor, Musician, Champion
215 - 5 Sirens, Champion
175 - 5 Furies, Dark Hide

babbonatale - Vampire Covenant
995 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Independant (Arcane Knowledge), Skeletal Steed, Wizard Master, Occultism,
Shield, Heavy Armour (Death Cheater), Great Weapon, Eternity Gem
455 - Necromancer, Wizard Master, Evocation, Unholy Tome, Crown of Autocracy
145 - Banshee
145 - Banshee
355 - 40 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
150 - 9 Dire Wolves, Champion
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
130 - 20 Zombies, Musician
130 - 20 Zombies, Musician
455 - Dark Coach
385 - 10 Wraiths
510 - Shrieking Horror
510 - Shrieking Horror

tar0 - Orcs and Goblins
410 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Cave Goblin and 2 × Power 'Shroom, Wizard Master and +1 Health Point, Thaumaturgy
200 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft
355 - Goblin King, Forest Goblin and Poison Attacks, Huntsmen Spider, Shield (Dusk Forged), Heavy Armour (Basalt Infusion),
Hand Weapon (Hero's Heart)
205 - Goblin King, General (+1 Discipline), Common Goblin, Light Armour, Binding Scroll, Crown of Autocracy
215 - Goblin Chief, Common Goblin, Battle Standard Bearer, Crown of the Cavern King
500 - 45 Goblins, Cave Goblin, Shield, 3x Mad Gits, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician
500 - 45 Goblins, Cave Goblin, Shield, 3x Mad Gits, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician
160 - 20 Goblins, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
511 - 8 Trolls, Bridge Troll
125 - 5 Goblin Raiders, Common Goblin
150 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer
150 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer
515 - Gargantula, Web Launcher
500 - Gargantula

Conjurer - Vermin Swarm
460 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Caelysian Pantheon
235 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Orator's Toga, Cult of Errahman
200 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Caelysian Pantheon
315 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
180 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
526 - 42 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Stalker's Standard)
356 - 46 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
165 - 15 Vermin Velites, Sling, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
125 - 30 Vermin Slaves, Musician
575 - 6 Murmillo Brutes, Rotary Gun, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
575 - 6 Murmillo Brutes, Rotary Gun, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
410 - 37 Plague Disciples, Great Weapon, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

Dassler - Empire of Sonnstahl
430 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Magical Heirloom
380 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield, Hand Weapon (The Light of Sonnstahl), Obsidian Rock, Potion of Swiftness
325 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Hand Weapon (Death Warrant), Basalt Infusion, Great Tactician
230 - Prelate, Shield, Plate Armour (Blacksteel)
429 - 9 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders, Lance, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
220 - 5 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Lance, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
264 - 16 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician, Champion (Long Rifle)
250 - 15 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician, Champion (Long Rifle)
130 - 10 State Militia
130 - 10 State Militia
488 - 29 Imperial Guard, Shield, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
180 - 5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols
180 - 5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols
180 - Artillery, Mortar
180 - Artillery, Mortar
500 - Steam Tank

Flavus - Sylvan Elves
625 - Forest Prince, General, Great Elk, Shield, Light Armour (Curse of the Black Stag), Elven Cloak, Lance (Blessed Inscriptions),
Talisman of Shielding, Dragonfire Gem, Wild Hunter
475 - Druid, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Sylvan Blades (Spirit of the Whirlwind), Obsidian Rock, Drums of Cenyrn
360 - Druid, Eagle King, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball
335 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Shield (Willow's Ward), Light Armour, Elven Cloak, Spear (Hunter's Honour),
Forest Guardian
513 - 36 Forest Guard, Elven Cloak and Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
215 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
200 - 5 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
200 - 5 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
564 - 29 Forest Rangers, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
95 - Forest Eagles
310 - 8 Pathfinders
310 - 8 Pathfinders
298 - 8 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)

Max - Kingdom of Equitaine
685 - Equitan Lord, Fey Steed, Shield (Fortress of Faith), Lance (Divine Judgement), Basalt Infusion, Potion of Swiftness, Paladin,
Sainted, Valour
355 - Equitan Lord, General, Destrier, Shield, Lance (Uther's Mettle), Honour
455 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Master, Divination, Sacred Chalice
300 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Castellan's Crest), Heavy Armour, Cleric, Bannerman
470 - 9 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Relic Shroud)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
330 - 7 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
327 - 11 Ordo Sergeants, Light Lance, Champion (Ordo Minister), Musician
605 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion (Knight Banneret), Musician, Standard Bearer
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow
435 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dawn
200 - 9 Naiads
200 - 9 Naiads

Medved - Ogre Khans
565 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Iron Fist (Ritual Bloodletter), Spinesplitter
445 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Pyromancy
470 - Great Khan, General, Plate Armour (Karkadan's Resilience), Halberd, Paired Weapons, Iron Fist, Great Weapon, Lygur's
Tongue, Rod of Battle, Hoardmaster
310 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse)
757 - 10 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
220 - 3 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
160 - 20 Scraplings, Bow, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
664 - 6 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Accurate, Poison Attacks, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
342 - 5 Yetis, Champion
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
240 - Scratapult
240 - Scratapult

Redmetalzero - Dread Elves
385 - Temple Exarch, Divination, War Smith, Great Weapon, Ceinran's Scales
320 - Temple Exarch, Alchemy, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Blades of Darag, Mask of the War Crow
295 - Silexian Officer, Elven Horse, Shield, Paired Weapons (Lacerating Touch), Dragonfire Gem
290 - Warlock Outcast, General, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll
565 - 30 Temple Militants, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
285 - 10 Shadow Riders, Champion, Standard Bearer
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
533 - 23 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician
440 - 3 Gorgons, Halberd
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
210 - 10 Judicators, Musician
205 - 5 Warlock Acolytes
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery

Sanych - Infernal Dwarves
505 - Taurukh Commissioner, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Willow's Ward), Infernal Weapon (Onyx Core), Talisman of
Shielding, Lucky Charm
485 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Shamut, Taurukh Ritual, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Shield, Basalt Infusion
305 - Prophet, Prophet of Nezibkesh, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Shield
410 - 20 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer, Musician
385 - 15 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
230 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician, Vassal Chieftain
230 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician, Vassal Chieftain
130 - 20 Shackled Slaves, Shield, Musician
577 - 5 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
270 - 5 Taurukh Enforcers, Infernal Weapon, Shield, Blunderbuss, Musician
155 - Gunnery Team, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

Shiny - Saurian Ancients
535 - Saurian Warlord, Raptor, Light Armour (Taurosaur's Vigour), Great Weapon, Talisman of Shielding, Dragonfire Gem
520 - Cuatl Lord, General, Divination, Breaker of Spells
325 - Caiman Ancient, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Halberd, Raptor Spirit
195 - Skink Captain, Alpha Rhamphodon, Shield, Light Armour (Basalt Infusion), Blowpipe
100 - Skink Priest, Wizard Apprentice, Druidism
577 - 27 Saurian Warriors, Spear, Crocodile, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
325 - 15 Saurian Warriors, Spear, Crocodile, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
501 - 7 Caimans, Halberd, Standard Bearer, Champion
495 - 10 Raptor Riders, Standard Bearer (Totem of Mixoatl), Musician, Champion
255 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback
255 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback
415 - Stygiosaur, Mystic Traveller

Alberto Baeri - Ogre Khans
625 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light Armour (Yeti Furs), Iron Fist, Lygur's Tongue, Magical Heirloom
435 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (King Slayer), Brace of Ogre Pistols, Rottenjaw
310 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse)
630 - 8 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
180 - 3 Bruisers
165 - 23 Scraplings, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
150 - 3 Tribesmen
699 - 6 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Plate Armour, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician,
175 - Kin-Eater
175 - Kin-Eater
175 - Kin-Eater
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
315 - Thunder Cannon
380 - Frost Mammoth, Hunting Spear, Hunting Spear

Edouard Serralunga - Orcs and Goblins
665 - Goblin King, Forest Goblin and Poison Attacks, Gargantula, Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker), Light Armour, Obsidian Rock
220 - Goblin King, General (+1 Discipline), Common Goblin, Shield, Bow, Light Armour, Crown of the Cavern King
380 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Wizard Master and +1 Health Point, Thaumaturgy
200 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy
370 - 30 Goblins, Cave Goblin, Shield, 2x Mad Gits, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
370 - 30 Goblins, Cave Goblin, Shield, 2x Mad Gits, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
222 - 22 Goblins, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Shield, Bow, 2x Shady Gits, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline),
Musician, Champion
173 - 8 Goblin Raiders, Forest Goblin, Throwing Weapons, Musician, Champion
559 - 8 Trolls, Cave Troll
511 - 8 Trolls, Bridge Troll
455 - Great Green Idol, Battle Standard Bearer
375 - Great Green Idol

Frederic Delbruyere - Vermin Swarm
555 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate,
Caelysian Pantheon
225 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
465 - Ruinous Dictator, General, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Pontifex Maximus, Avatar of Udius
190 - House Prefect, Pistol, Cowl of the Apostate, Tome of the Ratking, Stygian Overseer
591 - 47 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Flaming Standard)
369 - 44 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Stalker's Standard)
165 - 15 Vermin Velites, Sling, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
540 - 11 Fetthis Brutes, Champion
325 - 3 Murmillo Brutes, Deepfire Thrower, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Pistol, Champion
90 - 10 Giant Rats
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
210 - Vermin Artillery, Rakachit Mauss Rifle
185 - Vermin Artillery, Skorchit Ordnance

Giulio Gatti (c) - Highborn Elves
740 - Commander, Dragon, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Light Armour, Paired Weapons (Hero's Heart), Obsidian Rock,
Queen's Cavalier
735 - High Prince, General, Griffon, Shield, Dragonforged Armour (Daemon's Bane), Lance (Nova Flare), Diadem of Protection,
Dragon Staff
610 - Mage, Young Dragon, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Talisman of Shielding, Dragonfire Gem
230 - 5 Highborn Lancers, Musician, Champion
195 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow, Musician
195 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow, Musician
185 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow
160 - 10 Citizen Archers, Musician
160 - 10 Citizen Archers, Musician
375 - 6 Knights of Ryma, Musician, Champion
375 - 6 Knights of Ryma, Musician, Champion
350 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix
190 - 4 Giant Eagles

Romain Di Ruzza - Infernal Dwarves
525 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Nezibkesh, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Flintlock Axe, Binding Scroll
300 - Lamassu Scholar
245 - Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer, Blunderbuss, Blaze of Protection, Great Weapon
400 - 20 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Musician
385 - 15 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
385 - 15 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
330 - Infernal Bastion
325 - 3 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Musician, Champion
325 - 3 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Musician, Champion
320 - 15 Immortals, Spear, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
235 - Kadim Chariot, Paired Weapons
155 - Gunnery Team, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry

Sebastien Woillard - Empire of Sonnstahl
430 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Magical Heirloom
375 - Inquisitor, Horse and Light Troops, Shield (Dusk Forged), Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches), Blessed Steel
355 - Prelate, Horse, Paired Weapons, Plate Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Locket of Sunna, Obsidian Rock
260 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield, Cavalry Pick (Titanic Might)
250 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Blacksteel, Binding Scroll
130 - Artificer, Long Rifle
480 - 10 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders (Cavalry Pick), Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
248 - 17 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
248 - 17 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
180 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Musician, Champion
318 - 19 Imperial Guard, Shield, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
205 - 5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols, Musician, Champion (Repeater Pistol)
190 - 5 Reiters, Brace of Pistols, Musician
90 - 5 Imperial Rangers
240 - Artillery, Cannon
500 - Steam Tank

Sebastien Yelnik - Vampire Covenant
780 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Strigoi Bloodline (Ghoul Lord), Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Hand Weapon (True
Thirst), Hypnotic Pendant, Obsidian Rock
375 - Necromancer, Wizard Master, Evocation
350 - Vampire Courtier, Strigoi Bloodline, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism, Battle Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Great
145 - Banshee
145 - Banshee
575 - 40 Ghouls, Champion
213 - 24 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
213 - 24 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
134 - 21 Zombies, Musician
250 - Cadaver Wagon
660 - 4 Winged Reapers, Paired Weapons
660 - 4 Winged Reapers, Paired Weapons

