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Stormgarde Stormgarde ist männlich
Bürgermeister von Zirl


Dabei seit: 22.12.2005
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Original von obaobaboss
Die Preise waren ja schon länger bekannt. Augenzwinkern .

Bin auch froh, dass ich Chaos nicht spiele, und bei den Hochelfen habe ich ja zum Glück schon fast alles. Ich hoffe der neue Kram da kostet dann nicht nochmal mehr ^^

Hab auch schon alles bis auf unsere neue monströße Kavallerie smile
26.01.2013 12:50 Stormgarde ist offline E-Mail an Stormgarde senden Beiträge von Stormgarde suchen Nehmen Sie Stormgarde in Ihre Freundesliste auf
obaobaboss obaobaboss ist männlich
Fantasy bis zum Ende V.2


Dabei seit: 24.12.2005
Beiträge: 12.646
Herkunft: Südtirol Passeiertal
Armeen: Orkze un' Gobbos, Hochelfchen

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von obaobaboss
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Es soll ja angeblich auch ein fliegender Schrein/Streitwagen kommen großes Grinsen

Hast du auch Phönixgardisten?

Schmeißt eure Fantasy-Bits nicht weg, gebt sie dem Obrrrrr!!!
26.01.2013 12:55 obaobaboss ist offline E-Mail an obaobaboss senden Beiträge von obaobaboss suchen Nehmen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Freundesliste auf Fügen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Kontaktliste ein MSN Passport-Profil von obaobaboss anzeigen
Stormgarde Stormgarde ist männlich
Bürgermeister von Zirl


Dabei seit: 22.12.2005
Beiträge: 25.465

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Nope, Infanterie kann im neuen Buch sicher nix, hat ja jeder...
26.01.2013 13:41 Stormgarde ist offline E-Mail an Stormgarde senden Beiträge von Stormgarde suchen Nehmen Sie Stormgarde in Ihre Freundesliste auf
obaobaboss obaobaboss ist männlich
Fantasy bis zum Ende V.2


Dabei seit: 24.12.2005
Beiträge: 12.646
Herkunft: Südtirol Passeiertal
Armeen: Orkze un' Gobbos, Hochelfchen

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von obaobaboss
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Bei Phönixgarde würde ich das kaum behaupten... merkst du was?naughty

Schmeißt eure Fantasy-Bits nicht weg, gebt sie dem Obrrrrr!!!
26.01.2013 15:06 obaobaboss ist offline E-Mail an obaobaboss senden Beiträge von obaobaboss suchen Nehmen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Freundesliste auf Fügen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Kontaktliste ein MSN Passport-Profil von obaobaboss anzeigen
obaobaboss obaobaboss ist männlich
Fantasy bis zum Ende V.2


Dabei seit: 24.12.2005
Beiträge: 12.646
Herkunft: Südtirol Passeiertal
Armeen: Orkze un' Gobbos, Hochelfchen

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von obaobaboss
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Etwas über die Regeln

So I'll start with the thing everyone is waiting to here.

50 Great weapon, Khorne Marauders with full command are 580 points, they do however retain their statline

Now on the more mundane things that have changed.

Mark of Khorne; frenzy
Mark of Tzeentch; +1 ward save
Mark of Slaanesh; Auto pass fear, terror and panic
Mark of Nugrle; Flat -1 to hit in close combat

Marks on a per model basis

Mutant regen is gone (except throgg), and troll vomit is no longer magical, same cost

Chaos ogres gain impact hits

Dragon ogres gain halberd option

Forsaken are basically the same, same point cost, with a chart of rollable USR, ranging from asf, poison, etc
MofK on Forsaken is hatred, MofS is Swiftstride

Eye of the gods are all stat increases, except for 12 which turns characters, and chosen champ into Daemon Prince, units gain stubburn

Valkia always gets +1 S when she rolls on eye of the gods

Sigvald always rolls +1 A on eotgs, and gained T5

Chaos warriors same statline

Warhounds true core

Chariots as normal true core

Hellcannon gains 5+ ward, everything else is the same

Chaos lord stays the same, mounts change a little manticore for example, and marks are somewhat cheaper, mundane gear drops in price

Chaos sorcerers, lores as rumoured, same statline

Daemon Princes!!!

A wait for it... Mazing.

Chaos lord statline, ws9, S6, 5+ ward, Magical attacks, Unbreakable , must take a mark Khorne is +1s on charge, Nurgle is -1 to hit, Slaanesh is armour piercing?, and Tzeentch is re-roll 1's on ward and channel attempts

New stuff:

Chimera, SofM stats with a 4+ armour, for X points gains regeneration, for Y points gains s4 flaming breath weapon, tail attack has rules d3 attacks that are +1 to hit in rear

Slaughterbrute is basically just a attack machine, bound uses are lord or hero ws, and opperates as normal (S7 or 6 can't rememeber exactly can check later, t6, 4+ armour) or can be unbound in which case its frenzied (which it can't lose), and Random movement 2d6, can buy 2 more s5 attacks

Hentical beast, less killy bound spell's effect is roll a d6, 1-5 are d6 T test + effect, 6 is whole unit + effect.

