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Brazork Brazork ist männlich


Dabei seit: 18.05.2005
Beiträge: 21.624
Herkunft: Innsbruck
Armeen: Chaos, Khemri, Grünhäute, Oger, Imperium

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Hab soeben (mithilfe des WD) entdeckt, dass Bretonen doch geschwächt werden!
Die Hostien der Herrin des Sees sind praktisch nur noch sinnvoll, um Bleibt im Spiel-Zauber zu bannen! Jeder Zauberer darf schließlich nur noch die selbst generierten benutzen. Also in Kürze das Um und Auf einer stylischen Bretonen-Armee großes Grinsen *Sarkasmus*

Waaagh, Brazork!

We don’t make mistakes here, just happy little accidents - Bob Ross in 'The Joy of Painting'
letzter Turniersieger der WHFB - 8. Edition

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Defender Defender ist männlich
Captain & Retter der Brücke


Dabei seit: 09.09.2005
Beiträge: 3.508
Herkunft: Wörgl
Armeen: zu wenige - harharhar

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Hab grad folgendes im Münchner Forum entdeckt:

Having borrowed a preview copy of the new O&G book from a local store I decided to write a full review for all you impatient guys out there.

There are four army specific rules; Animosity, WAAAGH!; Size Matters and Choppa.

Animosity is changed from last edition, now it is only one roll, on a 1 the unit squabbles, 2-5 fine, and on a 6 the unit moves 1D6” towards closest enemy it can see, or straight forward if no enemies are within LOS.

WAAAGH! allows the O&G player to call for a turn of general mayhem. Before rolling for animosity once in the game the player announces his general is calling for WAAAGH!. The effects give many units a bonus to the animosity roll. The general’s unit counts as having rolled 6 automatically, as does any black orc unit (although they are normally not susceptible to animosity). Orc units add their rank bonus to the animosity roll, as do goblins, but the short runts get a maximum of +1. All units with big bosses get a bonus (+1). A roll of 1 is always a squabble so this can not be used to avoid that effect, except with the warbosse’s unit.

Size Matters is a simple rule, nothing small can panic something bigger. Snotlings do not panic goblins, goblins do not panic orcs etc.

Choppa is the last army-specific rule. All orcs carry a choppa instead of a hand weapon. It has all the properties of a hand weapon, and in addition gives +1S for the first turn of combat, regardless of who charges. Additional choppa is also at +1S.

The character section still contains the usual suspects, same as in the last edition. No extra goblin big bosses though for all-goblin armies. They could have given the poor blighters a 2 for 1 rule or something, to make them worth taking in mixed armies.

Orc Warbosses are now mean. They are now S5, for 10 more points. Finally. Same goes for Savage Orc Warbosses, they are S5, but cost the same as before, and the warpaint costs nothing! They can also ride in Orc Chariots or on Wyverns (see Monsters below) now. Black Orc Warbosses are S5 as before, and have a point of WS over the other orc warbosses and are armed to the teef. They can also quell a squabble in the unit they are in by inflicting D6 S5 hits. Contrary to rumours, you do not need a unit of BO to take the BO warboss.

Orc Great Shamen cost the same, but have gained a point of toughness. Savage Orc Great Shamen are only 5 pts more than the vanilla variety, and get warpaint for free. Both great shamen can now ride in Orc Chariots or on Wyverns.

Common Goblin Warbosses are unchanged, but can ride on Gigantic Spiders for 40 pts. Night Goblin War Bosses are also unchanged, but get a Great Cave Squig mount.

Goblin Great Shamen are unchanged, but the Night Goblin Great Shamen now cost 5 pt less than their common cousins, but get no free mushrooms.

Orc Big Bosses cost 5 pts more than before for no gain, but Savage Orc Bosses stay at the same price and get warpaint for free. Strange. Fans of Black Orc Big Bosses will be disappointed to hear that they are now S4 for 5 pts more than before. They are Armed to the teef though, and quell squabbles like the BO warbosses.

Orc Shamen are unchanged, but the Savage Orc Shamen now come with the warpaint, and cost five points more than the common orcs.

Goblin Big Bosses and Night Goblin Big Bosses are unchanged, except they can now ride Gigantic Spiders and Great Cave Squigs.

