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Geschrieben von JimmyGrill am 31.05.2005 um 17:10:

  Die Tyraniden

Wie die meisten Leutz ja mitgekriegt haben, ist kürzlich der neue Tyraniden Codex für 40K erschienen.

Da ja hier sowieso niemand 40K spielt (ich eig. auch nur mehr halb Zunge raus ), werd ich einfach von den Regeländerungen absehen und einfach ein paar schöne pics posten.

Wie findet ihr die neuen Modelle?

Hive Tyrant (Schwarmtyrann)

Tyrantguard (deutscher Name??)


Persönlich find ich die Modelle zwar ganz okay, verstehe aber nicht die Kehrtwende im Stil zurück zu den vorletzten Tyraniden verwirrt

Außerdem hat mir der alten Hive Tyrant besser gefallen.

Geschrieben von Cry am 31.05.2005 um 17:16:


Mir gefallen die Modelle. großes Grinsen

Muss aber auch gestehen das ich von WH 40k kA habe. großes Grinsen


Geschrieben von JimmyGrill am 31.05.2005 um 17:23:


Nachtrag: natürlich der Carnifex (wie kann man den nur vergessen Augen rollen )

Da das Ding jetzt aus Plastik ist, ist es auch deutlich größer als sein Vorgänger:

Geschrieben von cosmic am 31.05.2005 um 19:07:


hübsch, nur an den ersten Carni kommt nix ran... das war ein TIER, harhar..

Geschrieben von JimmyGrill am 31.05.2005 um 20:45:


Original von cosmic
hübsch, nur an den ersten Carni kommt nix ran... das war ein TIER, harhar..

Wennst meinst...hehe

Ich find ja das war eher eine "Sichelkartoffel" großes Grinsen

Geschrieben von Orfi am 31.05.2005 um 21:39:


wenn ich 40k spielen würd dann eh nur tyraniden

schaun einfach am geilsten aus

aber ich denk mal, schwer zum bemalen

Geschrieben von Lumas am 01.06.2005 um 07:34:


Ziemlich geile Modelle. Ich find auch das es so ziemlich das coolste Volk von 40K ist. Noch lieber wären mir aber Tau.


Geschrieben von JimmyGrill am 01.06.2005 um 11:16:


Original von Lumas
Noch lieber wären mir aber Tau.

Guter Mann großes Grinsen großes Grinsen

Ich werd mal meine 40K Tau ausgraben und ein paar Fotos machen müssen (übrigens genau das selbe Tarnschema wie meine Epic Tau)

Geschrieben von necromancor am 09.06.2005 um 10:22:


Ich hab hier mal ne Regelzusammenfassung der Tyraniden:

Auf gefunden

Auf gibt es eine Zusammenfassung aller bekannten Tyranidenregeln.

Gargoyles up 2 points
Tyrant Guard same
Genestealers same
Warriors (cheapest config) up 4 points
Deathgaunts up 1 point
Ravenors down 5 points
Carnifex up 15 points (from mutable genus)
Hive Tyrant up 11 points (from mutable genus)
Lictors same (but 1 less wound)
Zoanthorpes up 1 point (can take 2 additional psychic powers)
Biovores same (mines changed dramatically, use small blast now but each
biovore fires as many mines as there are in the brood, eg. 3 vores = 9 mines)

All Tyranid ranged weapons other than the Venom Cannon (AP4) have AP5.
Barbed Strangler STR C-1, 36", Pinning
Spinefists twin-linked
Others rerolls to wound (not sure about Barbed Strangler if reroll)

All biomorphs have either gone up in price or stayed the same. Many of the new biomorphs are pretty cheap but have little use (other than spine banks for a carnifex, which give him a spinefist to shoot in HtH for the price of 1 spinegaunt).

Carnifex biomorphs (costs in increments of spinegaunts):
Regenerate = 6 spinegaunts
+1 W = 3 spinegaunts
+1 T = 4 spinegaunts
Crushing Claws = 5 spinegaunts
Extended Carapace = 5 spinegaunts
Enhanced senses = double current
Toxin sacs = same
Scything Talons = same
Barbed Strangler = 4 spinegaunts
Venom Cannon = 7 or 9 spinegaunts (forgot)
Thornback = 3 spinegaunts
Spore Cysts/Spine Back = 1 spinegaunt

Hive Tyrant (Went up to I5 base)
winged = 8 spinegaunts
extended carapace = 5 spinegaunts
warp shield = 7 spinegaunts
+1 Init = 3 spinegaunts

Base carnifex costs 17 spinegaunts and still has WS3 and I1.

