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Brazork Brazork ist männlich


Dabei seit: 18.05.2005
Beiträge: 21.621
Herkunft: Innsbruck
Armeen: Chaos, Khemri, Grünhäute, Oger, Imperium

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Für alle, die's noch nicht gesehen haben. Erste Gerüchte auf (in der Folge auch auf und der Festung) verfügbar.

Ich denke, mit Vorsicht zu genießen.

Some early info on the new tomb kings army book reached me. May not tell the source but it proofed to be right several times in the past. However, as the design of the book is in an early state, I wouldn't bank on all these rules being in the book.

- All the current units will make it into the new book but the battle standard bearer wich will be dropped
- Skeletons will be allowed to choose a stand and shoot reaction
- Undeads will not be allowed to make a march move
- Tomb kings and princes will not be able to cast incantations anymore. Instead the "my will be done" rule will enable a unit they are attached to to have a second movement in the magic phase. This can't be dispelled.
- Tomb kings and princes will be immune to poison. They will get the option to wear heavy armour and to ride a skeleton horse. Princes will have the option to carry the battle standard
- Priests and high priests will be ordinary magicians. However, they will be immune to miscasts. Don't know much about the lore they'll use but they will be able to heal more wounds with one spell
- Skeleton heavy horsemen will get WS3 and be fast cavalry
- Dont' know if chariots will be core or special
- Tomb guard will get heavy armor
- Ushabti will become really nasty with a new special rule and special weapons. Don't know anything more abput that
- Bone Giant will get several equipment options. (Maybe as in the chronicles?) Will get WS4 and T6 but presumably lose unstoppable assault

Hallo again. I had a long chat with my source today, getting more and more detailed information on the new Tomb King’s rules. The rules are from the first design script for the new book, or so I was told. So it is a really early bit of information and nothing is safe but I thought you would still like to know.
Personally, I like most of the innovations very much. A very mobile army with tactical special rules - this is definitely going in the right direction.

Special rules:

The rule stays the same except for the sentence regarding to the charge reactions: Undeads may not choose to flee as a charge reaction.

The curse:
If a Tomb King or Prince is killed, the model or unit responsible for his death is hit by the curse. This is either the model (or part of model) or unit in case of usual warriors who caused the final wound (it is irrelevant in which way) or, if the character was killed by the combat resolution, every enemy unit and model engaged in the combat. The models and units hit by the curse must immediately take a leadership test on their own leadership minus 2 (minus 1 in case of a Prince). If the test is failed, the model (or part of model) or unit looses D6 wounds with no safes of any kind (not even a ward safe or regeneration) allowed. In case of units or models with different parts which are hit because the character was killed by the combat resolution, the wounds are distributed like shooting.

Tomb Kings and Princes are mummified in dry bandages and inflammable oils. They are flammable.

My will be done!:
At the beginning of each own magic phase, the Tomb King or Prince and his unit get an extra movement phase at a roll of 3+ (4+ in case of a prince) on a D6. No unit can get more than one movement phase in a magic phase, no matter how many Princes and Kings are attached to the unit. However, if one King or Prince fails his roll, another one may try.

Master of the dead:
If a Liche Priests or a Liche High Priest rolls a miscast, the spell simply doesn’t work with no further effect.

Armed to the teeth:
The Bone Giant Elder carrys two hand weapons, a great weapon, a giant bow and a shield he wears heavy armour, standing up from the grave prepared for every battle.

Undead construct:
An undead construct has a 4+ armour safe which can be combined with amour and shield as well as magic resistance (2). Furthermore, every undead construct (i.e. Bone Giant, Bone Giant Elder, Tomb Scorpion and every single Ushabti in a unit) adds an extra +1 to the combat resolution. An undead construct has neither flanks nor a back but always counts as fighting in the front. Still a unit of Ushabti is not turned to face the opponent with the front but keeps the formation. The enemy simply gets no bonuses for fighting in the flank or back. Note that bone giants (and elders) don’t get a hand weapon & shield bonus.