William Breton - Daemon Legions
935 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Kaleidoscopic Flesh, Living Shield, Chitinous Scales, Centipede Legs,
Dextrous Tentacles
765 - Sentinel of Nukuja, General (Greater Dominion), Dark Pulpit, Thaumaturgy, Charged Tendrils
435 - 15 Succubi, Smothering Coils, Musician, Champion
435 - 15 Succubi, Smothering Coils, Musician, Champion
285 - 12 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
412 - 4 Clawed Fiends, Mesmerising Plumage, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
300 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher, Divining Snout, Standard Bearer
300 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher, Divining Snout, Standard Bearer
230 - Titanslayer Chariot, Divining Snout, Standard Bearer
230 - Titanslayer Chariot, Divining Snout, Standard Bearer
170 - 5 Furies

Charly - Vermin Swarm
470 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Crown of Autocracy, Holy
Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
305 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Magical Heirloom, Rod of Battle, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
315 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
265 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Crown of the Wizard King, Cowl of the Apostate
515 - 40 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
320 - 40 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
308 - 38 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
220 - 25 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
265 - 6 Fetthis Brutes, Champion
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
80 - Legionary Drill Team
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Deepfire Thrower
295 - Arena Beast

Chihammer - Orcs and Goblins
680 - Goblin King, Forest Goblin and Poison Attacks, Gargantula, Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker), Light Armour, Crown of the
Wizard King
460 - Orc Warlord, General, Common Orc, Orc Boar Chariot, Shield, Bow, Paired Weapons (Touch of Greatness), Heavy Armour
(Basalt Infusion), Talisman of Shielding, Crown of Autocracy
450 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Forest Goblin, Wizard Master and +1 Health Point, Pyromancy, Crystal Ball, Dragon Staff
205 - Goblin Chief, Forest Goblin, Bow (Maza's Zappin), Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
732 - 28 Orc 'Eadbashers, Feral Orc, Paired Weapons, Mammoth Stabber, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
240 - 20 Goblins, Forest Goblin, Bow, Creepers, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company),
156 - 21 Goblins, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Shield, Bow, Musician
511 - 8 Trolls, Bridge Troll
325 - 3 Goblin Wolf Chariots
310 - 15 Iron Orcs, Musician
120 - 5 Goblin Raiders, Forest Goblin, Throwing Weapons
310 - Giant, Giant Club

Jaafy - Ogre Khans
670 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Light Armour (Mammoth-Hide Cloak), Iron Fist, Lygur's Tongue, Talisman of
Shielding, Firebrand
535 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Khagadai's Legacy), Ogre Crossbow, Aurochs Charm,
Cult Leader
460 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Heavy Armour, Iron Fist, Ogre Crossbow (Viper's Curse), Rod of
Battle, Trolleater
630 - 8 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
495 - 8 Tribesmen, Iron Fist, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
80 - 5 Scrapling Trappers
315 - Thunder Cannon
315 - Thunder Cannon
240 - Scratapult
240 - Scratapult
175 - 3 Bombardiers
175 - 3 Bombardiers

Jesse Silva - Dwarven Holds
480 - Runic Smith, General (Ancestral Memory), Shield, Rune of Iron, Rune of Denial, Rune of Grounding, Rune of Harnessing, 3x
Battle Rune
445 - Thane, Shield Bearers, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Rune of Retribution, Rune of the Forge, Hand Weapon (2x Rune of
Lightning), 2x Rune of Shielding, Rune of Readiness, Holdstone
190 - Anvil of Power
620 - 40 Clan Warriors, Spear and Shield, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
185 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)
185 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)
135 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons
770 - 8 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer, Champion
670 - 7 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer, Champion
180 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
145 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon (Rune Crafted)

Jorge Mx - Infernal Dwarves
805 - Overlord, General, Great Bull of Shamut, Flintlock Axe (Eye of the Bull), Infernal Weapon (Onyx Core), Ring of Desiccation,
Obsidian Rock
460 - Prophet, Prophet of Lugar, Wizard Master, Occultism
300 - Lamassu Scholar
420 - 20 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
385 - 15 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
265 - 25 Vassal Levies, Spear and Shield, Musician, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Vassal Chieftain
200 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician
330 - Infernal Bastion
290 - Infernal Artillery, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
230 - 5 Vassal Cavalry, Vassal Chieftain on Vassal Steed
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

Neilp - Dread Elves
460 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll
410 - Temple Exarch, General, Alchemy, Divination, War Smith, Halberd (Pride of Gar Daecos), Essence of a Free Mind
325 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Shield (Willow's Ward), Kraken's Hide, Spear (Mastery of
495 - 30 Silexian Spears, Standard Bearer (Executioner's Icon), Musician, Champion
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
623 - 23 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Caedhren's Pennon)
525 - 23 Judicators, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)
215 - Divine Altar, Effigy of Dread
190 - Raptor Chariot, Halberd
190 - Raptor Chariot, Halberd
190 - Raptor Chariot, Halberd
245 - Mist Leviathan

Superorko - Daemon Legions
970 - Miser of Sugulag, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Mirrored Scales
755 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Iron Husk, Chitinous Scales
306 - 11 Succubi, Chilling Yawn, Musician, Champion
306 - 11 Succubi, Chilling Yawn, Musician, Champion
270 - 11 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
245 - 10 Myrmidons, Unhinging Jaw, Champion
415 - Hope Harvester, Engine of Damnation
373 - 3 Brazen Beasts, Incendiary Ichor, Musician, Champion
335 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher
175 - 2 Mageblight Gremlins
348 - 3 Bloat Flies, Kaleidoscopic Flesh, Champion

gundizalbo - Saurian Ancients
915 - Cuatl Lord, General, Alchemy, Battle Standard Bearer (Totem of Mixoatl), Ancient Plaque, Rod of Battle, Trained from Birth,
Grasp of the Immortal
285 - Skink Priest, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Book of Arcane Mastery, Obsidian Tesseract
155 - Skink Captain, Light Armour, Bow (Wildfire Burst), Paired Weapons
717 - 32 Saurian Warriors, Spear, Crocodile, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
187 - 16 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician, Champion
743 - 28 Temple Guard, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
294 - 4 Caimans, Halberd, Musician, Champion
294 - 4 Caimans, Halberd, Musician, Champion
255 - 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback
225 - 3 Rhamphodon Riders
225 - 3 Rhamphodon Riders
205 - 10 Chameleons

DZA - Vampire Covenant
450 - Vampire Courtier, Independant, Monstrous Revenant, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy
Armour (Death Cheater), Lance
430 - Vampire Courtier, General (The Dead Arise), Independant (Flying Horror), Wizard Adept, Occultism, Shield (Willow's Ward),
Heavy Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Hand Weapon (True Thirst)
400 - Vampire Courtier, Independant, Monstrous Revenant, Wizard Apprentice, Occultism, Shield, Heavy Armour (Ghostly Guard),
Lance, Binding Scroll, Lucky Charm
390 - Vampire Courtier, Independant, Monstrous Revenant, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Shield, Heavy Armour (Basalt
Infusion), Lance, Talisman of Shielding
250 - 25 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
250 - 25 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
182 - 21 Skeletons, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
125 - 8 Dire Wolves
455 - Dark Coach
455 - Dark Coach
325 - Varkolak
325 - Varkolak
325 - Varkolak

Edjuh2.0 - Sylvan Elves
485 - Druid, General, Eagle King, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Binding Scroll
485 - Druid, Eagle King, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Binding Scroll
235 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
235 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
235 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
235 - 10 Sylvan Archers, Musician
200 - 5 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
521 - 24 Forest Rangers, Vanguard and +1" Adv, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
457 - 22 Forest Rangers, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
500 - 10 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Champion
455 - 10 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades, Champion
455 - 10 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades, Champion

Ehakir - Empire of Sonnstahl
495 - Wizard, Arcane Engine (Arcane Shield), Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Book of Arcane
310 - Wizard, Horse, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Light Armour, Locket of Sunna
325 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield (Shield of Volund), Cavalry Pick (Titanic Might), Obsidian Rock, Potion of
285 - Marshal, Horse, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Paired Weapons (Supernatural Dexterity), Dragon Staff,
Mantle of Ullor
255 - Prelate, Horse, Shield, Heavy Armour, Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches)
645 - 15 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders (Cavalry Pick), Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
170 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
170 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
140 - 10 State Militia, Champion
577 - 6 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
562 - 6 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
562 - 6 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion

Harm Smits - Vermin Swarm
490 - Ruinous Dictator, General, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Pontifex Maximus, Avatar of Favana
315 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
235 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Rod of Battle, Caelysian Pantheon
461 - 37 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Stalker's Standard)
332 - 42 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
332 - 42 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
420 - 9 Fetthis Brutes
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Canister Launcher
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Canister Launcher
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Canister Launcher
145 - 8 Ignifier Grenadiers
145 - 8 Ignifier Grenadiers
310 - Arena Beast, Underworld Beast
310 - Arena Beast, Underworld Beast

Jerro - Warriors of the Dark Gods
395 - Sorcerer, General, Wizard Master, Evocation, Light Armour
395 - Sorcerer, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Light Armour
570 - 20 Warriors, Gluttony, Standard Bearer (Zealots' Banner), Musician, Champion
220 - 10 Fallen
119 - 8 Warhounds
340 - 5 Warrior Knights, Great Weapon, Wrath, Musician, Champion
340 - 5 Warrior Knights, Great Weapon, Wrath, Musician, Champion
340 - 5 Warrior Knights, Great Weapon, Wrath, Musician, Champion
340 - 5 Warrior Knights, Great Weapon, Wrath, Musician, Champion
260 - 5 Chosen, Pride, Standard Bearer
260 - 5 Chosen, Pride, Standard Bearer
230 - Warrior Chariot
230 - Warrior Chariot
230 - Warrior Chariot
230 - Warrior Chariot

Menno - Daemon Legions
280 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, General, Wizard Adept, Divination
280 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Wizard Adept, Evocation
280 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft
415 - 15 Succubi, Bronze Backbone, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
415 - 15 Succubi, Bronze Backbone, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
300 - 10 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Standard Bearer (Firestarter - Spear of Infinity), Musician, Champion
801 - 6 Hoarders, Mirrored Scales, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
205 - 5 Sirens
675 - 6 Bloat Flies, Dextrous Tentacles, Champion
675 - 6 Bloat Flies, Dextrous Tentacles, Champion
170 - 5 Furies

Reinier - Dread Elves
475 - Dread Prince, General, Elven Horse, Shield (Dusk Forged), Ghostly Guard, Lance (Transcendence), Talisman of Shielding
435 - Temple Exarch, Alchemy, War Smith, Paired Weapons (Lacerating Touch), Obsidian Rock
375 - Temple Exarch, Divination, War Smith, Halberd (Pride of Gar Daecos)
320 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Willow's Ward), Kraken's Hide, Alchemist's Alloy, Mask of the War Crow
565 - 30 Temple Militants, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
534 - 31 Silexian Spears, Standard Bearer (Caedhren's Pennon), Musician, Champion
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
410 - 3 Gorgons, Paired Weapons
357 - 6 Warlock Acolytes, Champion
250 - 10 Obsidian Guard, Musician
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
190 - Hunting Chariot

Wurzaq - Kingdom of Equitaine
755 - Equitan Lord, General, Hippogriff, Shield, Lance (Divine Judgement), Prayer-Etched, Black Knight's Tabard, Sainted, Honour
500 - Equitan Lord, Fey Steed, Shield, Bastard Sword (Tristan's Resolve), Ghostly Guard, Potion of Swiftness, Paladin, Excellence
465 - Equitan Lord, Fey Steed, Halberd (Mortal Reminder), Essence of Mithril, Paladin, Valour
470 - 9 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Relic Shroud)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
390 - 9 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
555 - 5 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
355 - 3 Pegasus Knights, Champion
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Druidism)
275 - 6 Naiads, Champion

New Zealand
Bogi - Empire of Sonnstahl
430 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Magical Heirloom
420 - Marshal, General, Great Griffon, Shield (Shield of Volund), Lance, Ghostly Guard, Winter Cloak
240 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Willow's Ward), Hand Weapon (Death Warrant), Alchemist's Alloy
395 - Inquisitor, Horse and Light Troops, Shield (Dusk Forged), Repeater Pistol, Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches), Silver
310 - Prelate, Great Weapon (Cleansing Light), Heavy Armour (Essence of Mithril), Locket of Sunna
398 - 41 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer (Banner of Unity), Musician, Champion
290 - 20 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
290 - 20 Light Infantry, Handgun, Standard Bearer (Marksman's Pennant), Musician
148 - 13 State Militia
493 - 27 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
101 - 6 Imperial Rangers
90 - 5 Imperial Rangers
240 - Artillery, Cannon
150 - Artillery, Imperial Rocketeer
500 - Steam Tank