On Magic really great spells basically all made to turn the army into a killing machine, some of my favorites are 2 slaanesh spells 2 and 6 are hexes that give the unit ASL, and random movement d6, Treason is no inspiring presences or hold your ground, Phantasmagoria and Pavane, are both there. Nurgle has a lot of spells that are hexes and augments depending on who you use them on. Curse of the leper gives +d3 T to allies or -d3 to enemies. None are AoE if I recall correctly. Gateway on a 10+ for S is 3d6 hits, instead of 2d6

Skullcrushers get regular MC stats, Juggers have 3 attacks at s6 on the charge, Riders buy lances for 3 or EW for 5. Juggers have magical attacks and are only +2 to armour.

That's what I got from the top of my head, if people present questions I'll do my best to reply.

Schmeißt eure Fantasy-Bits nicht weg, gebt sie dem Obrrrrr!!!
30.01.2013 10:12 obaobaboss ist offline E-Mail an obaobaboss senden Beiträge von obaobaboss suchen Nehmen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Freundesliste auf Fügen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Kontaktliste ein MSN Passport-Profil von obaobaboss anzeigen
old and grumpy


Dabei seit: 21.02.2012
Beiträge: 9.689
Herkunft: Innsbruck

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Hatte die Hellcannon nicht vorher schon nen 5+ Wardsafe? (weil Dämon)
30.01.2013 10:14 surly ist offline E-Mail an surly senden Beiträge von surly suchen Nehmen Sie surly in Ihre Freundesliste auf
obaobaboss obaobaboss ist männlich
Fantasy bis zum Ende V.2


Dabei seit: 24.12.2005
Beiträge: 12.646
Herkunft: Südtirol Passeiertal
Armeen: Orkze un' Gobbos, Hochelfchen

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von obaobaboss
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Auf jeden Fall hatte sie den Retter wegen aufteilen auf den Zwergen.

Hier noch weitere Fetzen:

Juggers are T4, 3 wounds

Daemonswords is gone, Magic items are if I recall correctly, Hellfire sword, Sword of change, The nurgle mace, helm of many eyes is now armour, a slaanesh item that gives you an additional attack for every wound you cause (might be a gift actually), The chalice is pretty meh to be honest.

Eye of the gods is all stat increases +1 bs is 3, +1 attack, +1s, +1 I, etc. Chosen before game roll, get to roll 3d6 and remove on die.

Gifts are mostly pretty cheap, there is one where you trade your attacks for double strength, flaming +5 ward against flaming, poison + 5 ward against poison, scally skin, third eye is back but it doesn't steal spells, an item that gives you +1 spell and +1 to channel.

Oh glean magic, lore of tzeentch, your oppenent loses a wizard level, and a randomly determined spell, which you then gain

War shrine is a bound spell, chariot with no impact hits, and doesn't take dangerous terrain or have swift stride

d3 units are given a roll on eotg.

Banner of rage is mofK only makes frenzy unlose able, if a character with the banner joins a unit they gain frenzy,I'm pretty sure blasted standard is also there can't recall all what it did to be honest.

There is a slaanesh banner or item that lets the unit roll 1d6 for Ld.

Oh giant is much cheaper, and mark of Slaanesh is +1 I

Its pretty much what I said so far, 2 is take a ld test if you pass your -1 Ld and stupid, fail and your a spawn or removed, Stubburn, as is LD, 12 is daemon prince, 7 is a re-roll for that turn, everything else is a permanent killing stat increase.

Marauders are same as now you pay for all their gear in addition, you start with a naked dude.

A unit of 3 skullcrushers w/ lances at under 250 points puts out 9 S 6 attacks, 9 S6 magical attacks and 3 S 5 magical attacks, have a 1+ armour save, and highly resistant to test or die spells, I'd say they are well costed, especially when compared against chaos knights.

Chaos knights stay the same, Command are normalized, and marks are per model, must buy EWs.

Q: are there any god specific gifts?
A: Several gifts and items

A naked Chaos warrior is 6.25% cheaper, shield same, additional hand weapon same, halberd 300% increase, Great weapon 150% increase.

So I've double check warshrine. It gives a 3d6 roll and you remove the die you want. For example if you roll 2-3-5 you can have 7, 5, or 8 result. Which means unless you roll triple ones you aren't going to see insanity which still functions the same.


Forsaken are pretty meh to be honest, ASL is 1 in 6 chance, followed by one of poison, asf, killing blow, armour piercing, and one more USR.
Dann sagt er noch, dass die Zweihänder von Drachenogern günstiger wurden und die Profilwerte gleich blieben.