If a Liche Priest or Liche High Priest is attached to a unit with this special rule, he can never be targeted by shooting and may always use the Look out Sir! Rule. In fact, for the purpose of being hit by ranged attacks, the Priest is treated as if the unit was at least 5 models big.

Ritual Blades:
All Ushabti attacks count as being magical. They always get a +1 bonus to hit in close combat.

Stone Keepers:
Ushabti are massive statues made from the hardest stone. Ushabti count as if they were wearing light armour. In addition, enemies charging Ushabti loose all charging bonuses. So they cause no impact hits, loose weapon bonuses (such as for lances), don’t automatically strike first and loose all charging special rules they might have.

Incantations of the dead

The secret incantations: The following three incantations are known to all Liche Priests and Liche High Priests. There is no possibility for Tomb Kings or Princes to learn these Incantations.

Incantation of summoning. Cast on 4+
Choose one friendly unit, single model, or character (even in a unit) in 12”. If successfully cast, the chosen target immediately retrieves D3 wounds lost. A unit of Graveguards retrieves D6 wounds (thus models), a unit of Skeletons retrieves 2D6 wounds. Champions, standard bearers and musicians are retrieved first, in this order. In all other cases you may distribute the wounds among a unit at wish (for example between a skull catapult and the crew), still retrieving complete models in case of models with several wounds. Note that you can’t rise the units or models wounds or models above the initial value.

Incantation of urgency. Cast on 4+
Choose one friendly unit, single model, or character (even in a unit) in 12”. If successfully cast, the chosen target immediately gets a second movement phase. Note, that a unit can be moved by this invocation only once in a magic phase. Also note that a unit which was moved by “My will be done” may not be moved by this invocation in the same magic phase.

Incantation of righteous smiting. Cast on 4+
Choose one friendly unit, single model, or character (even in a unit) in 12”. If successfully cast, the chosen target immediately gets a second shooting phase (in addition to the one following). If the unit is engaged in close combat, every model may immediately deal out one attack with all boni and mali it would have in the following close combat phase. Note, that in case of models with different parts, each part may deal out one attack. For example a light chariot would deal out two attacks from the two skeletons and two attacks from the skeleton steeds. Also note that this invocation may be used to absorb the effect of a misfire 2 or three of a catapult in the previous shooting phase. It won’t fire in the magic phase but may fire as usual in the following shooting phase. A unit can be affected by this incantation only once in a magic phase.

The common incantations: The following three incantations can be known to Liche Priests, Liche High Priests, a Tomb King (if he is a wizard) or a Tomb Prince with the holy scroll of dark secrets (magic item making him a level 1 wizard). These incantations are randomly determined as usual. Liche High Priests know two of the common incantations, Lich Priests, Tomb Kings and the Tomb Prince know only one of the common incantations. As usual, all wizards can swap one of their spells for the first one, the Incantation of Bane.

Incantation of bane. Cast on 8+
Choose one enemy model or part of model in case of models with different parts as for example a hero on a monster in 12”. No restrictions on the choice of targets apply. Parts of models that can never be hit, such as a knights horse or a chariot crew, can not be chosen as a target of course. If successfully cast, the chosen target must immediately take a toughness-test and an initiative-test. If one of the tests is failed, the target looses D6 wounds with no safes of any kind (not even a ward safe or regeneration) allowed.

Incantation of rotting vermin. Cast on 7+
Magic missile. Range 18”. Causes 3D6 strength 1 hits with the killing blow special rule.

Incantation of eternal flight. Cast on 5+
Can only be cast on the wizard himself. The wizard is immediately teleported to any place on the field. This way, the wizard may even leave a close combat but not enter one. Simply take the wizard model and place it anywhere on the field with at least 1” distance to enemy models. The wizard may be attached to a friendly unit as long as it isn’t engaged in close combat. If the wizard is riding a skeletal steed, the steed is lost and the wizard appears on foot. If the wizard is riding in the chariot, he leaves the chariot an appears on foot. He can not ascent the chariot again (not even by this incantation). The chariot is now driven by the skeleton only, however if the chariot it a magical one, it keeps its magical properties even without the character.