Psychic powers are the same plus one additional, shadows of the warp makes enemy psykers take tests on 3 D6.

Broodlords HAVE to take a retunie of genestealers (mandatory).

Special & Miscellaneous Rules

No 'shoot the big ones' or indeed any special targeting rules at all beyond standard 4th edition.
No 'make your own hive fleet' (options included in new list).
No mutants.
No Tyranid special characters.
All Tyranids use 'move through cover' special rule.

Instinct Behaviour Table
Tyranids outside Synapse can chose to Lurk in cover (which grants them a bonus to cover saves) or roll Leadership to see if they can move normally. No check to Lurk. Lurking broods can still shoot, cannot claim table qtrs. If you fail the LD test to move then you fall back as normal. Fallback is now towards the nearest Synapse creature, not cover or board edge.

Tyranid Wings
Tyranids with wings can enter woods now -- winged Tyranids are now treated as Jump Pack troops.
Any Tyranid which takes wings cannot take 'extended carapace'.
Wings count as a biomorph and so do not take up a weapon bio-symbiote slot even with wings you MUST take two weapon-symbiotes.

Living Ammunition -- reroll to wound rolls, fleshborers, and devourers benefit from this rule.

Psychic Powers
Ranges of certain powers extended (not warp blast).
Warp Blast
Psychic Scream
The Horror
Synapse -- all creatures in synapse range including the synapse creature itself are now immune to Instant Kills.
Shadow of the Warp -- makes all enemy Psychic Tests on the battlefield use 3 dice and take the two highest, no effects of the warp.
Warp Field -- now confers a 2+/6+ save.

Movement Rules & Biomorph Clarification -

Leaping does not grant FoC just the 12" charge range and extended attack radius.
Being a 'Beast' gives you FoC and a 12" range but no extended attack. Hormagaunts are both.

Army List

Hive Tyrant
Winged Hive Tyrants 0-1.
Tyrants get Synapse and Horror psychic powers for free and can select only one more.
Has sole access to 'bonesword and lashwhip' bioweapons.
Can take twin-linked deathspitters and devourers with an appropriate price rise if you take toxin sacs.

Tyrant Guard
Tyrant Guard may only be taken by, and may only guard a Hive Tyrants.
Flying Tyrants cannot take Tyrant Guard.
Scything talons and rending claws (may replace scything talons with lash whip for no extra cost).
Stats remain the same.
The models have no eyes, because they are completely psychically controlled by the Hive Tyrant.

Brood Lord
Not a Monstrous Creature.
S5 T5 I7 a marine save.
'Inhuman Strength' -- attacks count as being made with a power weapon. Inflitrates but no 'fleet of claw'.
Option for genestealer retinue (they loose fleet of claw but gain infiltrate).
Whether a Brood Lord is what a normal Genestealer can grow into, or whether it is a specialised creation made from the genestealer genome remains to be clarified.

Feeder Tendrils -- Lictor's feeder tendrils confer 'Preferred Enemy' to all broods within 12".
Deepstrikes into a terrain piece and can assault straight away.
Lictors allow a re-roll of Reserves roll (like IG Improved Comms).

Warriors can choose one of the following - 'leaping' (12" charge range and extended attack radius) or 'wings' (12" move).
Winged warriors become fast attack slots.
Warriors can not 'fleet of claw'.
Immune to instant kill thanks to changes to the 'synapse' psychic power (see above).
Basic stat line overall has been lowered however biomorphs allow for it to be raised again.

Base armour save now 5+, 'extended carapace' allows for an improved 4+ armour save.
Genestealer can 'fleet of claw'.
Basic cost not changed.
Biomorphs, & Bioweapons -- scything talons, extended carapace, acid maw, feeder tendrils, scuttlers, toxic miasma, toxin sacs, and implant attack. The genestealer sprue (two sprues to a box) comes with 4 normal heads, 3 acid maw and only 1 feeder tendril head. The sprue despite a lack of certain heads includes two large 'infestation markers', a 'genestealer skull', and a single 'spine ripper'.

Gaunts (Ranged Weapons, Non-leaping)
'Without number' rule rom the Tyranid Seeding Swarm list, meaning that they keep coming back after death. 'Without number' rule does allow units to control table quarters but opponents do scores VPs each time the unit is destroyed.
Gaunts under 8pts can 'without number' for +3pts.

Hormagaunts (Scything Talons, Leaping)
Hormagaunts remain the same stat line and cost as previous however biomorphs are available at a cost.

Only ranged weapon is spinefist, limited number of biomorphs available, 'rending rippers' aren't possible.
A 'Spine Ripper' -- a Ripper armed with a spinefist is on the plastic genestealer sprue.
Winged Rippers -- codex states they become FA, WD states they stay Troops.