The ward on the Eye of the gods table is basically mark of tzeentch, so chosen can get a 5+ ward if they like as of turn one, ofcourse at that point they cost 20+ points per model before they get a weapon in their hands.

Also if I haven't mentioned Eye of the gods blessings stack.

Yep. But it would be a pretty terrible army to be honest, they aren't that cheap. But it can be a character mount, so its a good way to keep characters out of your units to protect them from test or die spells.

Ld test not re-rolls on your own Ld
Pass -1 Ld and stupidity
Fail Spawndom
In no particular order, BS, T, Ws, A, one re-roll in the turn, I, S, Ward, stubborn/Daemon Prince... missing something can't remember

Yep DP can be lvl 4's

Tzeentch lore...

d6 s6 hits is sig

treason; is no IP or Hold your ground

Bolt of change is d6+ (3 or 4) pierces ranks, no armour

Gateway is 2d6 hits at 2d6 S, on s10+ it does 3d6 hits, remove unit is gone

Can't remember the other 3, I recall being impressed by every spell in all 3 decks.

Chosen are 18 ppm
marks are 2 ppm slaanesh is 1
CMD standard 10 points
Additional HW 2 ppm
Halberds & Gw 3 ppm

Warriors pay the same price for marks, 14 ppm
1 ppm for shields
2 ppm for xhw
3 ppm for halberd/great weapons


60 points
Additional HW 5 points
Halberds/GW 8 points

75 points
Lances 3 points
Ensorcelled 5 points

Knights pay the same, stay 40 points

Forsaken 19 points
Marks same as everyone else, no command options

Chaos sorcerers 110 points base, same statline

Chariots 110

Warhounds 6
+1 ppm for poison
+1 ppm for 6+ scally skin
+2 ppm for swiftstride

Marauders 6ppm
Same cost for marks
2 ppm for flails
3 ppm for Great weapons
normalized command

Shaggoth is 215

Hellcannon has real ward, exact same otherwise, 210

Giant is 200 points

Except for SC no really stat changes]

Yep Chaos sorcerer Lvl1 110.

So the only inexplicable thing in the book Marauder horsemen went up in cost, and lost horse lords.

[Gore Beast Chariot is] pretty much as is from WD

T6 5W 3+ armour, 4 s5 from crew d6+1 s5 killing blow, and 3 or 4 attacks from the brute, at s5 I think, killing blow.

Just a general price increase on hero level wizards.

Interesting item. Skull of Katam 15 points

You choose to use it before channelling, you roll 6 dice to channel, but every time you stare into its murkey depths you lose 1 Ld, if your Ld reaches 0 you are removed as a casualty.

Blasted standard has changed

25 points

on a 2+ the strength of the shooting attack is halved, on a 1 its doubled.

Banner of rage in Khorne only, also only khorne marked characters can join a unit with banner of rage. The banner prevents you from losing frenzy, and if someone with the banner joins a unit that has lost frenzy they gain frenzy back

Schmeißt eure Fantasy-Bits nicht weg, gebt sie dem Obrrrrr!!!

Dieser Beitrag wurde 1 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von obaobaboss: 30.01.2013 10:24.

30.01.2013 10:23 obaobaboss ist offline E-Mail an obaobaboss senden Beiträge von obaobaboss suchen Nehmen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Freundesliste auf Fügen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Kontaktliste ein MSN Passport-Profil von obaobaboss anzeigen
obaobaboss obaobaboss ist männlich
Fantasy bis zum Ende V.2


Dabei seit: 24.12.2005
Beiträge: 12.646
Herkunft: Südtirol Passeiertal
Armeen: Orkze un' Gobbos, Hochelfchen

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von obaobaboss
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Mittlerweile ist so gut wie alles bekannt, da einige schon das AB haben. Mir ist es zu viel Arbeit alles jetzt noch zusammen zu suchen und hierher zu kopieren, aber ich sag mal so: Da sind einige schön knackige Sachen dabei smile

Schmeißt eure Fantasy-Bits nicht weg, gebt sie dem Obrrrrr!!!
31.01.2013 14:57 obaobaboss ist offline E-Mail an obaobaboss senden Beiträge von obaobaboss suchen Nehmen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Freundesliste auf Fügen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Kontaktliste ein MSN Passport-Profil von obaobaboss anzeigen
Yersinia pestis


Dabei seit: 05.05.2006
Beiträge: 11.952
Herkunft: Tirol

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z.B ein Chaosgeneral des Tzeentch mit 3+ Rettung und 1ser wiederholen....

Have FUN!

31.01.2013 14:58 Yersinia pestis ist offline Beiträge von Yersinia pestis suchen Nehmen Sie Yersinia pestis in Ihre Freundesliste auf
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