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Geschrieben von Kurl Veranek am 21.09.2010 um 09:09:

Achtung Neue DE

erste Bilder der neuen DE fröhlich

Geschrieben von obaobaboss am 21.09.2010 um 11:10:


Sieht nach brauchbaren Chaos-Slaaneshkrieger aus Zunge raus .

Geschrieben von Kaisavokina am 21.09.2010 um 17:16:


schöne Incubii

Geschrieben von kelsho am 24.09.2010 um 10:08:


Gefunden in nem anderen Forum (und dann noch auf Brückenkopf....):

Is wohl ein neuer DE Krieger!

Geschrieben von Kurl Veranek am 24.09.2010 um 10:14:


Haha du warst um 2 sec schneller!

Aber nicht vergessen: Ist nur ein WIP aus Resin also noch lange nicht die fertige Version. Vor allem am Helm soll sich noch einiges ändern.

Geschrieben von kelsho am 24.09.2010 um 10:25:


Hmm... dann haben die absichtlich ein WIP Bild reingestellt?

Die Figuren sind doch angeblich schon in Produktion, werden ja am Sonntag am Games-Day in GB vorgestellt.

Geschrieben von Brazork am 24.09.2010 um 10:40:


Könnte man bitte Dark Eldar auch ausschreiben?

Da gibt es doch eine gewisse Verwechslungsgefahr - und man muss, wenn man DE liest, immer nachsehen, in welchem Bereich man sich befindet.
DE ist bei Games Workshop auch die Abkürzung für eine andere Rasse cool

Geschrieben von obaobaboss am 24.09.2010 um 11:45:


Deutsche Einheit? Dänische Entdecker?

Geschrieben von Yersinia pestis am 24.09.2010 um 12:23:


Depperte Eigenbrötler?

Geschrieben von Yersinia pestis am 26.09.2010 um 13:11:


Am 5. Oktober kann man sie schon vorbstellen!

hier die Bilder

Geschrieben von obaobaboss am 26.09.2010 um 13:22:


Also bei Bilder 3-6 hätte ich auf dem ersten Augenblick Fantasy-figuren vermutet.

Geschrieben von kelsho am 26.09.2010 um 14:32:


und noch mehr pics:

Geschrieben von Magos Urb'Anech am 26.09.2010 um 20:17:


hm..dark eldar biker mit HOSEN???
wobei ich zugeben muss die sehn gut aus...sehr gut sogar.
nur der ..weiss das der anführer? der erinnert stark an dem maskentypen in vidocq!

Geschrieben von Kurl Veranek am 26.09.2010 um 20:20:


also da werde ich wohl bei einigen sachen zuschlagen sei es für Fantasy DE oder für meine Eldar.

Einfach alles Hammer!!!!!

Geschrieben von Magos Urb'Anech am 26.09.2010 um 21:57:


aber was zum kuckuck sind die bihänder ganz oben bei den bildern vom kelscho? die sehn aus wie eine mischung aus chaos space marines, fantasy tiermenschen und ...wraithlord.. ?

Geschrieben von Kurl Veranek am 26.09.2010 um 22:06:


Das sind Incubi

Geschrieben von Kurl Veranek am 05.10.2010 um 22:27:

einfach mal reinschauen sind jetzt Bilder der Helions und Mandrakes dabei!

Einfach nur Hammer!

Geschrieben von Kaisavokina am 05.10.2010 um 22:59:


geile Minis- werd bis auf die Mandraks/Chars wohl auf die alten Minis zurückgreifen, da die überhaupt net zu den alten passen...

Geschrieben von kelsho am 07.10.2010 um 15:31:


hab da was in nem Forum gefunden, mach jetz einfach mal copy&paste, da .......

Das hier (vermutlich vielleicht auch schon irgendwo hier drinne...aber weils grade so schön aktuell ist, kommt von warseer:

Gewaltig viel Input Smile

Here is a summary of what I consider to be reliable Dark Eldar rumours. I'm not saying they are true, or that any other rumours are false, just that this is what I trust at the moment.

Feel free to discuss these and any other rumours to your hearts content, but keep it civil, don't spam, keep background discussions in the background forum, and please, if you want to complain about something, feel free, but do it once, and move on

Previous discussion can be found here, here and here.

General Info

GW teaser video can be seen here:

Dark Eldar will be released on November 6.

Pre-orders start on October 5 (about noon UK time guys, come on ).

Black Boxes should start turning up soon and will include:

Cover pic can be seen here:

Full cover here:

The book has been written by Phil Kelly

Harry has also told us:

Originally Posted by Harry View Post
I did hear that Jes had got involved with writting the book. I think he might have had something to do with writing the background section along with Phil. If that is right then I think (and I could be wrong about this) that this may be the first time he has done that since he wrote the original Skaven background.
There are apparently 23 pages background.