Raveners are now classed as 'Beasts', gain deepstrike, and can have a optional thorax mounted ranged weapon in addition to their two standard melee weapons, now slightly cheaper but statline remains the same. Raveners must either take two sets of scything talons or one set of scything talons and one set of rending claws.

Spore Mines
New FA choice, 0-3 spore mines of the same type, deepstrike and when one detonates they all blow up.
Spore Mines move as per 3rd edition codex.

Slightly more expensive but they do gain from revision of instinctive behaviour chart (lurk means no more falling back into terrain and destroyed but towards nearest synapse creature).

Stats the same and slightly cheaper.
As well as Warp Field Zoanthropes can now choose 2 additional powers.
Has 'toxic miasma' as standard (fluff wise the miasma exits the vanes on the Zoanthrope's back).

Uses 'brood telepathy' rather than being subject to 'synapse' rules.
Have to deploy together, all have to purchase the same spore mine types.
They fire as a unit.
Mines explode using the standard Barrage rules from the rulebook -- small blast template used.
Shoot as an altilery but 1 shot for 1 biovore, all spores use blast marker, all biorores must shoot at one target.
Spore Mines move as per 3rd edition codex.
"Biovores will be in a unit together and fire clusters of spore mines at enemies. If they hit, all the mines go off on that target. If they miss, the spore mines form a unit together."

If the Carnifex is under (not equal to, it specifically states under) 115 Points, it can be Elites, if it's over, it's Heavy Support. Carnifexes can only be taken as Elites in games of 1500 points or more. So yes, you CAN have six Carnifexes in a list. You could also either keep it to three Elite Fexes, or Three Heavy Support Fexes, or a mix thereof.
Can take one set of 'crushing claws' which replace base attacks with D6 attacks in combat.
Can take twin-linked deathspitters and/or twin-linked devourers (each twin-linked weapon counts as one bio-weapon choice).
Can take a pair of venom cannons (or a pair of barbed stranglers) and they become twin linked but count as two bio-weapons choices.
Can take both a barbed strangler and a venom cannon and fire both or buy two sets of twin-linked devourers or deathspitters and fire both.
Two tail upgrades -- 'Mace Tail' (+1A at full Str) & 'Scythe Tail' (+d3A at ½ Str) striking at Int 1and only functions when facing 4+ opponents.
Three carapace upgrades -- 'Spore Cysts' (Spore Mine generation),
'Thornback' (Doubles models Counts as, if on winning side), Spine Banks (Frag Grenades & Spinefist). These upgrades cannot be combined e.g. 'thornback' and 'spore cysts'. To clarify a carnifex with 'Thornback' counts as 20 models and can be raised even higher by adding symbiotic rippers.
Regeneration -- at the start of every Tyranid turn you roll a D6 for each wound lost, on a 6 you regain a lost wound up to your starting number. You cannot go beyond the maximum number you had in the first place. Once it's dead, it's dead.
Stat upgrading biomorphs -- it is possible to take the biomorphs which give +1T, +1W, & Regeneration together. Extended carapace obviously can also increase the save to 2+ as before.

Weapons (changes) & Biomorphs

Venom Cannon 36" can penetrate open top vehicles, max strength cap 10.
Barbed Strangler 36", better AP, causes pinning, max strength cap 8.
Deathspitter 24", max strength cap 7.
Devourer 18", 'living ammunition', No AP, max strength cap 6.
Spine Fist now twin-linked.
Fleshborer 'living ammunition'.

Bonesword & Lashwhip -- the bonesword grants a continuous Catalyst effect for the Tyrant and extents the range of the catalyst psychic power, it along with the lashwhip counts as one bio-symbiote.

Crushing Claws -- Carnifex only, replaces base attacks with D6 in combat.

Acid Maw (re-roll To-Wound, first round only)
Adrenal Glands (+1WS & +1 Int)
Bioplasma (Hits on 4+, count as double I, S+1 [Max S10])
Bonded Exoskeleton (+1T)
Enhanced Senses (+1BS)
Extended Carapace (+1Sv)
Feeder Tendrils (gain Prefered Enemy, also conferred to all nids within 2)
Flesh Hooks (same as current version)
Implant Attack (same as current version)
Leaping (3 assist zone)
Mace Tail & Scythe Tail (Fex only - at Int 1and only functions when facing 4+ opponents)
[Mace Tail +1A at full Str]
[Scythe Tail +d3A at ½ Str]
Regenerate (roll 1d6 for each wound lost - Regain 1W for each 6 rolled)
Reinforced Chitin (1W)
Scuttlers (gain Scouts ability)
Spine Banks (Frag Grenades & Spinefist)
Spore Cysts (Spore Mine generation)
Symbiote Rippers (+1 to unit size for Outnumbering purposes)
Thornback (Doubles models Counts as, if on winning side)
Toxic Miasma (opponents at -1WS)
Tusked (+2 on charge instead of +1)
Winged (as Jumppack , but can not take Leaping or Extended Carapace)