Light chariot
Not changed

Giant bow
Counts as a Bow. Shoots like a spear-thrower. May move and shoot. May stand and shoot. Always hits on 5+.

Counts as a Bow. Always hits on 5+.

The casket of souls
Only one casket per army.
Casket Guards: WS increased by 1, wear heavy armour and great weapons (Tomb Blades).
The casket: The casket of souls is a war machine. It can not move. It can not be destroyed. Only Priests and High Priests may be attached to the Casket. Shooting is randomised between the casket and the crew, ignoring hits against the casket.
When both casket guards are destroyed and there is no Priest or High Priest attached to the Casket anymore at the beginning of an own magic phase, the casket crumbles to dust giving the opponent its victory points.
Spirit Souls: The casket of souls adds 3 dispel dice to the players pool.
The light of death: At the end of each Tomb Kings magic phases, if at least one Priest or High Priest is attached to it, the casket may be opened. Roll one D6 for every enemy unit or model in line of sight of the casket. At a roll of 4+ (2+ if the target has a line of sight to the casket) someone in the unit turned his eyes on the infernal light. Throw 2D6+2 and deduct the units own unmodified leadership (attached characters LD may be used) from the total. This is the number of wounds the unit or model looses with no safes of any kind (not even a ward safe or regeneration) allowed. The wounds are distributes like shooting.
Terror: The casket causes Terror.


Tomb King
Profile not changed
Weapons and armour: Hand weapon
Magic: A Tomb King is not a wizard. However he may be upgraded to a level 1 wizard for ? Points, using the incantations of the dead.
Options: May carry a flail or a great weapon.
May wear light armour or, if on foot, heavy armour.
May carry a shield.
May ride a skeletal steed or ride in a light chariot, displacing one of the skeletal crew.
May be equipped with magic items with a limit of 100 Points.
Special rules: The curse, Embalmed, My will be done!, Undead

Liche High Priest
Profile not changed
Weapons and armour: Hand weapon
Magic: A Liche High Priest is a level 4 wizard, using the incantations of the dead.
Options: May ride a skeletal steed.
May be equipped with magic items with a limit of 100 Points.
May take a casket of souls to battle.
Special rules: Master of the dead, Undead


Tomb Prince
Profile: Strength increased by 1.
Weapons and armour: Hand weapon
Options: May carry a flail or a great weapon.
May wear light armour or, if on foot, heavy armour.
May carry a shield.
May ride a skeletal steed or ride in a light chariot, displacing one of the skeletal crew.
May be equipped with magic items with a limit of 50 Points.
May be the battle standard bearer. In this case he may get a magic banner without a point limit instead of other magic items.
Special rules: The curse, Embalmed, My will be done!, Undead

Liche Priest
Profile not changed
Weapons and armour: Hand weapon
Magic: A Liche Priest is a level 2 wizard, using the incantations of the dead.
Options: May ride a skeletal steed.
May be equipped with magic items with a limit of 50 Points.
May take a casket of souls to battle.
Special rules: Master of the dead, Undead

Bone Giant Elder
Profile: 6 4 2 6 6 7 2 5 9
Equipment: A lot. See special rule Armed to the teeth.
Options: May be the battle standard bearer. In this case he may get a magic banner without a point limit.
Special rules: Undead construct, Armed to the teeth, Big, Terror

Core units

Skeleton warriors
Profile not changed
Weapons and armour: Hand weapon, Viperbow
Unit size: 10+
Options: May exchange their Viperbows for Spears.
May get spears in addition to their Viperbows.
May wear light armour.
May carry a shield.
Upgrade one Skeleton warrior to a champion.
Upgrade one Skeleton warrior to a standard bearer.
Upgrade one Skeleton warrior to a musician.
Special rules: Undead, Corpseguard