Goblin Shamen are unchanged, except they can now ride in wolf chariots. Night Goblin Shamen are 10 pts cheaper, but get no free mushrooms.

The core units are not changed much. Orcs are better with the new choppas, goblins are more expensive, and spider riders are back.

Orcs are still orcs, but now one unit can be upgraded to big’uns, no other conditions. The Big’uns upgrade is two points more expensive though. Spears are cheaper though.

Arrer Boyz are still useless, but are one point cheaper, coming in at 6 pts with light armour (were 7+1 for armour before), unless you want a 60 pt meatshield for your shaman that can actually do something while avoiding combat.

Savage Orcs now come with compulsory warpaint, and cost one point more to boot. One unit can be upgraded to big’uns. Yes, even if you also have normal orc big’uns.

Common Goblins are now three points with light armour and hand weapon, +1 for shield. I can see the logic behind having light armour compulsory but not shields. It allows the opponent to see instantly if the goblins are ‘ard or not. Before all goblins had shields, and there was no difference between armoured and unarmoured goblins. Now you can see. Sucks for those of us that have goblins, but such is life.

Night Goblins are also 3 pt, with shield and hand weapon. The nets are now simple, roll a D6, on a 1 the night goblins get -1S, on a 2+ one enemy unit in combat with the little blighters gets -1S. The fanatic rules have changed slightly, they can now be snuffed by a unit willing to take an extra D6 S5 no save hits. I am hoping chosen chaos knights will try this option a lot. Oh, and O&G generals can no longer shoot/spell their own fanatics…

Wolfriders now come with light armour compulsory, for 1 more point than before. They get spears as before, and the shortbows are actually cheaper. So if you usually took them with bows you end up paying the same as before. You can now buy shields for +1 pt, which makes the unit loose the fast cavalry status.

Spider Riders are fast cavalry and come with spears and shields standard for 13 pt, and as the rumoured foretold they have move 7 and spiders have poisoned attacks. Riders have same stats as wolf riders. They have no options to negate the fast cavalry status. They can also move normally over difficult and very difficult terrain. No mention of this not applying to “wet” terrain, but that might be clear in the new rulebook.

Snotlings are no longer unbreakable, but rather stubborn on leadership 4. They do not count towards minimum core (in an O&G army do you care?), are no longer 0-1 and are minimum size 2 bases for 40 pt. Meet the new diverters.

My O&G always had problems wanting too much special choices. That is not likely to change, there are a lot of interesting choices here.

Black Orcs are indeed no longer 0-1, but cost 13 pt. They do get both great weapons and additional choppas, but must buy shields extra. Note that they must choose which weapon to use at the start of each combat, not each combat phase, as rumoured, per the Armed to the teef special rule. Oh, and the bosses are no longer S5 but still cost 5 pt more than previously. Can’t see the reason for the point hike, personally. 20 pt for +1WS and +1A is a bit steep.

Boar Boyz are now 4 pts more expensive but are otherwise identical. Guess cavalry is going up in price as the books come out. Can’t wait for the bretonnian book… One unit can be upgraded to big’uns (yes, even if you already have orc and savage orc big’uns) but for double the previous cost. Can’t see that being used much, orcs on pigs for close to the price of a chaos knight…

Savage Orc Boar Boyz are also 4 pts more expensive, but come with warpaint rather than paying 3 pts for it. With spear and shields each costs 25 pts per lad, but with the boar getting frenzy too this is not to steep in my opinion. If you do want to pay the price of a chaos knight for your 4+ save 6+ ward frenzied loony you can upgrade to big’uns for 8 pts (yes, even if you already have orc, savage orc and boar boys big’uns). Now that is steep.

The Chariots are the same, mostly. The orc variety now pays one less point for the extra crew, nothing else changes. The goblin chariots are no longer 2 for 1, but come with spears standard for the same old price, and can add one goblin for 3 pts. So slightly cheaper for those who used to buy the upgrades, slightly better for those who did not.

The Rock Lobber and Spear Chukka are also unchanged, chukkas still being 2 for 1 and bullies are still an option. The role of bullies have been clarified a bit with the Size Matters rule, now war machines with a bully ignore panic caused by friendly goblins.