Hebus - Warriors of the Dark Gods
735 - Chosen Lord, General, Black Steed, Trophy Rack (Aether Icon), Shield, Hellforged Armour (Death Cheater), Paired Weapons
(Touch of Greatness), Great Weapon, Halberd, Immortal Gauntlets, Obsidian Rock, Greed, Idol of Spite
550 - Sorcerer, Black Steed, Wizard Master, Evocation, Plate Armour, Binding Scroll, Lord of the Damned
610 - 24 Warriors, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
290 - 11 Barbarian Horsemen, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
715 - 5 Chosen Knights, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician,
504 - 8 Warrior Knights, Lance, Standard Bearer (Icon of the Infinite), Musician, Champion
500 - 6 Wretched Ones
500 - 6 Wretched Ones
95 - 5 Warhounds

Jeff7072 - Dwarven Holds
515 - King, General, Shield, Rune of Resistance, 2x Rune of Iron, Hand Weapon (Rune of Destruction, Rune of Smashing, Rune of
Fire), Holdstone
420 - Runic Smith, Shield, 2x Rune of Iron, Rune of Devouring, Rune of Harnessing, Rune of Readiness, 3x Battle Rune
410 - Thane, Shield Bearers, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Hand Weapon (Rune of Fury, 2x Rune of
Lightning), Rune of Dragon's Breath
205 - Engineer, Shield, Forge Repeater, Rune of Storms, Rune of Readiness, Rune of Mining
190 - Anvil of Power
640 - 30 Greybeards, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
517 - 22 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
448 - 20 Rangers, Shield, Crossbow, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
230 - 10 Miners, Shield, Pistol, Musician
180 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
180 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
315 - Field Artillery, Organ Gun (Rune Crafted)
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon

Mark Skilton - Infernal Dwarves
515 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Lugar, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Tablet of Vezodinezh
345 - Lamassu Scholar, Crystal Ball
330 - Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Blaze of Protection, Flintlock Axe (Eye of the Bull), Lugar's Dice
200 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft
662 - 24 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
250 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)
220 - 20 Vassal Levies, Shield, Bow, Musician
491 - 4 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
290 - Infernal Artillery, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
125 - Vassal Slingshot
470 - Infernal Engine, Rock Crusher
445 - Kadim Titan, Walking Volcano (Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry)

McCrae Loudon - Sylvan Elves
415 - Druid, General, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sylvan Longbow, Obsidian Rock
215 - Druid, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Sylvan Longbow
220 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Sylvan Longbow, Great Weapon
605 - 30 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion
367 - 16 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
160 - 8 Dryads, Scoring, Champion
449 - 24 Forest Rangers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
449 - 24 Forest Rangers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
275 - 5 Wild Huntsmen, Sylvan Lance, Standard Bearer
270 - 5 Wild Huntsmen, Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer
220 - 7 Blade Dancers, Standard Bearer
350 - 10 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
350 - 10 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
155 - 5 Sylvan Sentinels, Sylvan Blades

Ry-Sim - Dread Elves
455 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Evocation, Talisman of the Void
235 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft
410 - Temple Exarch, General, Divination, War Smith, Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker), Obsidian Rock
335 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Shield (Willow's Ward), Kraken's Hide, Alchemist's Alloy,
Spear, Seal of the 9th Fleet
412 - 28 Silexian Spears, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
670 - 28 Judicators, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Caedhren's Pennon)
410 - 3 Gorgons, Paired Weapons
292 - 12 Obsidian Guard, Musician
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
269 - 7 Warlock Acolytes

Token - Saurian Ancients
680 - Cuatl Lord, Evocation, Battle Standard Bearer, Magical Heirloom, Crown of Autocracy, Trained from Birth
660 - Skink Priest, Taurosaur (Great Bow), Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Spirit of the Stampede, Dragon Staff
100 - Skink Priest, Wizard Apprentice, Druidism
340 - Saurian Veteran, Raptor, Shield (Dusk Forged), Light Armour, Lance, Dragonfire Gem
360 - 27 Skink Braves, Shield, 2x Caiman, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
187 - 16 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician, Champion
187 - 16 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician, Champion
171 - 16 Skink Braves, Bow, Musician, Champion
127 - 2 Snake Swarms, Scout
284 - 4 Rhamphodon Riders, Champion
225 - 5 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin, Champion
225 - 5 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin, Champion
190 - 9 Chameleons
190 - 9 Chameleons
285 - Stygiosaur
285 - Stygiosaur

pwillink - Ogre Khans
670 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Light Armour (Mammoth-Hide Cloak), Iron Fist, Lygur's Tongue, Talisman of
Shielding, Firebrand
535 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Khagadai's Legacy), Ogre Crossbow, Aurochs Charm,
Cult Leader
460 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Heavy Armour, Iron Fist, Ogre Crossbow (Viper's Curse), Rod of
Battle, Trolleater
630 - 8 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
495 - 8 Tribesmen, Iron Fist, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
80 - 5 Scrapling Trappers
315 - Thunder Cannon
315 - Thunder Cannon
240 - Scratapult
240 - Scratapult
175 - 3 Bombardiers
175 - 3 Bombardiers

Brinchmann - Vermin Swarm
570 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Rod of Battle, Holy Triumvirate,
Caelysian Pantheon
255 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Orator's Toga, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
520 - Bloodfur Legate, General, Triumphal Platform, Halberd, Crown of the Wizard King, Cowl of the Apostate
150 - House Prefect, Praetorian Brute, Pistol, Fetthis Fleshmaster
150 - House Prefect, Praetorian Brute, Pistol, Fetthis Fleshmaster
450 - 55 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
260 - 30 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
260 - 30 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
170 - 26 Giant Rats
485 - 10 Fetthis Brutes, Champion
485 - 10 Fetthis Brutes, Champion
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
295 - Arena Beast

Hallvard Haugen - Vampire Covenant
740 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Nosferatu Bloodline (Blood Magic), Wizard Master, Cosmology, Necromantic
340 - Necromancer, Cadaver Wagon, Wizard Apprentice, Alchemy
295 - Vampire Courtier, Nosferatu Bloodline, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Book of Arcane
285 - 30 Skeletons, Spear, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
285 - 30 Skeletons, Spear, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
285 - 30 Skeletons, Spear, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
165 - 20 Skeletons, Musician, Champion
105 - 2 Bat Swarms
340 - Altar of Undeath
340 - Altar of Undeath
660 - 4 Winged Reapers, Halberd
660 - 4 Winged Reapers, Paired Weapons

Harakiri - Warriors of the Dark Gods
675 - Doomlord, General, Trophy Rack (Aether Icon), Spiked Shield (Dusk Forged), Hell-forged Armour (Gladiator's Spirit), Great
Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Obsidian Rock
650 - Sorcerer, Veil Walker, Black Steed, Wizard Master, Occultism, Plate Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Magical Heirloom, Rod of
220 - 10 Fallen
199 - 24 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, Musician
199 - 24 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, Musician
163 - 18 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, Musician
119 - 8 Warhounds
685 - 8 Forsworn, Spiked Shield, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
582 - 7 Chosen, Great Weapon, Wrath, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
545 - 10 Warrior Knights, Great Weapon, Pride, Standard Bearer (Wasteland Torch), Musician, Champion
460 - Hellmaw, Two Ominous Gateways

Hermund "Herminard" Furu - Beast Herds
640 - Minotaur Warlord, Light Armour (Aaghor's Affliction), Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions)
290 - Beast Lord, General (Ambush, Hunting Call), Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon
285 - Beast Chieftain, Ambush, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Wild Form), Great Weapon
195 - Soothsayer, Ambush, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Hand Weapon (Ancestral Carvings)
195 - Soothsayer, Ambush, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism, Hand Weapon (Ancestral Carvings)
195 - Soothsayer, Ambush, Wizard Apprentice, Druidism, Hand Weapon (Ancestral Carvings)
394 - 33 Mongrel Herd, Spear, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion
394 - 33 Mongrel Herd, Spear, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion
321 - 28 Wildhorn Herd, Shield, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled
Hide Totem))
100 - Razortusk Herd
310 - Cyclops
310 - Cyclops
295 - Beast Giant, Giant Club
295 - Beast Giant, Giant Club
280 - Jabberwock

Kalerith - Dread Elves
545 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Evocation, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Binding Scroll, Potion of Strength
420 - Temple Exarch, General, Alchemy, Divination, War Smith, Essence of Mithril, Blades of Darag, Essence of a Free Mind
335 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard, Aether Icon), Shield (Willow's Ward), Kraken's Hide, Spear,
Obsidian Rock, Lucky Charm
560 - 35 Silexian Spears, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
505 - 26 Temple Militants, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
545 - 24 Judicators, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)
424 - 8 Dread Knights, Lance, Musician
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery

Nantuko - Sylvan Elves
245 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Sylvan Longbow, Binding Scroll
245 - Druid, General, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Sylvan Longbow, Lightning Vambraces
215 - Druid, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Sylvan Longbow
406 - 24 Dryads, Scoring
360 - 10 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
360 - 10 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
429 - 24 Forest Rangers, Musician
429 - 24 Forest Rangers, Musician
413 - 23 Forest Rangers, Musician
401 - 5 Kestrel Knights, Skirmisher and Sylvan Longbow
401 - 5 Kestrel Knights, Skirmisher and Sylvan Longbow
298 - 9 Sylvan Sentinels
298 - 9 Sylvan Sentinels

TurboTT - Empire of Sonnstahl
485 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Binding Scroll, Talisman of the Void
285 - Wizard, Wizard Adept, Divination, Book of Arcane Mastery
375 - Prelate, General, Shield, Plate Armour (Imperial Seal), Hand Weapon (Death Warrant), Obsidian Rock
250 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Household Standard), Pistol, Shield (Willow's Ward), Alchemist's Alloy,
Potion of Strength
464 - 48 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
140 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Support Unit
140 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Support Unit
214 - 24 State Militia
214 - 24 State Militia
214 - 24 State Militia
123 - 8 Imperial Rangers
123 - 8 Imperial Rangers
240 - Artillery, Cannon
240 - Artillery, Cannon
330 - 24 Flagellants
330 - 24 Flagellants
330 - 24 Flagellants

Ugrush - Daemon Legions
980 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Witchcraft, Iron Husk, Mesmerising Plumage
815 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Living Shield
515 - 20 Myrmidons, Whipcrack Tail, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
463 - 18 Succubi, Chilling Yawn, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
255 - 10 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
315 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Standard Bearer
315 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Standard Bearer
195 - 5 Eidolons, Scout
640 - 5 Bloat Flies, Broodmother, Standard Bearer, Champion

Adam - Vampire Covenant
875 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Independant (Hour of the Wolf), Wizard Master, Occultism, Shield (Willow's
Ward), Heavy Armour (Legend of the Black King), Hand Weapon (True Thirst), Potion of Swiftness
870 - Vampire Count, Independant (Arcane Knowledge), Wizard Master, Evocation, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired
Weapons (Shield Breaker), Night's Crown, Cursed Medallion
560 - 39 Ghouls, Champion
348 - 39 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
585 - 30 Barrow Guard, Shield, Standard Bearer (Black Standard of Zagvozd), Musician, Champion
290 - Court of the Damned
105 - 3 Great Bats
105 - 3 Great Bats
105 - 3 Great Bats
105 - 3 Great Bats
275 - 3 Vampire Knights, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
275 - 3 Vampire Knights, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

Cauliflower - Kingdom of Equitaine
525 - Damsel, Revered Unicorn, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Binding Scroll
260 - Damsel, Fey Steed, Wizard Adept, Divination
510 - Folk Hero, General, Fey Steed, Great Weapon (Mortal Reminder), Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Black Knight's Tabard,
Sainted, Cleric, Castellan, Valour
320 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Heavy Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Sacred Chalice, Cleric,
565 - 12 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Relic Shroud)
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
625 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
365 - 3 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Witchcraft)
185 - 8 Naiads

Crusader - Beast Herds
515 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Druidism, Seed of the Dark Forest, Sceptre of Power
290 - Soothsayer, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Binding Scroll
410 - Beast Lord, General (Hunting Call), Light Armour (Aaghor's Affliction), Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Crown of
340 - Beast Chieftain, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great
198 - 16 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Musician
190 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Musician
196 - 21 Mongrel Herd, Ambush, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
110 - 14 Mongrel Raiders
104 - 8 Feral Hounds
104 - 8 Feral Hounds
650 - 35 Longhorn Herd, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
433 - 24 Longhorn Herd, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
480 - Gortach
480 - Gortach