There is supposedly a bit of fluff that says Fabius Bile was taken to Commoragh to be trained by the Haemonculi,

No old models are shown in the new book, but only models in the first wave of release are shown.


Allows for Kabal, Wych Cult and Homunculus armies

All old units appear in this codex plus there are 3-5 new units

Army-wide special rules:
Night Vision - Acute Senses USR

Strength Through Pain – Most standard Dark Eldar Infantry units will have this rule, although some of the more out there ones will not. The unit gains an upgrade every time it wipes out an enemy unit (3 max). 1st Feel No Pain, 2nd Furious Charge, 3rd Fearless. ICs that join a squad combine their Pain Tokens with the squads.

Combat Drugs - Supposedly features mostly on Wych Cult units. Roll once. All units with the Combat Drugs rule get the same benefit. One result confers a free pain point. 12" Assault result is gone.
Results are:
3D6 pick the highest Run moves
+1 S
+1 WS
+1 free Pain Token

The "always attacker" rule is now gone.


Splinter Rifle 24" SX, AP5, Rapid Fire, Poisoned.

Shard Carbine 18" SX, AP5, Assault 3, Poisoned.

Splinter Cannon 36" SX, AP5, Assault 4, or Heavy 6 Poisoned.

Splinter Pods - an underslung weapon for the Hellions similar to the carbine

Blaster - Now 18" range

Disintegrator – S5 AP2 Heavy 3

Shredder - still in

Heat Lances - 18" S6 AP1 Lance, Melta

Special Characters:
There are 8 special characters, all are HQ choices:
Asdrubal Vect
Duke Sliscus
Urien Rakarth
Lelith Hesperax
The Decapitator
Duke Sliscus
Lady Malys (Vect's ex-wife)
Baron Sathonyx

One Special Character has some form of psychic defence

- Some FOC slots are subject to change -

WS/BS: 7 S/T/W: 3 I: 7 A: 3or4? Ld: 9 or 10? Save: 5+
Can take a wargear item the effect of which is that if he kills an enemy MC or SC in close combat he doubles his Strength to 6. If he kills another one, he doubles his Strength to 10. Can have a Blaster, or Blaster Pistol.
Can take a Huskblade - Power weapon that causes Instant Death.
Better at character killing.

Court of the Archon
Inquisitor style retinue for the Archon. Different members offer different bonuses.

Generic Wych HQ. Better at infantry killing.

Asdrubal Vect
Can be taken mounted or on foot. It has been said his throne fits nicely in the spot where the sail goes on the new Raider kit. This implies no new model. Personally, I think the new kit would look a little silly without the sail.
Seizes the initiative on a 4+
Armed with a S10 AP3 Assault 1 Blast Weapon that rolls against the target's Ld stat rather than their T. Any unsaved wound caused heals Vect up to his starting number of wounds.

Duke Sliscus
A corsair captain described as a nasty counterpart to Yriel. Supposedly not great at fighting but gives bonuses to the army.

Comes with a free Pain Token (and therefore Feel No Pain)
Can be upgraded to a Haemonculus Ancient.

Stats are now supposedly identical to the Eldar Phoenix Lords. 2+Sv
Armed with Demiklaives
Special Rules:
Eternal Warrior
Can move to a different spot in the same combat as long as he stays in base to base contact with enemy models.
Apparently there's a strong indication that Drazhar is actually Arhra.

Lelith Hesperax
WS9 A4 S3
Armed with Power Weapons (no poison)
Has option for Impaler
Special Rules:
Recieves a bonus attack for every point her WS is above the highest opponent's WS in base contact with her
Does NOT have Combat Drugs (she's above all that)

Lady Malys
Completely immune to psychic powers and passes this ability onto any unit she joins.

Urien Rakarth
Gives out D3 Pain Tokens at the start of the game, which must go to Wrack or Grotesque units
Regains 1 wound at the start of each DE Turn
Can upgrade Grotesques

Identical to the Codex: Eldar entry
There is no, repeat NO Solitaire.

5-10 Mandrakes
Have a shooting attack that gets stronger with every kill they make
Special Rules: Stealth and Infiltrate

T3, S3, 2A 3+ sv
3-10 squad size. Incubus, Klavex
2 Attacks each.
Armed with Incubus warsuit (3+ sv) and Klaives (Power Weapons with +1S)
Bloodstone - As per Blood Angels Hand Flamers. It is unclear if this is an option or a standard bit of kit.
Special Rules: Fleet, Night Vision and Power from Pain.
Klavex is a squad leader with WS5, A3 who can take Demiklaves, 2 smaller blades that either give him +2 attacks or +2S (both are Power Weapons). Klavex has the following special rules:
Onslaught: If a Klavex is in the unit, wound roll of 6 by Klavex or Incubus allows for bonus attacks, these cannot produce more attacks.
Murderious Assault: Klavex points at an IC and gains Preferred Enemy against that IC, can be done every assault phase

Kabalite Trueborn
LD9 and 2A
Have Sybarite stats. Armed with Splinter Rifle and Kabalite Armour. Dracon upgrade.
Special Rules: Fleet, Night Vision and Power From Pain.
Options to take more special weapons

Elite Wyches
Proper name unknown but possibly Hekatrix Bloodbrides or Syrens
LD9 and 2A
Options to take more special weapons

Kabalite Warriors
Stats are the same. Armed with Splinter Rifle and Kabalite Armour. Sybarite upgrade.
Warriors get 1 Dark Lance (and likely other heavy weapons such as the Heat Lance) per 10 models.
Can only take 1 special weapon regardless of squad size
Special Rules: Fleet, Night Vision and Power From Pain.

