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Geschrieben von Daggi am 19.06.2015 um 10:34:


Hier noch das Scoring für Turniere

ÀtÀ At the end of the current round, the match time limit has been reached
(if time is called mid-round, players must finish the round). Each player
calculates his score by adding together the total squad point value of his
opponent’s destroyed ships, including Upgrade cards equipped to those
ships. The player with the greater score receives a Modified Match Win,
and his opponent receives a Match Loss. If the winning player’s score is at
least 12 points more than his opponent’s score, he receives a Match Win.
If both players have the same score, the game ends in a Draw.

Players earn tournament points at the end of each match as follows:
ÀtÀ Match Win = 5 tournament points
ÀtÀ Modified Match Win = 3 tournament points
ÀtÀ Draw = 1 tournament point
ÀtÀ Match Loss = 0 tournament points
These points are used to determine the winner of the tournament. In the case
of a larger event, they are instead used to determine who makes the cut to
the championship bracket rounds.

Margin of Victory

At the end of each match, the player who has destroyed more squad points
adds the amount by which his score exceeds his opponent’s score to 100
and records it on his score sheet. The player who has destroyed fewer squad
points subtracts the same amount from 100 and records it on his score sheet.
End of match example: Anakin wins the game, destroying 53 squad
points of his opponent’s ships. Anakin’s opponent, Biggs, has
destroyed 24 points of Anakin’s ships. Anakin wins by 29 points,
which he adds to 100 for a margin of 129. Biggs loses by 29
points, which he subtracts from 100 for a margin of 71.
If a player destroys all of his opponent’s ships, his opponent’s squad is worth
100 squad points, even if it is worth fewer squad points to begin with. If both
players destroy an identical number of squad points, each player receives a
Margin of Victory of 100 points. If a player concedes the match, treat all of
his remaining ships as destroyed.


Sieg mit >=12 punkten Differenz egal ob Zeit oder nicht =5:0
Sieg mit <12 Punkten Differenz =3:0
Unentschieden = exakt gleiche Punkte = 1:1
Wichtig im Cut also in der Elimination (wenn es eine gibt)... ist der Tiebreaker bei einem Unentschieden die Initiative

Geschrieben von surly am 19.06.2015 um 10:55:


Bissl was anderes als was du gestern erzählt hast großes Grinsen
So machts schon Sinn, passt eh gut.

Geschrieben von Daggi am 19.06.2015 um 11:07:


@Surly: Jo zum Glück hab den Absatz dann auch endlich gefunden in den Turnierregelen - Ist halt nicht unter Scoring aufgeführt.

Die 12 Punkten sind halt schon Krass da reicht dir im Prinzip ein Z-95 Vorsprung...

Geschrieben von surly am 19.06.2015 um 11:21:


Danke auf jedem Fall fürs Raussuchen Danke

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