Skeleton horsemen
Profile: Skeletons with WS3 and LD4; Skeletal steeds not changed
Weapons and armour: Hand weapon, Viperbow
Unit size: 5+
Options: May exchange their Viperbows for Spears.
May get spears in addition to their Viperbows.
May wear light armour.
May carry a shield.
Upgrade one Skeleton horseman to a champion.
Upgrade one Skeleton horseman to a standard bearer.
Upgrade one Skeleton horseman to a musician.
Special rules: Undead, Light cavalry, Corpseguard

Tomb swarm
Nothing changed

Grave Guard
Profile not changed.
Unit size not changed
Weapons and armour: Heavy armour, shield, hand weapon
Options: Not changed
Special rules: Not changed

Light chariot unit
One unit of light chariot per King or Prince in the army counts as a core unit. Every further unit counts as special unit.
Nothing changed

Special units

Profile: Strength increased by 1.
Unit size not changed
Special rules: Not changed

Tomb Scorpion
Nothing changed except for the changes in the “Undead construct” rule.

Profile not changed
Unit size: 1-6
Weapons and armour: Huge ritual blades [count as Halberds]
Options: Upgrade one Ushabti to a champion. [+1 A]
Upgrade one Ushabti to a standard bearer.
May get a magical standard up to 25 Points.
Upgrade one Ushabti to a musician.
Special rules: Ritual Blades, Stone Keepers, Undead construct, Undead

Rare units

Screaming Skull Catapult
Nothing changed

Bone Giant
Profile: WS increased by 1, BS2.
Equipment: Two hand weapons, heavy armour
Options: May change his two hand weapons for a great weapon
May carry a shield.
May carry a giant bow.
Special rules: Undead construct, Large Target, Terror, Undead

Magic Items
There is not a list of magic items yet, only some design notes on the task:

Holy scroll of dark secrets – Princes only – level 1 wizard ~45 points
Some item adding 1 or 2 to M at very low costs ~5 points
A first strike great weapon.
Destroyer of Eternities to be changed.
Fail of Skulls is in and cheaper.
Serpent Staff to be changed.
Scorpion armour is out.
Crown of Kings to be changed - +1 dispel dice. ~25 points
Collar of shapesh is in.
Chariot of fire to be changed – stronger and more expensive.
Cloak of the dunes is out.
Arkane Items to be redone.
Icon of Rakaph is in.
Some magic banner adding +2 or +W3 to the combat result. ~50 points

Waaagh, Brazork!

We don’t make mistakes here, just happy little accidents - Bob Ross in 'The Joy of Painting'
letzter Turniersieger der WHFB - 8. Edition

16.06.2009 17:21 Brazork ist offline E-Mail an Brazork senden Homepage von Brazork Beiträge von Brazork suchen Nehmen Sie Brazork in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Vlad Vlad ist männlich
Mister 1000-Dollar-Armee


Dabei seit: 04.10.2005
Beiträge: 1.337
Herkunft: IBK
Armeen: Vampire

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Wäre cool wenns kommt, keine Frage. Dann krieg ich meine Armee bestimmt los. fröhlich
16.06.2009 18:06 Vlad ist offline Beiträge von Vlad suchen Nehmen Sie Vlad in Ihre Freundesliste auf
obaobaboss obaobaboss ist männlich
Fantasy bis zum Ende V.2


Dabei seit: 24.12.2005
Beiträge: 12.647
Herkunft: Südtirol Passeiertal
Armeen: Orkze un' Gobbos, Hochelfchen

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Diese Steindingsregel bei den Ushabtis klingt für mich nich so glaubhaft...

Und die Extrabewegung wär auch zach.

Schmeißt eure Fantasy-Bits nicht weg, gebt sie dem Obrrrrr!!!
16.06.2009 18:30 obaobaboss ist offline E-Mail an obaobaboss senden Beiträge von obaobaboss suchen Nehmen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Freundesliste auf Fügen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Kontaktliste ein MSN Passport-Profil von obaobaboss anzeigen
Brazork Brazork ist männlich


Dabei seit: 18.05.2005
Beiträge: 21.621
Herkunft: Innsbruck
Armeen: Chaos, Khemri, Grünhäute, Oger, Imperium

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Brazork
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finde die Regeln auch sehr überzogen.
Speziell die Tatsache, dass Tiermenschen und Skaven in näherer Zukunft rauskommen sollen und es dazu praktisch weniger Infos gibt.