Ever - Warriors of the Dark Gods
675 - Chosen Lord, General, War Dais, Trophy Rack, Shield, Hellforged Armour (Gladiator's Spirit), Paired Weapons (Touch of
Greatness), Talisman of Shielding, Immortal Gauntlets, Lust, Luck of the Dark Gods
580 - Doomlord, Trophy Rack (Aether Icon), Spiked Shield (Dusk Forged), Hell-forged Armour (Basalt Infusion), Great Weapon
540 - Sorcerer, Veil Walker, Wizard Master, Occultism, Light Armour, Binding Scroll
225 - Sorcerer, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Light Armour
400 - 35 Barbarians, Spear and Shield, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
161 - 16 Barbarians, Musician, Champion
220 - 10 Fallen
119 - 8 Warhounds
575 - 7 Forsworn, Spiked Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
425 - 3 Feldraks, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
425 - 3 Feldraks, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
155 - 5 Flayers

Furion - Highborn Elves
710 - High Prince, General, Griffon, Shield, Dragonforged Armour (Daemon's Bane), Lance (Nova Flare), Diadem of Protection
525 - High Prince, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Great Weapon, Master of Canreig Tower (High Prince must gain 3
additional Learned Spells)
310 - Commander, Elven Horse, Shield (Dusk Forged), Battle Standard Bearer, Dragonforged Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Light
255 - Mage, Reaver Chariot, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Light Armour
360 - 9 Highborn Lancers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
290 - 20 Citizen Spears, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
290 - 20 Citizen Spears, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
190 - 5 Elein Reavers, Champion
350 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix
350 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix
300 - 3 Reaver Chariots, Champion
190 - Sea Guard Reaper
190 - Sea Guard Reaper
190 - Sea Guard Reaper

Handelek - Infernal Dwarves
550 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Nezibkesh, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Shield, Alchemist's Alloy, Blunderbuss, Tablet of
440 - Vizier, Bull of Shamut, Shield (Kadim Binding), Basalt Infusion, Flintlock Axe (Eye of the Bull), Lugar's Dice
325 - Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Blaze of Protection, Great Weapon, Crystal Ball, Obsidian Rock
215 - Vassal Conjurer, Vassal Steed, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy
672 - 24 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Twice-Branded), Musician, Champion
385 - 15 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
400 - 20 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Musician
583 - 22 Disciples of Lugar, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
290 - Infernal Artillery, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
200 - 5 Vassal Cavalry

Rince - Vermin Swarm
585 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Pestilent Pulpit), Wizard Adept, Occultism, Sceptre of Power, Cowl of the Apostate, Cult of
295 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
220 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
270 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Binding Scroll, Rod of Battle
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
435 - 55 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Flaming Standard)
410 - 55 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
165 - 15 Vermin Velites, Sling, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
115 - 30 Vermin Slaves
445 - 38 Plague Disciples, Great Weapon, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Last Storm)
325 - 3 Murmillo Brutes, Deepfire Thrower, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
205 - 2 Dreadmill Chariots
205 - 2 Dreadmill Chariots

Tutajec - Sylvan Elves
495 - Forest Prince, Eagle King, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Sylvan Blades (Titanic Might), Dragonfire Gem
475 - Druid, General, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Binding Scroll, Sceptre of Power
240 - Druid, Elven Horse, Wizard Adept, Cosmology
315 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Sylvan Blades (Spirit of the Whirlwind), Drums of Cenyrn, Blade Dancer
415 - 12 Heath Riders, Shield, Standard Bearer (Predator Pennant), Musician, Champion
350 - 15 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
190 - 15 Forest Guard, Elven Cloak and Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
170 - 15 Forest Guard, Elven Cloak and Sylvan Blades, Musician
431 - 9 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer, Champion
395 - 12 Blade Dancers, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Champion
350 - 3 Kestrel Knights, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Silent Mist)
324 - 9 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
175 - 5 Pathfinders
175 - 5 Pathfinders

Dalhin - Dwarven Holds
500 - King, General, Shield, Hand Weapon (Rune of Destruction, Rune of Smashing, Rune of Quickening), 2x Rune of Shielding,
405 - Runic Smith, Shield, Rune of Denial, Rune of Grounding, Rune of Harnessing, 3x Battle Rune
320 - Thane, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company, Aether Icon), Rune of Iron, Rune of the Courage,
Rune of Readiness
190 - Anvil of Power
614 - 24 Greybeards, Shield, Throwing Weapons, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Swiftness), Musician, Champion
555 - 30 Clan Warriors, Spear and Shield, Vanguard, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
615 - 6 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of the Hold), Musician, Champion
615 - 6 Hold Guardians, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of the Hold), Musician, Champion
295 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Catapult (Rune Crafted)
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
145 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon (Rune Crafted)

Jose_paulo - Daemon Legions
1015 - Vanadra's Scourge, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Adept, Evocation, Living Shield, Dextrous Tentacles, Whipcrack
615 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, Wizard Apprentice, Divination, Kaleidoscopic Flesh, Chitinous Scales
547 - 22 Succubi, Chilling Yawn, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
291 - 11 Imps, Incendiary Ichor, Standard Bearer (Firestarter - Hand of Heaven), Musician
291 - 11 Imps, Incendiary Ichor, Standard Bearer (Firestarter - Hand of Heaven), Musician
415 - Hope Harvester, Engine of Damnation
345 - 5 Eidolons, Scout, Aura of Despair, Champion
335 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher
300 - 3 Hoarders, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
175 - 2 Mageblight Gremlins
170 - 5 Furies

Kermit - Vermin Swarm
310 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Rod of Battle, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
295 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
310 - Bloodfur Legate, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
210 - Vermin Senator, General, Crown of the Wizard King, Cowl of the Apostate
554 - 43 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
552 - 44 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Flaming Standard)
240 - 25 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Banner of Discipline)
595 - 12 Fetthis Brutes, Champion
595 - 12 Fetthis Brutes, Champion
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
90 - 10 Giant Rats
310 - Arena Beast, Underworld Beast
295 - Arena Beast

Komikaz - Kingdom of Equitaine
475 - Folk Hero, General, Destrier, Shield (Fortress of Faith), Heavy Armour (Basalt Infusion), Bastard Sword (Touch of
Greatness), Potion of Swiftness, Sainted, Cleric, Castellan, Faith
335 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Heavy Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Lucky Charm,
Cleric, Bannerman
315 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Adept, Divination, Magical Heirloom
265 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Adept, Shamanism
570 - 12 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Banner of Elan)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Relic Shroud)
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
685 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
685 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
170 - Siege Weapon, Trebuchet
170 - Siege Weapon, Trebuchet
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow

O magnifico - Orcs and Goblins
665 - Goblin King, Forest Goblin and Poison Attacks, Gargantula, Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker), Light Armour, Obsidian Rock
380 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Wizard Master and +1 Health Point, Witchcraft
285 - Orc Shaman, General, Common Orc, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Paired Weapons, Binding Scroll
145 - Goblin Chief, Cave Goblin, Cave Gnasher, Light Lance
145 - Goblin Chief, Cave Goblin, Cave Gnasher, Light Lance
770 - 29 Orc 'Eadbashers, Feral Orc, Spear, Mammoth Stabber, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
195 - 20 Orcs, Common Orc, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
163 - 8 Goblin Raiders, Forest Goblin, Throwing Weapons, Champion
320 - 15 Iron Orcs, Musician, Champion
320 - 15 Iron Orcs, Musician, Champion
140 - Orc Boar Chariot
140 - Orc Boar Chariot
455 - Great Green Idol, Battle Standard Bearer
375 - Great Green Idol

True_Norse - Infernal Dwarves
615 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Ashuruk, Wizard Master, Occultism, Shield (Willow's Ward), Binding Scroll, Tablet of
610 - Overlord, Bull of Shamut, Shield, Flintlock Axe (Eye of the Bull), Infernal Weapon (Onyx Core), Basalt Infusion, Ring of
Desiccation, Lugar's Dice
475 - Vizier, Bull of Shamut, Battle Standard Bearer, Blunderbuss, Essence of Mithril, Great Weapon (Flame of the East),
Dragonfire Gem
285 - 15 Citadel Guard, Pistol, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
285 - 15 Citadel Guard, Pistol, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
280 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Vassal Chieftain
280 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Vassal Chieftain
583 - 22 Disciples of Lugar, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Icon of Ashuruk), Musician, Champion
556 - 23 Disciples of Lugar, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

joss - Warriors of the Dark Gods
685 - Doomlord, Wasteland Behemoth, Trophy Rack, Shield, Paired Weapons (Touch of Greatness), Immortal Gauntlets
655 - Sorcerer, General, Veil Walker, Black Steed, Wizard Master, Occultism, Plate Armour, Binding Scroll, Magical Heirloom
540 - Chosen Lord, Black Steed, Shield, Paired Weapons, Lance, Great Weapon, Halberd, Talisman of Shielding, Dragonfire Gem,
Greed, Entropic Aura
330 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Musician, Champion
236 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Light Lance, Shield, Musician, Champion
220 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Shield, Musician, Champion
119 - 8 Warhounds
515 - Feldrak Elder, Paired Weapons
475 - Feldrak Elder, Great Weapon
320 - Battleshrine
240 - 3 Forsworn, Paired Weapons, Damnation, Champion
165 - 5 Flayers, Shield

xso - Dread Elves
460 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Master, Evocation, Binding Scroll
260 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Obsidian Rock
190 - Silexian Officer, General, Crown of Autocracy
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
280 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Champion, Musician
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
593 - 23 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
325 - 5 Warlock Acolytes, Champion
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery

Callum Mellis - Infernal Dwarves
570 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Ashuruk, Seat of Authority, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Rod of Battle
290 - Prophet, Prophet of Lugar, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy
270 - Vizier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Legion Standard), Blunderbuss, Blaze of Protection, Great Weapon
769 - 31 Infernal Warriors, Ziggurat Regulars, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Twice-Branded), Musician, Champion
430 - 20 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
573 - 24 Disciples of Lugar, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
445 - 10 Taurukh Enforcers, Infernal Weapon, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)
330 - Infernal Bastion
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
125 - Vassal Slingshot
410 - Infernal Engine, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry

Casimir the Swede - Dwarven Holds
735 - King, General, War Throne, Pistol, Rune of Resistance, Rune of Iron, Rune of the Forge, Hand Weapon (Rune of Destruction,
Rune of Might, Rune of Craftsmanship), Holdstone
260 - Thane, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, 2x Rune of Iron, Hand Weapon (2x Rune of Lightning)
190 - Anvil of Power
450 - 20 Clan Marksmen, Crossbow and Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of the Hold), Musician, Champion
440 - 20 Clan Marksmen, Crossbow and Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of the Hold), Musician
235 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun
462 - 22 Deep Watch, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Wisdom), Musician, Champion
305 - Grudge Buster
305 - Grudge Buster
265 - 15 Forge Wardens, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
180 - Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
295 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Catapult (Rune Crafted)
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
130 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon

Edward Murdoch - Daemon Legions
870 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Witchcraft, Dark Hide
840 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Brimstone Secretions, Dark Hide
391 - 17 Succubi, Dark Hide, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
391 - 17 Succubi, Dark Hide, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
345 - 15 Succubi, Dark Hide, Musician, Champion
511 - 4 Brazen Beasts, Centipede Legs, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
427 - 7 Eidolons, Scout, Aura of Despair, Champion
320 - 5 Eidolons, Aura of Despair, Champion
205 - 6 Hellhounds, Horns of Hubris, Champion
199 - 6 Hellhounds, Grasping Proboscis, Champion

Fras Campbell - Dread Elves
585 - Beastmaster, Manticore (Extraordinary Specimen), Shield, Death Cheater, Lance (Transcendence)
480 - Silexian Officer, Manticore, Battle Standard Bearer, Destiny's Call, Halberd
450 - Warlock Outcast, General, Wizard Master, Witchcraft, Crystal Ball
235 - Warlock Outcast, Wizard Adept, Evocation
306 - 18 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
220 - 15 Silexian Spears, Musician, Champion
220 - 15 Silexian Spears, Musician, Champion
190 - 10 Raiding Party, Corsair, Champion
190 - 5 Shadow Riders, Musician
440 - 3 Gorgons, Halberd
396 - 7 Dread Knights, Lance, Musician, Champion
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
190 - Raptor Chariot, Halberd
190 - Raptor Chariot, Halberd

John T - Ogre Khans
705 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Iron Fist, Lygur's Tongue, Crystal Ball, Gut Roarer
350 - Shaman, General, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery
395 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Heavy Armour (Karkadan's Resilience), Iron Fist, Rod of Battle, Cult
656 - 9 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
160 - 20 Scraplings, Bow, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
160 - 20 Scraplings, Bow, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
155 - 20 Scraplings, Bow, Scrapling Foreman (Great Weapon)
593 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
593 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
80 - 5 Scrapling Trappers
80 - 5 Scrapling Trappers
570 - 8 Bombardiers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion

Kevin Stonebanks - Beast Herds
675 - Minotaur Warlord, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (Blessed Inscriptions), Obsidian Rock
600 - Soothsayer, Raiding Chariot, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Light Armour (Trickster's Cunning), Hand Weapon (Ancestral
Carvings), Talisman of Shielding
470 - Minotaur Chieftain, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Aaghor's Affliction), Great Weapon
254 - 16 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons and Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician,
245 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Paired Weapons and Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician,
315 - 3 Raiding Chariots
104 - 8 Feral Hounds
611 - 6 Minotaurs, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
135 - 5 Gargoyles
280 - Jabberwock
270 - Beast Giant, Uprooted Tree
270 - Beast Giant, Uprooted Tree
270 - Beast Giant, Uprooted Tree

Matt Perriss - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald
600 - Chosen Lord, General, Black Steed, Shield, Hellforged Armour (Death Cheater), Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Pride
565 - Chosen Lord, Trophy Rack, Spiked Shield (Dusk Forged), Hellforged Armour (Thrice-Forged), Hand Weapon (Symbol of
Slaughter), Gluttony, Daemonic Wings
797 - 29 Warriors, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
119 - 8 Warhounds
660 - 5 Chosen Knights, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer, Musician
535 - 8 Warrior Knights, Lance, Pride, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
360 - Chosen Chariot, Lust
Tim Bohknecht - Orcs and Goblins
545 - Orc Warlord, General, Iron Orc, War Boar, Shield (Dusk Forged), Plate Armour, Hand Weapon (Omen of the Apocalypse),
Dragonfire Gem
475 - Orc Shaman, Common Orc, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Talisman of the Void, Obsidian Rock
300 - Orc Shaman, Common Orc, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Book of Arcane Mastery
300 - Orc Chief, Iron Orc, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Plate Armour (Alchemist's Alloy)
105 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft
900 - 35 Orc 'Eadbashers, Feral Orc, Paired Weapons, Mammoth Stabber, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
225 - 21 Orcs, Common Orc, Shield, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician, Champion
740 - 30 Iron Orcs, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
626 - 14 Mounted 'Eadbashers, Common Orc, Shield, Lance, Standard Bearer (Mikinok's Totem), Musician, Champion
140 - Orc Boar Chariot
140 - Orc Boar Chariot

Alf - Beast Herds
490 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Paired Weapons, Dark Rain
410 - Beast Lord, General (Hunting Call), Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Talisman of
Shielding, Crown of Autocracy
320 - Beast Chieftain, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon
422 - 39 Mongrel Herd, Spear, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Wild Herd), Musician, Champion
190 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Musician
190 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Musician
104 - 8 Feral Hounds
830 - 9 Minotaurs, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
552 - 31 Longhorn Herd, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
375 - 6 Razortusk Herd
135 - 5 Gargoyles
480 - Gortach

Dopudjad - Kingdom of Equitaine
660 - Equitan Lord, General, Pegasus Charger, Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Percival's Panoply, Black Knight's Tabard,
Sainted, Excellence
400 - Equitan Lord, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Bastard Sword (Tristan's Resolve), Alchemist's Alloy, Potion of
Strength, Faith
435 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Master, Druidism
580 - 13 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard)
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
280 - 6 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
625 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
580 - 5 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Standard Bearer (Banner of Roland)
507 - 9 Knights Resplendent, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon)
150 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Bow, Shield, Musician

Dušan Jovanovi - Dread Elves
405 - Warlock Outcast, General, Wizard Master, Evocation
375 - Temple Exarch, Divination, War Smith, Blades of Darag, Ceinran's Scales
230 - Silexian Officer, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon)
180 - Silent Assassin
415 - 20 Temple Militants, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
180 - 10 Raiding Party, Corsair
543 - 23 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
512 - 22 Obsidian Guard, Musician, Standard Bearer
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
160 - Gorgons, Paired Weapons
180 - 5 Black Cloaks
180 - 5 Black Cloaks

Iskusinjo - Highborn Elves
545 - Mage, General, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Light Armour (Gleaming Robe), Magical Heirloom, Crown of Autocracy
475 - Commander, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Cleansing Light), Master of Canreig
460 - 30 Citizen Spears, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
448 - 29 Citizen Spears, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
220 - 5 Highborn Lancers, Musician
455 - 20 Sword Masters, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
455 - 20 Sword Masters, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
445 - 20 Sword Masters, Musician, Champion
445 - 20 Sword Masters, Musician, Champion
350 - Phoenix, Frost Phoenix
100 - Giant Eagles
100 - Giant Eagles

Kirgan - Infernal Dwarves
575 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Nezibkesh, Wizard Master, Alchemy, 2x Binding Scroll
490 - Taurukh Commissioner, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Death Cheater, Infernal Weapon, Hand Weapon (Shield Breaker)
375 - Lamassu Scholar, Book of Arcane Mastery
670 - 25 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
455 - 15 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
658 - 6 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
340 - Citizen Giant, Tower Shield
340 - Citizen Giant, Tower Shield

Petar - Sylvan Elves
310 - Thicket Shepherd, Battle Standard Bearer, Oaken Crown
280 - Dryad Ancient, General, Wizard Adept, Divination, Scarred Bark
280 - Dryad Ancient, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Toxic Spores
416 - 24 Dryads, Scoring, Champion
416 - 24 Dryads, Scoring, Champion
150 - 8 Dryads, Scoring
150 - 8 Dryads, Scoring
571 - 6 Thicket Beasts, Champion
571 - 6 Thicket Beasts, Champion
571 - 6 Thicket Beasts, Champion
305 - 3 Kestrel Knights, Shield
285 - 3 Kestrel Knights, Skirmisher and Sylvan Longbow, Champion
95 - Forest Eagles
95 - Forest Eagles

Schlos - Dwarven Holds
765 - King, General, War Throne, Shield, Rune of Resistance, Rune of the Forge, Hand Weapon (Rune of Destruction, 2x Rune of
Might), Rune of Shielding, Holdstone
360 - Thane, Shield Bearers, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Swiftness), Hand Weapon (2x Rune of Lightning)
325 - Runic Smith, Shield, 2x Rune of Iron, Rune of Grounding, 3x Battle Rune
190 - Anvil of Power
585 - 40 Clan Warriors, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
550 - 30 Clan Warriors, Throwing Weapons, Shield, Vanguard, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of the Hold), Musician,
577 - 24 Seekers, Vanguard, Musician, Champion
577 - 24 Seekers, Vanguard, Musician, Champion
570 - 6 Hold Guardians, Musician, Champion

Severian - Ogre Khans
620 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Lygur's Tongue, Lucky Charm, Firebrand
460 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (King Slayer), Aurochs Charm, Spinesplitter
445 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of the Gyengget, Banner of Discipline), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Trolleater
593 - 9 Tribesmen, Iron Fist, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
565 - 8 Bruisers, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
644 - 6 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Accurate, Musician
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
254 - 4 Bombardiers, Musician
254 - 4 Bombardiers, Musician
490 - Rock Aurochs, Lance

BreakingBread - Empire of Sonnstahl
675 - Wizard, Arcane Engine (Arcane Shield), Wizard Master, Cosmology, Light Armour (Death Cheater)
595 - Prelate, Altar of Battle, Shield, Plate Armour (Blacksteel), Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches)
310 - Marshal, General, Shield, Hand Weapon (Death Warrant), Imperial Seal
200 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Witchfire Guard), Alchemist's Alloy
248 - 6 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Lance, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
206 - 14 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
206 - 14 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
170 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
170 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
130 - 10 State Militia, Irregulars
420 - 25 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
240 - Artillery, Cannon
500 - Steam Tank
430 - 30 Flagellants, Champion

Kebab - Saurian Ancients
860 - Saurian Warlord, Alpha Carnosaur, Light Armour, Paired Weapons (Touch of Greatness), Starfall Shard
605 - Cuatl Lord, General, Divination, Battle Standard Bearer, Symbiosis
310 - Skink Priest, Skink Palanquin, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Sun Tablet
567 - 29 Saurian Warriors, Jaguar, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
180 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield and Poisoned Javelin, Musician, Champion
155 - 15 Skink Braves, Bow, Musician
580 - 8 Caimans, Halberd, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
225 - 3 Rhamphodon Riders
175 - 3 Pteradon Sentries, Poisoned Javelin
140 - Weapon Beasts, Spearback
130 - 5 Chameleons
570 - Taurosaur, Engine of the Ancients

Manoowar - Vampire Covenant
880 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (Crimson Rage), Skeletal Steed, Wizard
Adept, Occultism, Plate Armour (Legend of the Black King), Halberd (Blessed Inscriptions), Potion of Swiftness
445 - Vampire Courtier, Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Skeletal Steed, Wizard Apprentice, Occultism, Shield, Battle
Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Plate Armour, Paired Weapons, Lance, Talisman of Shielding, Rod of Battle
235 - Necromancer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Crown of Autocracy
500 - 35 Ghouls, Champion
355 - 40 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
148 - 22 Zombies, Standard Bearer, Musician
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
463 - 12 Barrow Knights, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
105 - 3 Great Bats
105 - 3 Great Bats
564 - 5 Vampire Knights, Blood Ties, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
564 - 5 Vampire Knights, Blood Ties, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion

Pinguinopolemico - Highborn Elves
535 - High Prince, General, Shield, Longbow, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Great Weapon, Master of Canreig Tower (High
Prince must gain 3 additional Learned Spells)
450 - Mage, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Amethyst Crystal
335 - Commander, Longbow (Elu's Heartwood), Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour, Great Weapon, Queen's Companion
765 - 30 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
185 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow
185 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow
605 - 23 Sword Masters, Standard Bearer (Banner of Becalming), Musician, Champion
475 - 21 Sword Masters, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
395 - Phoenix, Fire Phoenix
190 - Sea Guard Reaper
190 - Sea Guard Reaper
190 - Sea Guard Reaper

Pippo - Infernal Dwarves
480 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Ashuruk, Wizard Master, Pyromancy
390 - Vizier, Bull of Shamut, Shield, Ghostly Guard, Great Weapon (Flame of the East)
220 - Vizier, Shield (Willow's Ward), Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Blunderbuss, Alchemist's Alloy
215 - Vassal Conjurer, Vassal Steed, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft
500 - 22 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
385 - 15 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Musician
240 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company)
330 - Infernal Bastion
325 - 3 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Musician, Champion
315 - 3 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Musician
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

Poch - Dwarven Holds
400 - Dragon Seeker, Paired Weapons (Rune of Smashing, Rune of Quickening, Rune of Fury), Monster Seeker
350 - Dragon Seeker, Paired Weapons (Rune of Destruction, Rune of Quickening, Rune of Fury)
200 - Dragon Seeker
250 - Thane, General (Ancestral Memory), Shield, 2x Rune of Iron, Hand Weapon (2x Rune of Lightning, Rune of Returning), Rune
of Kinship
210 - Engineer, Rune of Denial
235 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun
235 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun
235 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun
235 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun
185 - 10 Clan Warriors, Throwing Weapons, Shield, Musician, Champion
435 - 21 Seekers, Champion
240 - 9 Seekers, Brothers of Vengeance, Vanguard, Champion
240 - 10 Miners, Paired Weapons, Pistol, Musician
357 - 18 Forge Wardens, Standard Bearer (Runic Standard of Swiftness), Musician
315 - Field Artillery, Organ Gun (Rune Crafted)
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
130 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon

Ravbar - Orcs and Goblins
490 - Orc Warlord, General, Iron Orc, Shield (Willow's Ward), Plate Armour (Tuktek's Guard), Hand Weapon (King Slayer), Crystal
Ball, Rod of Battle
450 - Orc Shaman, Common Orc, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Paired Weapons, Essence of Mithril
250 - Orc Shaman, Feral Orc, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Paired Weapons
300 - Orc Chief, Iron Orc, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Great Weapon, Plate Armour (Destiny's Call)
731 - 29 Orc 'Eadbashers, Feral Orc, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
225 - 5 Orc Boar Riders, Common Orc, Lance, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
170 - 5 Orc Boar Riders, Feral Orc, Paired Weapons, Musician, Champion
548 - 22 Iron Orcs, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
548 - 22 Iron Orcs, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
213 - 16 Gnasher Herd
125 - 5 Goblin Raiders, Common Goblin
115 - 5 Goblin Raiders, Forest Goblin
335 - Giant, Giant Club, Big Brother

WolfOfTheWest - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald, General
225 - Sorcerer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Light Armour
774 - 23 Warriors, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Zealots' Banner), Musician, Champion
160 - 15 Barbarians, Shield, Musician
795 - 10 Chosen, Great Weapon, Wrath, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
680 - 5 Chosen Knights, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
500 - 6 Wretched Ones
500 - 6 Wretched Ones