Geschrieben von JimmyGrill am 09.06.2005 um 11:18:


Mannmannmann necro, spam hier nicht alles mit Zahlen zu Zunge raus

Geschrieben von necromancor am 09.06.2005 um 11:38:


Original von JimmyGrill
Mannmannmann necro, spam hier nicht alles mit Zahlen zu Zunge raus

Hab mir nur gedacht, dass es jemanden Interresiert Zunge raus
Mich interresierts eh nicht Augen rollen

Geschrieben von Magos Urb'Anech am 10.06.2005 um 01:03:


Ähem...sorry aber ich spiel trotzdem 40k herr grille!!!!!
und zu den neuen modellen muss ich sagen: hm.....!

weiss ja nicht genau was die da mit dem schwarmtyranten gemacht haben, aber es ist wirklich zwanghaft eine rückkehr zu dem der 2ten edition. und das grauslige hornschwert auch noch!!!!!.....naja, über den werd ich mich noch hermachen.

über den carnifex genauso. der ist ja jetzt zum glück etwas "umbaufreundlicher" geworden als der zinntyp.
was mir gar nicht gefällt ist diese scheiss wespentaille die er hat. steht da wie das größte monster seit godzilla und hat dann den bauchumfang von posh spice...würgs.

ich denk da über einen dezenten umbau mit vielleicht sechs oder mehr beinen nach...ein zweiter körper dazu und..........*sabber...lechz...umbauen...* was haltet ihr davon?

aber alleszusammen find ich die modelle sehr gelungen. besonders der liktor schaut wieder so böse aus wie er sein soll. und die regeln.....immer als schocktruppe!!!!

Original von Lumas
Noch lieber wären mir aber Tau.

Guter Mann

Ich werd mal meine 40K Tau ausgraben und ein paar Fotos machen müssen (übrigens genau das selbe Tarnschema wie meine Epic Tau)
.....*hüstel, hüstel*...hufträger....

Geschrieben von JimmyGrill am 10.06.2005 um 01:23:


Original von Magos Urb'Anech
Ähem...sorry aber ich spiel trotzdem 40k herr grille!!!!!

Tatsächlich großes Grinsen ...gibts doch noch wen großes Grinsen

.....*hüstel, hüstel*...hufträger....

LOL... und das ausgerechnet von einem Tyraniden Augen rollen Zunge raus

Geschrieben von Magos Urb'Anech am 11.06.2005 um 01:59:


LOL... und das ausgerechnet von einem Tyraniden

*zeterundmordioschrei* das sind keine hufe, das sind KLAUEN... großes Grinsen oder wenigstens scharfe hufe.... Augen rollen und meine grossen tun ohnehin schweben oder staksen auf sensenklauen durch die gegend....

aber um zu deinen tau zurückzukommen....der flieger von FW den du gemacht hast ist sehr fein geworden..... Freude

Geschrieben von necromancor am 11.06.2005 um 02:04:


Ok, das kann man aber auch per PN klären und dann mal bakc to Topic Augen rollen

Geschrieben von JimmyGrill am 11.06.2005 um 21:06:


...und straight back on topic:

Hab gerade eine sehr geile Seite gefunden, auf der alle ALTEN Tyraniden Modelle gezeigt werden - von 1987 bis zur jetzigen Edition; cool

ist echt ein ziemlicher Brüller, sollte man mal gesehen haben:

Tyranid Evolution

Geschrieben von Magos Urb'Anech am 15.06.2005 um 01:54:


@jimmygrill: *breitestgrins*,....hybriden sind schon sehr witzig...und der so genannte "Symbiarch schaut einfach nur aus als ob man einem symbionten eine perchtenmaske aufgesetzt hat...(die farbe könnte variieren)

was mir auch aufgefallen ist sind die stachelharpunen der 2edi termaganten.... IMO könnten die von GW ruhig auch in die box mit den ganten gepackt werden oder zumindestens wieder produziert werden damit man sich nicht ALLES selberbauen muss!

Geschrieben von JimmyGrill am 23.07.2005 um 01:03:


Bin auf eine Wahnsinns Tyranidenseite gestoßen:

Hive Fleet Moloch



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