Stats are around the same.
Armed with: Close combat weapon, combat drugs, plasma grenades, splinter pistol, wychsuit.
Unit includes: Wych, Hekatrix, Hekatrix Bloodbride, Syren (all have different stats/options)
Champions still have the option for the Agoniser. Wych weapons are one per 5 models.
Special Rules: Fleet, Night Vision, Power from Pain.
Dodge (4+): Wyches have 4+ Inv save in CC
Wych weapons
- Shardnet and Impaler: Counts as 2CCW, every enemy model in base contact loses 1 attack to a min of 1
- Hydra gauntlets: Count as 2CCW that grant +D6 attacks instead of +1.
- Razorflails: Count as 2CCW, reroll to hit and wound.

Fast Attack
Reaver Jetbikes
T4, 5+ save, can Turbo-boost 36".
Reavers and Arena Champion
Armed with Wychsuit, splinter pistol, close combat weapon, combat drugs
Reaver Jetbike: +1T and 5+save, built in Splinter Rifle and 36" Turbo Boost
Have option to replace Splinter Rifle with weapons including Heat Lance.
Bladevanes: Turbo Boost over any number of units, select one unengaged, nonvehicle unit you have passed over. Each bike does D3 S4 AP- hits. Cover Saves allowed.
Cluster caltrops: As Bladevanes but does D6 S6 AP- hits. Only 1 in 3 may take this.
Grav-Talon: As Bladevanes, D3 S4 AP-, if target suffers 1 or more unsaved wounds it must immediately take a pinning test.
Special Rules: Night Vision, Power from Pain, Skilled Riders
Can perform a "fly-by" attack on enemy units without becoming locked in close combat.
There is no way to take these guys as Troops.

Supposedly have hit and run
Skyboards have a S5 AP4 assault 2 shooting attack
Champion can take a special type of skyboard which can pull an IC out of its unit when using Hit and Run. This leaves him engages in Close Combat with the IC though.

Beast Masters
Ride Hellion Skyboards
Can take a total of 7 beasts per Beastmaster from three beast types:
Khymera - The old Warp Beast
Vodwing Flock - W5 5+ Invul, Rending
Clawed Fiend - gets better as it gets wounded.

4+ Sv
Armed with with Shard Carbines, and Jump Pack
definitely have more weapon options.
Can supposedly take Haywire Grenade Launchers
Special Rules:
Deep Strike

Heavy Support
Fast, skimmer, open-topped, AV 11 11 10
Armed with 3 Dark Lances as standard
Can fire all weapons after moving 12" and after Deep Striking

Apparently changed to Ogryn-sized creatures with S5, T5
Special Rules:
Feel No Pain
Apparently explode if "you leave them alone too long"

Human-sized Homunculus constructs

Similar to what we have now.

Weaker but cheaper Talos.
When it kills a model with one of it weapons you may choose a unit to add a Pain Point to. You can only get 1 point per weapon per Turn (3 max per turn)
Has 2 ranged weapons

Razorwing Fighter
AV 11, 11, 11
Can fire all weapons after moving 12" and after Deep Striking
Can take any combination of up to four missiles of the following types: Neurotoxin, Implosion, Soul Stealing (?), and Explosive.
Implosion Missile causes all models touched by the small blast marker to pass a test on their wounds stat or suffer Instant Death.

Voidraven Bomber
AV 11, 11, 11
Armed with 2 S9 AP2 Dark Lances and a S8 Bomb dropped along its flight path (scatters D6").
Can fire all weapons after moving 12" and after Deep Striking
Can take any combination of up to four missiles of the following types: Neurotoxin, Implosion, Soul Stealing (?), and Explosive.
Implosion Missile causes all models touched by the small blast marker to pass a test on their wounds stat or suffer Instant Death.

Fast, skimmer, open-topped AV 10 10 10
Has upgrades for a 5+ invulnerable (not cover) save and another that gives an extra 2D6" movement.

Transport capacity 6
Armed with Twin Linked Splinter Rifles and can upgrade to a Splinter Cannon
Despite the name, this is not a Harlequin dedicated transport.

Geschrieben von Daggi am 16.02.2011 um 12:09:


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