BARROSO - Dwarven Holds
340 - Runic Smith, General, Shield, Rune of Denial, Rune of Mastery, 3x Battle Rune
190 - Anvil of Power
170 - Thane, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer
405 - 30 Clan Warriors, Shield, Champion
155 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Vanguard
135 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons
215 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Guild-Crafted Handgun
215 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Guild-Crafted Handgun
320 - 15 King's Guard, Champion
310 - 15 King's Guard
305 - Grudge Buster
250 - 3 Hold Guardians
250 - 3 Hold Guardians
287 - 18 Forge Wardens, Musician
165 - 10 Forge Wardens
295 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Catapult (Rune Crafted)
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon

CaaL_ - Beast Herds
620 - Beast Lord, General (Hunting Call), Razortusk Chariot, Shield, Heavy Armour (Basalt Infusion), Beast Axe (Fatal Folly),
Binding Scroll, Talisman of Shielding
530 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Druidism, Seed of the Dark Forest, Binding Scroll
470 - Beast Chieftain, Greater Totem Bearer, Raiding Chariot, Shield (Dusk Forged), Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour
(Alchemist's Alloy), Beast Axe, Dragonfire Gem
190 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Musician
180 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush
166 - 21 Mongrel Herd, Standard Bearer, Champion
156 - 21 Mongrel Herd, Champion
104 - 8 Feral Hounds
104 - 8 Feral Hounds
393 - 14 Centaurs, Great Weapon, Musician, Champion
145 - 5 Gargoyles, Scout
100 - Razortusk Herd
100 - Razortusk Herd
480 - Gortach
480 - Gortach
280 - Jabberwock

Epoepo - Vermin Swarm
385 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
305 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Binding Scroll, Lightning Vambraces, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
280 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Pistol (Rodentium Bullets), Crystal Ball, Cowl of the Apostate
310 - 40 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
300 - 40 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
292 - 37 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
230 - 25 Vermin Legionaries, Shield and Spear, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Banner of Discipline)
255 - 6 Fetthis Brutes
255 - 6 Fetthis Brutes
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Deepfire Thrower
157 - 9 Ignifier Grenadiers
295 - Arena Beast
295 - Arena Beast

Garza - Sylvan Elves
495 - Druid, General, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sylvan Longbow, 2x Binding Scroll
325 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Willow's Ward), Elven Cloak, Sylvan Longbow, Spear (Hunter's Honour), Forest
452 - 21 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
362 - 29 Forest Guard, Spear and Shield, Musician, Champion
200 - 5 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
158 - 8 Dryads, Clearing Spirits
397 - 22 Forest Rangers, Champion
365 - 20 Forest Rangers, Champion
243 - 13 Forest Rangers
265 - 5 Wild Huntsmen, Sylvan Lance
430 - 10 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer, Champion
330 - 10 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer
175 - 5 Pathfinders
150 - 5 Sylvan Sentinels
150 - 5 Sylvan Sentinels

Hugo "Sueko" Pila - Dread Elves
365 - Temple Exarch, General, Divination, War Smith, Blades of Darag, Obsidian Rock
325 - Temple Exarch, Alchemy, Battle Standard Bearer, Blades of Darag, Binding Scroll, Lightning Vambraces
406 - 29 Silexian Spears, Musician
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
570 - 28 Judicators, Champion
440 - 3 Gorgons, Halberd
421 - 8 Warlock Acolytes, Champion
290 - 3 Thunder Pack
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
180 - 5 Black Cloaks
180 - 5 Black Cloaks

Letrado - Infernal Dwarves
350 - Vizier, Bull of Shamut, Shield, Basalt Infusion, Infernal Weapon
245 - Vizier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Alchemist's Alloy, Binding Scroll
350 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Nezibkesh, Wizard Adept, Pyromancy, Flintlock Axe, Magical Heirloom
300 - Lamassu Scholar
463 - 16 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
250 - 20 Vassal Levies, Spear and Shield, Bow, Musician, Vassal Chieftain
220 - 20 Vassal Levies, Spear and Shield, Bow, Musician
198 - 37 Shackled Slaves, Shield, Musician
609 - 26 Immortals, Spear, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Champion
300 - 15 Immortals, Great Weapon, Champion
315 - 3 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer
305 - 3 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons
285 - Infernal Artillery, Titan Mortar and Fires of Industry
155 - Infernal Artillery, Naphtha Thrower and Fires of Industry
155 - Gunnery Team, Rocket Battery and Fires of Industry

Turtle - Vampire Covenant
615 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Nosferatu Bloodline (Blood Magic), Wizard Adept, Evocation, Book of Arcane
Mastery, Binding Scroll
345 - Necromancer, Cadaver Wagon, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Light Armour
195 - Necromancer, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Necromantic Staff
320 - Barrow King, Battle Standard Bearer (Legion Standard, Legion Standard), Hypnotic Pendant
317 - 29 Skeletons, Spear, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
317 - 29 Skeletons, Spear, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
299 - 28 Skeletons, Spear, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
192 - 21 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
600 - 8 Ghasts, Champion
340 - Altar of Undeath
340 - Altar of Undeath
285 - 15 Barrow Guard, Standard Bearer (Black Standard of Zagvozd), Musician, Champion
95 - 2 Great Bats
240 - 3 Vampire Spawn

torceth9 - Empire of Sonnstahl
520 - Prelate, Altar of Battle, Shield, Plate Armour (Alchemist's Alloy)
450 - Marshal, General, Great Griffon, Shield, Lance, Ghostly Guard, Winter Cloak, Crown of the Wizard King
210 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Hand Weapon (Death Warrant)
435 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Divination, Binding Scroll
472 - 49 Heavy Infantry, Spear, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
150 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Support Unit, Standard Bearer
266 - 19 Light Infantry, Crossbow
238 - 17 Light Infantry, Crossbow
505 - 30 Imperial Guard, Shield, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
285 - 3 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Halberd, Standard Bearer
285 - 3 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Halberd, Standard Bearer
180 - Artillery, Mortar
500 - Steam Tank

Albert Johansson - Daemon Legions
890 - Omen of Savar, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Guiding
Brimstone Secretions, Dextrous Tentacles
380 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Battle Standard Bearer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Mark of the Eternal Champion
637 - 23 Succubi, Smothering Coils, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
245 - 10 Succubi, Musician, Champion
245 - 10 Succubi, Musician, Champion
373 - 3 Brazen Beasts, Incendiary Ichor, Musician, Champion
345 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher, Standard Bearer
345 - Threshing Engine, Legion Thresher, Standard Bearer
215 - 5 Sirens, Champion
655 - 6 Bloat Flies, Standard Bearer, Champion
170 - 5 Furies

Dennis Palmkvist - Saurian Ancients
800 - Cuatl Lord, General, Divination, Battle Standard Bearer, Ancient Plaque, Talisman of the Void, Symbiosis, Ancient
475 - Skink Priest, Taurosaur (Great Bow), Wizard Apprentice, Druidism
250 - Caiman Ancient, Light Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Halberd, Crown of the Wizard King
250 - Caiman Ancient, Light Armour (Taurosaur's Vigour), Halberd
470 - 31 Skink Braves, Shield, 3x Caiman, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
150 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield, Musician, Champion
140 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield, Musician
140 - 15 Skink Braves, Shield, Musician
570 - 8 Caimans, Halberd, Musician, Champion
215 - 3 Caimans, Halberd, Musician
570 - Taurosaur, Engine of the Ancients
470 - Taurosaur, Great Bow

Erik Aronson - Ogre Khans
545 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Iron Fist, Binding Scroll, Rod of Battle
500 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker), Brace of Ogre Pistols, Lygur's Tongue,
390 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse), Crown of the Wizard King,
Cult Leader
772 - 10 Bruisers, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
180 - 3 Bruisers
180 - 3 Bruisers
674 - 6 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Plate Armour, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician,
523 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Musician
175 - Kin-Eater
175 - Kin-Eater
385 - Frost Mammoth, Hunting Spear, Ogre Crossbow

Johan Lagmo - Dread Elves
535 - Silexian Officer, General, Manticore (Extraordinary Specimen), Shield, Basalt Infusion, Lance (Transcendence), Talisman of
520 - Silexian Officer, Manticore, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Death Cheater, Lance
504 - 31 Silexian Spears, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
210 - 15 Silexian Spears, Musician
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
325 - 5 Warlock Acolytes, Champion
205 - 5 Warlock Acolytes
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
320 - 9 Black Cloaks
415 - Hydra
415 - Hydra

Marcus Engblom - Sylvan Elves
440 - Druid, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Sylvan Longbow, Binding Scroll
290 - Druid, Wizard Adept, Druidism, Sylvan Longbow, Book of Arcane Mastery
365 - Forest Prince, General, Sylvan Longbow, Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball, Pathfinder
340 - Forest Prince, Sylvan Longbow (Bough of Wyscan), Great Weapon, Obsidian Rock, Pathfinder
210 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Sylvan Longbow
405 - 20 Sylvan Archers, Musician
320 - 25 Forest Guard, Spear and Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
200 - 5 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
200 - 5 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
548 - 28 Forest Rangers, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
381 - 21 Forest Rangers, Musician
400 - 10 Pathfinders
400 - 10 Pathfinders

Mathias Gavelin - Empire of Sonnstahl
480 - Marshal, General, Great Griffon, Shield (Witchfire Guard), Hand Weapon (Hero's Heart), Death Cheater
240 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Willow's Ward), Hand Weapon (Death Warrant), Alchemist's Alloy
410 - Knight Commander, Horse, Shield (Dusk Forged), Cavalry Pick (Titanic Might), Winter Cloak, Dragon Staff
380 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Divination
285 - Wizard, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Book of Arcane Mastery
369 - 38 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Parent Unit, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
190 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
290 - 20 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
276 - 19 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
669 - 36 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Unity), Musician, Champion
275 - Arcane Engine, Arcane Shield
155 - 5 Reiters, Pistol
240 - Artillery, Cannon
240 - Artillery, Cannon

Mattias Lagerlöf - Vermin Swarm
490 - Ruinous Dictator, General, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Pontifex Maximus, Avatar of Favana
315 - Bloodfur Legate, Shield, Hand Weapon (Secrets of the Doom Blade), Potion of Swiftness
295 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
275 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
275 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
630 - 50 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Flaming Standard)
617 - 49 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Stalker's Standard)
140 - 15 Vermin Velites, Sling, Musician
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
185 - Vermin Artillery, Skorchit Ordnance
185 - Vermin Artillery, Skorchit Ordnance
181 - 11 Ignifier Grenadiers
181 - 11 Ignifier Grenadiers

Morgan Andersson - Orcs and Goblins
460 - Orc Warlord, General, Iron Orc, Paired Weapons (Shady Shanking), Plate Armour (Tuktek's Guard), Pan of Protection
Pinchin', Potion of Swiftness
445 - Orc Shaman, Common Orc, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Magical Heirloom
305 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Cave Goblin and 2 × Power 'Shroom, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Book of Arcane Mastery
345 - 20 Orcs, Common Orc, Shield, Heavy Armour and Crossbow, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company),
Musician, Champion
294 - 34 Goblins, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Bow, 3x Shady Gits, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician,
160 - 20 Goblins, Forest Goblin, Bow, Creepers
165 - 5 Orc Boar Riders, Common Orc, Shield, Musician
161 - 8 Goblin Raiders, Common Goblin
617 - 23 Iron Orcs, Standard Bearer (Mikinok's Totem), Musician, Champion
445 - 7 Trolls, Bridge Troll
148 - 6 Gnasher Dashers
500 - Gargantula
455 - Great Green Idol, Battle Standard Bearer

2dipicche - Daemon Legions
980 - Miser of Sugulag, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Unnatural Roots, Charged Tendrils, Divining
280 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Burning Wheel, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Cloven Hooves
255 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Burning Wheel, Cloven Hooves
255 - Harbinger of Father Chaos, Burning Wheel, Cloven Hooves
300 - 10 Lemures, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer, Musician
300 - 10 Lemures, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer, Musician
270 - 11 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
255 - 10 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
575 - 5 Hoarders, Divining Snout, Unnatural Roots, Standard Bearer, Musician
275 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher, Standard Bearer
275 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher, Standard Bearer
275 - Threshing Engine, Horde Thresher, Standard Bearer
205 - 5 Sirens