The Squig Herd has been split up again, Squig Hoppers are an independent unit. The Night Goblin Squig Herd is now comprised of teams of 3 squigs and 2 goblins for 30 pts, which is considerably cheaper than before. They are now immune to psychology and hate dwarfs (yes, the squigs too!) but if they flee from combat or all handlers die the squigs go mad. As described in the latest WD they inflict D6 S5 hits on all units (friends and foes) within 2D6”. Ouch. Suicide bombers I’d say…

Night Goblin Squig Hoppers are now unit of skirmishers, bought in units of 5-10. They are also immune to psychology and hate dwarfs, and move in the compulsory phase 3D6”. No exceptions are given from fleeing from combat or pursuing, so I assume they run 3D6 in each case.

The choices are the same, but I notice that the option to hire DoW is gone.

Trolls have the exact same stats as before, for 10 pt less. However, to upgrade to stone or river trolls now costs +20 pts (!) rather than +5/+10. Stone trolls do get a 5+ armour save. River trolls are still not aquatic… The only change here that makes it in any way lucrative to take trolls is that you can now buy only one or two trolls in a unit (unit size 1+). Which can give you a 40-pts diverter that causes fear, but is stupid. What a missed chance to make trolls worth while. Of course, they do now benefit from changed regeneration rules, but I still doubt we’ll see many units in O&G armies.

Goblin Doom Diver Catapults do not appear to have changed much, but there are two important changes. First the boring one, the misfire table is gone, it now uses the stone thrower table. Now the fun one. Instead of re-rolling the scatter dice the O&G player can roll D3 and move the hit that many inches in any direction. No more missing skirmishers because the pencil dot is between bases! It still inflicts D6 S5 hits, no armour save. I predict we will see slightly more of those.

Snotling Pump Wagons are now 2 for 1 rare slot, but having lost the unbreakable status for stubborn on leadership 4 I can’t see them being taken much. They still inflict 2D6 S4 impact hits though.

Giants are unchanged. Quick all, go get the new giant while stock lasts. Don’t you people READ White-Dwarf?

There are two new monster mounts, and the bad old wyvern is slightly changed.

Wyverns now cost even 200 pts, all attacks are poisoned, and the extra tail attack has been added to the profile, for the total of three attacks. The new model is supposedly better, but there is no picture in the book, only off the old Wyvern.

Gigantic Spiders are cheap at 40 pts but are not so spectacular. They have similar stats to the spider rider mounts, but with higher S&T, 3 wounds and 3 attacks.

Great Cave Squigs are 10 pts more than the spiders, with similar stats, only better S and WS. They move as squig hoppers, and can’t join units.

Magical Items
O&G used to have crappy magical items. There were some good in between, but you mostly saw the same ones over and over. Drog’s, Staff of Badum etc. The greenskins now have a much bigger selection of viable items, and even some usable magical weapons! Note also that the price of the common magical items is changed. Sword of Might for 10 pts, Enchanted Shield for 15 pts, and the Staff of Sorcery for 30 pts, to name a few. Scrolls are still 25 though.

The weapon section is nice, much better than before. There is even a runefang here! The Battle Axe of the Last WAAAGH! is now more expensive, but adds the unit’s rank bonus to both the number of attacks and strength. 7 S8 attacks anyone? One weapon we will see a lot is Martog’s Best Basha, a dwarf-made trinket that gives +1S +1WS and +1I. For 15 pts. A great bargain. There are some goblin only toys here, but they mostly fall into the “interesting but limited use” bin. The Pigstikka is still there, unchanged.

The armour section is not-so nice. Say goodbye to Drog’s. There are only two entries here, The Armour of Gork that gives the wearer +1T, and the Spiteful Shield that bites unlucky opponents.

In the talisman section what immediately strikes the reader is that there is only one item with a fixed ward save. Warboss Umm’s Best Boss ‘At is still there, unchanged. The only other ward-save item is the Amulet of Protectyness, which gives the models the same armour and ward save as the model doing the wounding. Nice. There is an item that gives -1 to hit bearer in close combat, and the Collar of Zorga is now only 5 pts, and makes all monsters, mounts etc. hit bearer on 6’s. I guess many will be disappointed to find out that Sizzla’s is gone.