Also eher wohl Wunschdenken... Augen rollen

Aber vielleicht hat sich Khemri auch schlecht verkauft und sie wollen den Verkauf ankurbeln großes Grinsen

Waaagh, Brazork!

We don’t make mistakes here, just happy little accidents - Bob Ross in 'The Joy of Painting'
letzter Turniersieger der WHFB - 8. Edition

16.06.2009 18:33 Brazork ist offline E-Mail an Brazork senden Homepage von Brazork Beiträge von Brazork suchen Nehmen Sie Brazork in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Kurl Veranek Kurl Veranek ist männlich
Komet alda


Dabei seit: 07.11.2006
Beiträge: 13.732
Herkunft: Vomp
Armeen: Füße auf Steinen

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Ich glaub da sollte man sich nicht drauf verlassen.

Lol @Uschn:

S7, magisch, +1 aufs Treffen, Untotes Konstrukt, 3+ Rüssi, Keine Flanken Rücken, +1 aufs Kampfergebnis für JEDEN Uschen,.....


In pain there is life, in darkness endless strength.

Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness.

Keelah se'lai!
16.06.2009 18:34 Kurl Veranek ist offline E-Mail an Kurl Veranek senden Beiträge von Kurl Veranek suchen Nehmen Sie Kurl Veranek in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Punktepuker Punktepuker ist männlich
Offizieller Kelleroger der Lamerstraße


Dabei seit: 23.10.2006
Beiträge: 1.638
Herkunft: Innsbruck
Armeen: Oger 2000 Punkte

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Die wären glatt spielbar Augenzwinkern

Always outnumbered - Never outgunned
16.06.2009 19:35 Punktepuker ist offline E-Mail an Punktepuker senden Beiträge von Punktepuker suchen Nehmen Sie Punktepuker in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Muffin Muffin ist männlich
Listenschreiber für Team Tirol


Dabei seit: 06.12.2006
Beiträge: 2.283
Herkunft: Innsbruck
Armeen: N-I-X

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Ich seh schon, der 20er Uschn Breaker wird spielbar!
16.06.2009 19:52 Muffin ist offline E-Mail an Muffin senden Beiträge von Muffin suchen Nehmen Sie Muffin in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Stormgarde Stormgarde ist männlich
Bürgermeister von Zirl


Dabei seit: 22.12.2005
Beiträge: 25.465

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Gehen nur 6!

Vladdy, wenn die so kommen kauf ich dir deine Armee ab, Ushen hab ich selbst smile

Khemri eig auch nur deine sind hübscher^^
16.06.2009 21:35 Stormgarde ist offline E-Mail an Stormgarde senden Beiträge von Stormgarde suchen Nehmen Sie Stormgarde in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Yersinia pestis


Dabei seit: 05.05.2006
Beiträge: 11.952
Herkunft: Tirol

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Aktuell auf der Gw Page die Ankündigung von Khemri für Mai.

(einloggen um das zu lesen)

14.02.2011 11:25 Yersinia pestis ist offline Beiträge von Yersinia pestis suchen Nehmen Sie Yersinia pestis in Ihre Freundesliste auf
obaobaboss obaobaboss ist männlich
Fantasy bis zum Ende V.2


Dabei seit: 24.12.2005
Beiträge: 12.647
Herkunft: Südtirol Passeiertal
Armeen: Orkze un' Gobbos, Hochelfchen

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Uiuiui... ich bin gespannt.
Aber laut Ankündigung schon mal 16 Seiten weniger als das Orkbuch Zunge raus

Wenn wir wirklich noch voll im Fantasy wären, würde der Antonio wohl mit den Neuerscheinungen recht teuer belastet werden großes Grinsen