Dimitri Zaganidis - Infernal Dwarves
495 - Taurukh Commissioner, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Willow's Ward), Infernal Weapon (Onyx Core), Talisman of
390 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Shamut, Bull of Shamut, Wizard Apprentice, Alchemy, Shield, Alchemist's Alloy, Rod of Battle,
Dragonfire Gem
375 - Lamassu Scholar, Book of Arcane Mastery
160 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll
547 - 19 Citadel Guard, Flintlock Axe, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
300 - 20 Vassal Levies, Spear and Shield, Bow, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Vassal Chieftain
280 - 20 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Vassal Chieftain
582 - 5 Taurukh Anointed, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Icon of Ashuruk), Musician
441 - 4 Taurukh Anointed, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
400 - 4 Kadim Incarnates, Champion
530 - Kadim Titan, Walking Earthquake

Lenufnuf - Vermin Swarm
515 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Tome of the Ratking, Holy Triumvirate,
Caelysian Pantheon
295 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
275 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Binding Scroll, Cowl of the Apostate
515 - 40 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Rending Banner)
320 - 40 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
315 - 35 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Stalker's Standard)
240 - 25 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Banner of Discipline)
150 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons, Champion
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
90 - 10 Giant Rats
90 - 10 Giant Rats
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
145 - 8 Ignifier Grenadiers
145 - 8 Ignifier Grenadiers
295 - Arena Beast
295 - Arena Beast

Math-CD - Ogre Khans
535 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Binding Scroll, Rod of Battle
460 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Khagadai's Legacy), Ogre Crossbow
355 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse), Cult Leader
589 - 11 Tribesmen, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
160 - 3 Tribesmen, Musician
190 - 3 Bruisers, Musician
190 - 3 Bruisers, Musician
674 - 6 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Plate Armour, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician,
608 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Gyengget), Musician
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
380 - Frost Mammoth, Hunting Spear, Hunting Spear
270 - Slave Giant, Iron Fist

Xavier Panchard - Warriors of the Dark Gods
770 - Feldrak Ancestor, Paired Weapons (Supernatural Dexterity)
630 - Sorcerer, General, Veil Walker, Black Steed, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Light Armour, Paired Weapons, Binding Scroll, Rod of
662 - 19 Warriors, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Zealots' Banner), Musician, Champion
240 - 8 Barbarian Horsemen, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
715 - 5 Chosen Knights, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician,
715 - 5 Chosen Knights, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician,
320 - Battleshrine
290 - Marauding Giant, Giant Club
155 - 5 Flayers

cocofreeze - Orcs and Goblins
665 - Goblin King, Forest Goblin and Poison Attacks, Gargantula, Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker), Light Armour, Obsidian Rock
380 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Wizard Master and +1 Health Point, Thaumaturgy
280 - Orc Shaman, General, Common Orc, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Binding Scroll
635 - 25 Orc 'Eadbashers, Feral Orc, Spear, Mammoth Stabber, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
195 - 20 Orcs, Common Orc, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
155 - 8 Goblin Raiders, Forest Goblin, Champion
145 - 8 Goblin Raiders, Forest Goblin
310 - 15 Iron Orcs, Musician
310 - 15 Iron Orcs, Musician
140 - Orc Boar Chariot
140 - Orc Boar Chariot
190 - Greenhide Catapult, Git Launcher
190 - Greenhide Catapult, Git Launcher
455 - Great Green Idol, Battle Standard Bearer
310 - Giant, Giant Club

geiser - Sylvan Elves
525 - Forest Prince, Eagle King, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Sylvan Blades (Titanic Might), Horn of the Wild Hunt
325 - Chieftain, Elven Horse with Light Troops, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour (Curse of the Black Stag), Sylvan Blades
(Spirit of the Whirlwind)
315 - Druid, Eagle King, Wizard Adept, Shamanism, Binding Scroll
295 - Druid, General, Elven Horse, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Binding Scroll
411 - 18 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
384 - 17 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
165 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield
165 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield
445 - 10 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades
445 - 10 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades
411 - 9 Wild Huntsmen, Shield, Sylvan Blades
394 - 9 Briar Maidens, Champion
220 - 5 Briar Maidens, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)

polux - Dwarven Holds
250 - Engineer, General, Shield, Wyrm-Slayer Rocket, Rune of Denial, Rune of Mining
235 - 10 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Guild-Crafted Handgun
210 - 10 Greybeards, Shield, Musician
210 - 10 Greybeards, Shield, Musician
175 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Vanguard, Musician
155 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Musician
155 - 10 Clan Warriors, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, Musician
305 - Grudge Buster
305 - Grudge Buster
260 - 3 Hold Guardians, Musician
260 - 3 Hold Guardians, Musician
230 - 10 Miners, Shield, Pistol, Musician
230 - 10 Miners, Shield, Pistol, Musician
125 - Vengeance Seeker
125 - Vengeance Seeker
325 - 2 Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
325 - 2 Steam Copters, Shrapnel Grenades
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
245 - Field Artillery, Dwarf Cannon
130 - Field Artillery, Flame Cannon

Artem Kurhanskyi - Sylvan Elves
535 - Druid, General, Eagle King, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Sylvan Longbow, Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball
530 - Druid, Eagle King, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Sylvan Longbow, Binding Scroll, Sceptre of Power
340 - Chieftain, Shield (Willow's Ward), Light Armour, Elven Cloak, Sylvan Longbow, Sacred Seeds, Dragon Staff, Shapeshifter
340 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Sylvan Blades, Mist Walker's Mirror, Potion of Strength, Blade
598 - 29 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
200 - 5 Heath Riders, Heath Hunters
185 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Standard Bearer, Musician
185 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield, Musician, Champion
579 - 6 Kestrel Knights, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Silent Mist), Champion
579 - 6 Kestrel Knights, Shield, Standard Bearer (Banner of Silent Mist), Champion
426 - 13 Blade Dancers, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Champion

Davide Lecci - Vermin Swarm
485 - Swarm Priest, Sacred Platform (Whispering Bell), Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll, Crystal Ball, Holy
Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
295 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
265 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Crown of the Wizard King, Cowl of the Apostate
398 - 48 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Banner of the Relentless
350 - 45 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Legion Standard)
240 - 25 Vermin Legionaries, Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Banner of Discipline)
140 - 20 Giant Rats
570 - 6 Murmillo Brutes, Halberd and Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Sacred Aquila)
175 - 15 Shadowfur Stalkers, Pistol
130 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Pistol
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Deepfire Thrower
295 - Arena Beast
295 - Arena Beast

Great Unclean One - Undying Dynasties
555 - Death Cult Hierarch, Ark of Ages, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Light Armour, Hierophant
540 - Death Cult Hierarch, Ark of Ages, Wizard Master, Evocation, Light Armour, Soul Conduit
485 - Pharaoh, General, Skeletal Horse, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Aspen Bow, Great Weapon (Godslayer), Sekhem
Sceptre, Dragonfire Gem, Lord of the Barrow Legion
517 - 6 Skeleton Chariots, Lance
517 - 6 Skeleton Chariots, Lance
216 - 12 Skeleton Cavalry, Lance, Champion
254 - 3 Scarab Swarms, Barrow Legion
665 - 8 Shabti Archers, Musician, Champion
180 - 3 Shabti Archers
180 - 3 Shabti Archers
195 - Charnel Catapult
195 - Charnel Catapult

Il furioso - Empire of Sonnstahl
485 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Binding Scroll, Magical Heirloom
410 - Prelate, Horse, Paired Weapons (King Slayer), Plate Armour (Basalt Infusion), Locket of Sunna, Lucky Charm
310 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Shield (Dusk Forged), Lance (Shield Breaker), Dragonfire Gem, Potion of Strength
235 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield (Willow's Ward), Alchemist's Alloy, Binding Scroll
501 - 11 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders, Lance, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard), Musician, Champion
220 - 15 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
220 - 15 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
190 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
473 - 29 Imperial Guard, Shield, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
404 - 4 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Lance, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
155 - 5 Reiters, Pistol
155 - 5 Reiters, Pistol
240 - Artillery, Cannon
500 - Steam Tank

Kastyan_kg - Kingdom of Equitaine
640 - Equitan Lord, General, Pegasus Charger, Shield, Lance (Divine Judgement), Basalt Infusion, Black Knight's Tabard, Sainted,
490 - Damsel, Destrier, Wizard Master, Druidism, Binding Scroll
310 - Folk Hero, Destrier, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Heavy Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Castellan,
Bannerman, Faith
655 - 15 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Relic Shroud)
485 - 12 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Castellan's Crest)
635 - 10 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
515 - 8 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
635 - 9 Knights Penitent, Champion (Ordo Minister and Orison), Musician, Standard Bearer
135 - 5 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons

MrMafuska - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald, General
650 - Chosen Lord, Dark Chariot, Shield, Hellforged Armour (Gladiator's Spirit), Paired Weapons, Lance, Great Weapon, Halberd,
Talisman of Shielding, Immortal Gauntlets, Greed, Luck of the Dark Gods
470 - Sorcerer, Dark Chariot, Wizard Adept, Alchemy, Plate Armour (Basalt Infusion), Paired Weapons (Hero's Heart), Binding
332 - 12 Warriors, Pride, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
330 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Musician, Champion
119 - 8 Warhounds
119 - 8 Warhounds
715 - 5 Chosen Knights, Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Halberd, Greed, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician,
515 - Feldrak Elder, Paired Weapons
390 - Forsaken One

littlecow - Orcs and Goblins
670 - Goblin King, Forest Goblin and Poison Attacks, Gargantula, Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker), Light Armour, Dragon Staff,
Lucky Charm
460 - Orc Shaman, Common Orc, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Binding Scroll, Potion of Strength
435 - Orc Warlord, General, Iron Orc, Shield (Willow's Ward), Paired Weapons, Great Weapon, Plate Armour (Death Cheater)
235 - Goblin Witch Doctor, Common Goblin and Light Armour, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Pyromancy, Essence of a Free Mind
404 - 38 Goblins, Forest Goblin, Spear and Shield, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
404 - 38 Goblins, Forest Goblin, Spear and Shield, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
160 - 20 Goblins, Forest Goblin, Bow, Creepers
165 - 5 Orc Boar Riders, Common Orc, Shield, Musician
490 - 20 Iron Orcs, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
317 - 24 Gnasher Herd
125 - 5 Goblin Raiders, Common Goblin
90 - Skewerer
90 - Skewerer
455 - Great Green Idol, Battle Standard Bearer

mustfeed - Vampire Covenant
925 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Lamia Bloodline (Commandment), Wizard Master, Evocation, Light Armour
(Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Night's Crown
500 - Vampire Courtier, Lamia Bloodline (Mesmerising Gaze), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon,
Aether Icon), Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Great Weapon, Obsidian Rock
575 - 40 Ghouls, Champion
550 - 60 Skeletons, Halberd, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
380 - Court of the Damned, Aegis
95 - 2 Great Bats
95 - 2 Great Bats
95 - 2 Great Bats
95 - 2 Great Bats
660 - 4 Winged Reapers, Paired Weapons
265 - 3 Vampire Knights, Musician, Champion
265 - 3 Vampire Knights, Musician, Champion

Alex Schmid - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald
720 - Chosen Lord, General, Black Steed, Trophy Rack, Shield, Hellforged Armour (Death Cheater), Paired Weapons (Touch of
Greatness), Immortal Gauntlets, Lucky Charm, Wrath, Idol of Spite
445 - Sorcerer, Dark Chariot, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Plate Armour (Alchemist's Alloy), Paired Weapons (Hero's Heart), Binding
330 - 10 Warriors, Lust, Musician, Champion
300 - 10 Barbarian Horsemen, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
155 - 15 Barbarians, Paired Weapons, Musician, Champion
119 - 8 Warhounds
515 - Feldrak Elder, Paired Weapons
475 - Feldrak Elder, Great Weapon
426 - 7 Warrior Knights, Lance, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
155 - 5 Flayers

Ben Mitchell - Empire of Sonnstahl
485 - Wizard, Wizard Master, Cosmology, Binding Scroll, Magical Heirloom
400 - Prelate, Horse, Paired Weapons (Touch of Greatness), Plate Armour (Blacksteel), Locket of Sunna
395 - Inquisitor, Horse and Light Troops, Shield (Dusk Forged), Repeater Pistol, Hand Weapon (Hammer of Witches), Silver
195 - Marshal, Battle Standard Bearer, Binding Scroll
195 - Knight Commander, General, Horse, Great Weapon, Alchemist's Alloy
130 - Artificer, Long Rifle
439 - 9 Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Knightly Orders, Lance, Standard Bearer (Household Standard), Musician, Champion
276 - 19 Light Infantry, Crossbow, Musician
251 - 17 Light Infantry, Handgun, Musician, Champion (Repeater Gun)
190 - 20 Heavy Infantry, Halberd, Support Unit, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
344 - 21 Imperial Guard, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
305 - 3 Knights of the Sun Griffon, Halberd, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline)
155 - 5 Reiters, Pistol
240 - Artillery, Cannon
500 - Steam Tank