There is a lot of enchanted items, many quite good. For 30 pts you can add one attack to the profile of a character, or give him killing blow. Apparently with a magical item, or a great axe of choice. Nice. Warbosses just got really, really dangerous. The rumoured Ironback Boar is there, a mechanical boar from the chaos dwarfs that does D3 impact hits. You can now have a semi-reliable goblin scout with Maad’s Map. You can also have a suicide bomber goblin with the Brimstone Bauble. Not quite the old Heart of Woe, but nice if you have the character slot to spare. Nibbla’s ‘Itty Ring is still there, with a better ‘Eadbut, but a chance of inflicting a S5 hit on user. There is also another bound item that gives allies +1 Ld and enemies -1 Ld. And let’s not forget the night-goblin only Pipes of Doom that are a one-use only item that forces enemy cavalry and chariots to take a panic test.

There are only a few arcane items, and hardly any worth taking. The Staff of Sneaky Stealing now robs a power dice and adds to the dispel pool. There is an item that adds power dice to the pool for orcs in combat, and another that gives a shaman +2 to cast when he is in combat. The Magic Mushrooms are here, for 10 pt each you get the same effect as before.

The number of magical banners has been reduced, and some favourites are changed or gone. Nogg’s Banner of Butchery is unchanged though, which is a bit of a surprise. I thought that they would at least make it a bit more expensive seeing how it is always taken. A new favourite of mine is Mork’s Spirit Totem, a 50 pts banner that generates dispel dice equal to the rank bonus of the unit. If you think you can survive with 5 dice you no longer need any shamen in your army! The big red banner now only allows goblins to re-roll panic, and the night banner, guff’s flag and the flag of bork are gone. The Spider Banner gives goblins poisoned melee and missile attacks. Gork’s WAAAGH! Banner is now one use item that gives +D6” to a charge. Nothing here about it having to be the first charge.

As rumoured, magic is changed quite a bit. Now orcs use the Big WAAAGH! and goblins the Little WAAAGH!, and the miscast table uses 2D6

Extra Magic Dice can still be had. O&G no longer get any extra dispel dice for units in combat, and actually get one less dispel dice for 20+ strong orc units fleeing in the enemy magic phase. The do still get +1 power dice for units in combat, but only for 20+ orcs. No need to be close to the shaman any more either.

The Miscast Table is not what I expected. There is “only” a 17% chance of the shaman getting killed outright and models in base contact taking a S10 hit (although on a double 1 all friendly units on the table suffer D6 S3 hits!), and a 25% chance of taking D3 S4 hits. No more hopping like a squig either. There is a 16% chance of forgetting the spell cast, a 25% chance of the caster taking a wound. There is a 14% chance of the caster suffering from frenzy and stupidity for the rest of the battle (can not loose frenzy). If you roll boxcars the spell is cast with irresistible force, and must roll again, re-rolling further rolls of 12.

The Little WAAAGH! spells are quite nice. The default is a magic missile, the Gaze of Gork, inflicting D6 S2 hits with no armour save. The old Brain Bursta is there, and Gork’ll Fix It is nasty, turning all 6’s to 1’s for an enemy unit. The Foot of Gork is there, unchanged. The Hand of Gork is still there, but now the unit moves 2d6 regardless of it being in range of the enemy or not. The new nasty spell (against some armies) is Mork Wants Ya! , which is cast on an enemy model within 18” (no LOS). If the model fails an initiative test it takes D6 S10 hits.

The Big WAAAGH! spells are even better. The default is the Gaze of Mork, unchanged. ‘Eadbut is now nastier, lower casting value and S5 with no save. Bash ‘Em Ladz is almost unchanged, but can only target friendly orcs, not goblins. The Fists of Gork now has an 18” range, and the orcs with choppa now always hit on 4+. Gork’s Warpath is there, but now wanders off on a roll of 2-4, instead of 2-3 before. WAAAGH! has been changed a little. First, it only affects friendly units. Second, it propels any unit 2D6 inches forward, even trolls, giants and warmachine crews!



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