Schmeißt eure Fantasy-Bits nicht weg, gebt sie dem Obrrrrr!!!
14.02.2011 12:37 obaobaboss ist offline E-Mail an obaobaboss senden Beiträge von obaobaboss suchen Nehmen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Freundesliste auf Fügen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Kontaktliste ein MSN Passport-Profil von obaobaboss anzeigen
Brazork Brazork ist männlich


Dabei seit: 18.05.2005
Beiträge: 21.621
Herkunft: Innsbruck
Armeen: Chaos, Khemri, Grünhäute, Oger, Imperium

Themenstarter Thema begonnen von Brazork
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LOL - wollte auch gerade posten, dass die Khemri im Mai neu kommen.

also meine zwei Armeen die ersten beiden neuaufgelegten...

und wenn dann wieder irgendwer WHFB spielt, sind's wieder die mit den ältesten Armeebüchern roflmao

Waaagh, Brazork!

We don’t make mistakes here, just happy little accidents - Bob Ross in 'The Joy of Painting'
letzter Turniersieger der WHFB - 8. Edition

14.02.2011 14:33 Brazork ist offline E-Mail an Brazork senden Homepage von Brazork Beiträge von Brazork suchen Nehmen Sie Brazork in Ihre Freundesliste auf
obaobaboss obaobaboss ist männlich
Fantasy bis zum Ende V.2


Dabei seit: 24.12.2005
Beiträge: 12.647
Herkunft: Südtirol Passeiertal
Armeen: Orkze un' Gobbos, Hochelfchen

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Scheints bekommen jetzt wohl wirklich alle ihre fetten Monster! Zwei Sphinxenteile und dahinter auch noch Schlangenwesen. Die Schlangen schauen richtig toll aus.

Edit: Genaueres Bild der Sphinx

Finde das Blau-Grün unglücklich gewählt und finde es auch schade, dass man nicht die klassische Sphinxform gewählt hat (also die Flügel und ein Gliedpaar hätte man weglassen können).

Nochmal genauere Bilder
Neue Grabwächter:

oder aus der gleichen Box Stalkers

Andere Sphinx

Schmeißt eure Fantasy-Bits nicht weg, gebt sie dem Obrrrrr!!!

Dieser Beitrag wurde 4 mal editiert, zum letzten Mal von obaobaboss: 05.04.2011 15:18.

05.04.2011 15:10 obaobaboss ist offline E-Mail an obaobaboss senden Beiträge von obaobaboss suchen Nehmen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Freundesliste auf Fügen Sie obaobaboss in Ihre Kontaktliste ein MSN Passport-Profil von obaobaboss anzeigen
Kurl Veranek Kurl Veranek ist männlich
Komet alda


Dabei seit: 07.11.2006
Beiträge: 13.732
Herkunft: Vomp
Armeen: Füße auf Steinen

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facepalm Da hab ich mir sowas von mehr erwartet. Da gefällt mir so ziemlich gar nichts.


In pain there is life, in darkness endless strength.

Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness.

Keelah se'lai!
05.04.2011 19:25 Kurl Veranek ist offline E-Mail an Kurl Veranek senden Beiträge von Kurl Veranek suchen Nehmen Sie Kurl Veranek in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Kaisavokina Kaisavokina ist männlich
Suder- & Verweigerungskais0r


Dabei seit: 18.05.2005
Beiträge: 7.020
Herkunft: Es war einmal....
Armeen: alles Verweigerungsarmeen

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größer, besser, teurer..

die nächste 40k Edi wird sicher eine Flieger- und Titanenedi- haben ja mit den letzten Dexen schon angeklopft..


Statt zu diskutieren wird man nur angepöbelt..
06.04.2011 14:58 Kaisavokina ist offline E-Mail an Kaisavokina senden Beiträge von Kaisavokina suchen Nehmen Sie Kaisavokina in Ihre Freundesliste auf
Baumstruktur | Brettstruktur
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Forensoftware: Burning Board 2.3.3, entwickelt von WoltLab GmbH
Design by GrandDragonLord | Umsetzung & Templates by Deathfragger