Chris Mince - Vampire Covenant
805 - Vampire Count, Nosferatu Bloodline, Zombie Dragon, Wizard Adept, Occultism, Paired Weapons, Obsidian Rock, Crown of
500 - Necromancer, General (The Dead Arise), Wizard Master, Evocation, Binding Scroll, Unholy Tome
145 - Banshee
145 - Banshee
145 - Banshee
365 - 26 Ghouls, Champion
232 - 21 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
135 - 8 Dire Wolves, Champion
130 - 20 Zombies, Musician
130 - 20 Zombies, Musician
340 - Altar of Undeath
340 - Altar of Undeath
443 - 9 Wraiths, Champion
510 - Shrieking Horror

Keith Bonneau - Vermin Swarm
295 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Thaumaturgy, Book of Arcane Mastery, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
270 - Swarm Priest, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Magical Heirloom, Holy Triumvirate, Caelysian Pantheon
280 - Vermin Senator, General, Senatorial Litter, Pistol (Rodentium Bullets), Crown of the Wizard King, Cowl of the Apostate
190 - House Prefect, Pistol (Rodentium Bullets), Tome of the Ratking, Map of the Deeps, Stygian Overseer
190 - House Prefect, Deepfire Thrower, Binding Scroll, Skorchit Alchemist
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
125 - Duskblade Assassin
523 - 41 Blackfur Veterans, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Bell of the Deep Roads)
210 - 40 Vermin Slaves, Without Number, Tunnelling Tools, Musician
210 - 40 Vermin Slaves, Without Number, Tunnelling Tools, Musician
185 - 17 Vermin Velites, Sling, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard
487 - 39 Blackfur Veterans, Bloodfur Praetorians, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer with Eagle Standard (Flaming Standard)
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
140 - 10 Shadowfur Stalkers, Throwing Weapons
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
225 - Doomspark Device
185 - 3 Experimental Weapon Teams, Deepfire Thrower
145 - 8 Ignifier Grenadiers

Mark Ciarlone - Kingdom of Equitaine
755 - Equitan Lord, General, Hippogriff, Shield, Lance (Divine Judgement), Prayer-Etched, Black Knight's Tabard, Sainted, Honour
580 - Equitan Lord, Hippogriff, Shield (Fortress of Faith), Battle Standard Bearer, Bastard Sword (Tristan's Resolve), Alchemist's
Alloy, Excellence
455 - Damsel, Heraldic Steed, Wizard Master, Divination, Binding Scroll
550 - 12 Feudal Knights, Champion (Knight Banneret (Castellan's Crest)), Musician, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard)
420 - 9 Feudal Knights, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Relic Shroud)
155 - 12 Lowborn Archers, Crossbow
625 - 9 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
355 - 3 Pegasus Knights, Champion
150 - 6 Yeoman Outriders, Throwing Weapons, Shield
450 - The Lady's Courtier, Courtier of the Dusk (Druidism)

Michael Mattox - Daemon Legions
865 - Sentinel of Nukuja, General (Greater Dominion), Strixian Spirit, Thaumaturgy, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Kaleidoscopic
660 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, Wizard Apprentice, Divination, Iron Husk, Chitinous Scales
585 - 22 Myrmidons, Piercing Spike, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
285 - 12 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
255 - 10 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
789 - 6 Hoarders, Chitinous Scales, Mirrored Scales, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
415 - Hope Harvester, Engine of Damnation
320 - Blazing Glory
320 - Blazing Glory

Ryan Capps - Ogre Khans
585 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Iron Fist, Lygur's Tongue, Magical Heirloom
455 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Khagadai's Legacy)
400 - Mammoth Hunter, Light Armour (Essence of Mithril), Paired Weapons, Hunting Spear, Talisman of Shielding, Spinesplitter,
Leader of the Pack
345 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse), Binding Scroll
593 - 9 Tribesmen, Iron Fist, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
190 - 3 Bruisers, Musician
180 - 3 Bruisers
166 - 21 Scraplings, Shield, Musician, Scrapling Foreman
553 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
551 - 5 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Plate Armour, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
310 - Slave Giant, Great Weapon

Ryan Staudle - Orcs and Goblins
665 - Goblin King, Forest Goblin and Poison Attacks, Gargantula, Paired Weapons (Shield Breaker), Light Armour, Obsidian Rock
385 - Goblin King, Forest Goblin and Poison Attacks, Huntsmen Spider, Shield (Dusk Forged), Heavy Armour (Basalt Infusion),
Hand Weapon (Hero's Heart), Troll Ale Flask
520 - Orc Shaman, General, Common Orc, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Skull Fetish, Binding Scroll
205 - Goblin Chief, Common Goblin, Battle Standard Bearer, Crown of the Wizard King, Rod of Battle
525 - 30 Orcs, Feral Orc, Spear, Mammoth Stabber, Standard Bearer (Green Tide), Musician, Champion
225 - 20 Orcs, Common Orc, Bow, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician, Champion
380 - 20 Orc 'Eadbashers, Common Orc, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard), Musician, Champion
310 - 15 Iron Orcs, Musician
125 - 5 Goblin Raiders, Common Goblin
90 - 3 Grotlings
150 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer
150 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer
150 - Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer
310 - Giant, Giant Club
310 - Giant, Giant Club

DrewH - Dread Elves
460 - Warlock Outcast, General, Wizard Master, Evocation, Binding Scroll
350 - Temple Exarch, Alchemy, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Seal of the Republic, Paired Weapons (Shield
509 - 31 Silexian Spears, Standard Bearer (Executioner's Icon), Musician, Champion
270 - 15 Silexian Auxiliaries, Musician
190 - 10 Raiding Party, Beast Breaker, Champion
180 - 5 Shadow Riders
599 - 24 Obsidian Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer (Stalker's Standard)
410 - 3 Gorgons, Paired Weapons
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
200 - Repeater Battery
190 - Raptor Chariot, Halberd
190 - Raptor Chariot, Halberd
190 - Raptor Chariot, Halberd
180 - 5 Black Cloaks
180 - 5 Black Cloaks

Jack Austin - Vampire Covenant
745 - Vampire Count, General (The Dead Arise), Nosferatu Bloodline (Blood Magic), Wizard Master, Cosmology, Unholy Tome,
Sceptre of Power
610 - Vampire Courtier, Nosferatu Bloodline (Arcane Knowledge), Wizard Master, Evocation, Battle Standard Bearer, Binding
145 - Banshee
145 - Banshee
145 - Banshee
500 - 35 Ghouls, Champion
262 - 31 Skeletons, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion
130 - 20 Zombies, Musician
130 - 20 Zombies, Musician
105 - 2 Bat Swarms
777 - 36 Barrow Guard, Halberd, Standard Bearer (Black Standard of Zagvozd), Musician, Champion
513 - 7 Ghasts, Champion
290 - Court of the Damned

Johnny - Ogre Khans
535 - Shaman, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Binding Scroll, Rod of Battle
460 - Great Khan, General, Light Armour (Destiny's Call), Great Weapon (Khagadai's Legacy), Ogre Crossbow
355 - Khan, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon, Aether Icon), Light Armour, Brace of Ogre Pistols (Viper's Curse), Cult Leader
589 - 11 Tribesmen, Standard Bearer (Pennant of the Great Grass Sky), Musician, Champion
160 - 3 Tribesmen, Musician
190 - 3 Bruisers, Musician
190 - 3 Bruisers, Musician
674 - 6 Mercenary Veterans, Brace of Ogre Pistols, Poison Attacks, Plate Armour, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Musician,
608 - 4 Tusker Cavalry, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Gyengget), Musician
85 - Sabretooth Tigers
380 - Frost Mammoth, Hunting Spear, Hunting Spear
270 - Slave Giant, Iron Fist

Ken groom - Warriors of the Dark Gods
860 - Exalted Herald, General
300 - Sorcerer, Wizard Adept, Evocation, Plate Armour, Lord of the Damned, Dragon Staff
624 - 21 Warriors, Great Weapon, Pride, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
167 - 16 Barbarians, Shield, Musician
119 - 8 Warhounds
715 - 5 Chosen Knights, Wrath, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
715 - 5 Chosen Knights, Wrath, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
500 - 6 Wretched Ones
500 - 6 Wretched Ones

Len sz - Beast Herds
530 - Soothsayer, Wizard Master, Druidism, Seed of the Dark Forest, Binding Scroll
410 - Beast Lord, General (Hunting Call), Light Armour (Aaghor's Affliction), Great Weapon (Blessed Inscriptions), Obsidian Rock
350 - Beast Chieftain, Greater Totem Bearer, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline, Aether Icon), Light Armour (Destiny's
Call), Great Weapon
375 - 40 Wildhorn Herd, Shield, Standard Bearer (Legion Standard), Musician, Champion (Totem Bearer (Gnarled Hide Totem))
220 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
220 - 15 Wildhorn Herd, Throwing Weapons, Ambush, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
90 - 10 Mongrel Raiders
640 - 35 Longhorn Herd, Great Weapon, Standard Bearer (Banner of the Relentless Company), Musician, Champion
145 - 5 Gargoyles, Scout
480 - Gortach
480 - Gortach
280 - Jabberwock
280 - Jabberwock

Oli Mather - Infernal Dwarves
585 - Prophet, General, Prophet of Ashuruk, Wizard Master, Pyromancy, Shield, Alchemist's Alloy, Magical Heirloom, Obsidian
440 - Vizier, Bull of Shamut, Shield (Kadim Binding), Basalt Infusion, Flintlock Axe (Eye of the Bull), Lugar's Dice
305 - Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Blunderbuss, Blaze of Protection, Great Weapon, Mask of Ages
200 - Vassal Conjurer, Wizard Adept, Witchcraft
930 - 38 Infernal Warriors, Shield, Ziggurat Regulars, Blunderbuss, Standard Bearer (Banner of Speed), Musician, Champion
208 - 21 Vassal Levies, Paired Weapons, Bow, Musician
539 - 22 Disciples of Lugar, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner), Musician, Champion
400 - 10 Taurukh Enforcers, Infernal Weapon, Shield, Champion, Musician
200 - 5 Vassal Cavalry
345 - Citizen Giant, Giant Club
345 - Citizen Giant, Giant Club

Slatch - Sylvan Elves
495 - Druid, General, Wizard Master, Shamanism, Sylvan Longbow, 2x Binding Scroll
215 - Druid, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Sylvan Longbow
320 - Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Spear (Hunter's Honour), Blade Dancer
190 - Chieftain, Sylvan Longbow, Pathfinder
190 - Chieftain, Sylvan Longbow, Pathfinder
401 - 18 Sylvan Archers, Standard Bearer (Banner of Discipline), Musician
259 - 12 Sylvan Archers
165 - 5 Heath Riders, Shield
150 - 8 Dryads, Scoring
150 - 8 Dryads, Scoring
444 - 9 Wild Huntsmen, Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
444 - 9 Wild Huntsmen, Sylvan Blades, Standard Bearer (Rending Banner)
364 - 11 Blade Dancers, Standard Bearer (Aether Icon), Champion
355 - 9 Pathfinders
355 - 9 Pathfinders

Xeelee - Daemon Legions
980 - Courtesan of Cibaresh, General (Greater Dominion), Wizard Master, Witchcraft, Iron Husk, Mesmerising Plumage
815 - Vanadra's Scourge, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation, Living Shield
589 - 24 Succubi, Chilling Yawn, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
270 - 11 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
270 - 11 Imps, Mark of the Eternal Champion, Musician, Champion
723 - 6 Hoarders, Chitinous Scales, Smothering Coils, Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion
501 - 4 Brazen Beasts, Centipede Legs, Musician, Champion
350 - 6 Eidolons, Scout, Champion

unknown 2022-08-05 - ETC T9A 2022.pdf (940 KB, 37 mal heruntergeladen)

Waaagh, Brazork!

We don’t make mistakes here, just happy little accidents - Bob Ross in 'The Joy of Painting'
letzter Turniersieger der WHFB - 8. Edition

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Der Dachs ist ein weiser und treuer Gefährte des Fuchses. Er war es, der den Eid der Tiere aussprach und den Fuchs als Anführer wählte, obwohl diesen Part eigentlich die Eule übernehmen wollte. Während der Abwesenheit des Fuchses, übernahm der Dachs die Aufgabe des Anführers. Er ist besonnen, friedfertig, wird von fast allen mit viel Respekt behandelt und ruft die Tiere bei Streitereien oft zu Raison und Zusammenhalt auf.

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